1- Be my Valentine

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A guy with blue hair, blue eyes wearing a white overcoat with a blue scarf was drawing something with sharpie markers and regular washable markers. "If this doesn't get to be my valentine, nothing will." He said to himself as he took a neon pink sharpie writing "Be my valentine, Miku ❤ Kaito". He smiled at his handiwork and found a pair of blue scissors to cut the outline of the heart he drew up. He saw two turquoise haired people walking to where he was. "Hi, Kaito!" He hid his valentine behind his back. "Are you excited for Valentine's Day?" He nodded. "You bet, Miku. I also can't wait to ask a special someone to be my valentine." The turquoise haired teen blushed a bit. "Yeah, it's gonna be pretty special." He said not looking at the two. "Well, I hope that when Valentine's Day comes, it'll be a special one for you and your valentine." She said leaving with her turquoise haired friend. Kaito quickly got his hand-drawn valentine for Miku. "That was a close call." He went to the park to fix up his valentine a bit by adding some sparkle to it. "I am not going to be dateless or end up hurt this year." He said filled with determination.

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