Anon X Kanon

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Warning! This contains incest (siblingsXsiblings)... If you are against these things, do not read. Seriously... I don't want any hate comments.

You have been warned

Well, enjoy this long overdue update.

"Hey, Luka-Chan?" Miku tugged on Luka's blazer.


"Are they twins?" She pointed at the two students; one with long bright orange hair, tied to the side, along with some purple highlight at the tip of the sidetail. Another had short, tomboyish hairstyle and slightly taller (and way bustier) than the other student.

"Yeah. They just transferred here." Luka replied as she continued walking straight.

"I see..." Miku muttered.


"Onee-chan, stop holding my hand. People are watching." The taller twin said as she looks down, blushing brightly.

"So?" The long haired giggled. "They won't know that we like each other like how couples does. This may just look like some sisterly thing. No big deal."

"Shush.... Kanon-Nee, keep your voice down. People might hear." The younger twin blushed furiously.

"Hehe. Okay, Anon."

"L-let my hand go..." She half-whispered as she faced down towards the floor, trying to hide her red face.



The class is entirely quiet. Only the sound of pens scratching against papers could be heard. Kanon looks around the class, trying to snap out of her boredom. Her eyes stopped at her sister who is sleeping soundly. Anon had her face planted on the table with her textbook covering her face.

"Should I wake her up? I don't want her to be caught... But then it's my fault that she was tired today. I insisted to teach her till late at night. Maybe I should let her sleep."

"Kanon, wake up!" The teacher yelled, snapping her out off her trail of thoughts.


"Oh... Uhh.... I mean your sister. Sorry."

"Typical. Everyone messes up our names. Even our parents." Kanon let out a long sigh as she leaned towards her sister and pat on her shoulders. "Hey, Anon. Wake up."

"Five more munutes, Kanon-Nee..." She mumbled before snapping out of her slumber when she noticed that she's in class. "Uh... sorry."

~After school

"Hey, Kanon? I have something to tell you." An underclassman approached Anon, mixing up their names.

"Eh? But..."

"Follow me." The student lead the way to the back of the school, far away from other students.

"Umm.. What is it? Why are we here?"

"I-I know that you had recently transfered here and you probably don't know me. But.. ever since you transferred here I couldn't take my eyes off you. W-will you go out with me?"

"Uhh.. I..."

"Don't worry, I'll give you some time to think about it."

The student ran off at a top speed, leaving Anon alone with all her thoughts.

'Will Kanon-Nee be okay with this?'

~At home

There was an awkward silence between the two sisters. Anon was blankly flipping through a magazine, looking through the advice column while Kanon stared at her sister across her. She had never said a single word. Their walk home was really quiet. Not even a voice escaped from their mouth.

Kanon let out a soft sigh before she finally spoke up. "Anon, why were you acting so weird? Did anything happen in school?"

"Nothing happened... Don't worry about me."

"You're not acting like yourself. I thought you hated that magazine saying that it is full of utter crap."

Anon just sighed under her breath and whispered, "Someone confessed to me."

"What? Is that all?"

Anon nodded as a faint blush crept up her face.

"Thank goodness... Geez. You sure can make things awkward." Kanon giggled and added. "But, that's what I like about you."

"Yeah but... She messed up our names and... well..." Anon mumbled softly as her face turned from a faint pink to red.

"Pfft. How could she like you when she don't even know your name?" Kanon laughed as she got up from her seat and moved next to her blushing twin.

"Then.. How should I reject her?"

"Umm.. Well... Should I mark my territory? Something obvious like... a bite mark maybe?" Kanon joked.

"Wh-what!? No! Don't!" Anon's head grew hotter as she looked down. "They will find out about us."

"Hehe. I'm just playing around with you. Now, where shall I start?" Kanon teasingly traced her finger towards Anon's lips.

"Geez. Kanon-Nee, will you cut it out? I'm being serious here!"

"Okay, I'll stop." Kanon giggled. "What if you just come up with a reason? Like how you used them to skip sports."

"Like what?"

"How 'bout something like, 'I'll be graduating soon. I'm sorry but this relationship won't work.'."

"Oh. That would work. Thanks, Kanon-Nee." Anon smiled softly before she inched her face towards her sister. "Thanks." She whispered before planting her lips on Kanon's.

Their soft lips were pressed together, leaving nothing, not even a molecule between them. Anon's tongue somehow managed to slip into Kanon's mouth and explored every single bit of her. Their tongues fought for dominance intensely as soft moans escaped their lips. Their mind are getting numb and they are unable to think properly anymore. After a minute or two, they let go of each other, catching their breaths.

"Just remember that you will always belong to me." Kanon whispered. "I'll always be there for you."

"Th-thank you Kanon-Nee..."

~Lel extras~

"...Sorry. We can't be together." Anon said to the underclassman.

"Just because of graduation?" The underclassman grumbled.

"Uhh..." Anon looked behind her, looking for Kanon who was hiding behind a pillar.

"LOOK, A UFO!" Kanon suddenly yelled, pointing towards the sky.

Once the underclassman was distracted, Kanon quickly ran towards her sister (who also fell for that trick), grabbed her wrist and dragged her away from the girl. Both of them ran as far as possible to the safest place they could think of. Together.


What's this? YFG suddenly updates something? Lol I finally came up with an idea.... just one... After all this time... finally an update!!

Omg just recommend the pairings already!

YFG out.

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