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"Okay class, you are all dismissed for lunch."

"Stand. Bow"

"I heared that your confession didn't go really well, Akita-san." After weeks of silence, the quiet girl sitting in front of Neru finally talked.

Neru spat out her juice and coughed. "H-how did you know?"

"Kagamine-san told the class about it." She whispered, wiping the juice off her face. Her uniform is now stained red.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. It's just that...."

"No. It's okay."

"Uta-chan, lets go for lunch." A peach-haired, maid-like student approached them.

"Momo, I have told you not to call me that." She groaned. "Well, see you after lunch."

"Hurry up. Teto is waiting for us." Momo pulled her friend out.

"So she CAN talk... Now to teach that wide-mouth kid a lesson."Neru thought as she darted out of the class.

"Sheesh.. They sure are late." A chimera sighed and fiddled with both her drills.

"Teto-chaaan~" Momo greeted while running.

The three of them are friends since middle school. They became friends when they realised that they have extremely similar robotic voices (To be more exact, they found out that they have the same key chain hung on their bags. Girls, am I right?). After a while, people started calling them 'The Triple Robots' or 'The Robotic Triplets'.

"What took you so long?" Teto asked, pulling out a long crispy french bread.

"Uta-chan was talking to someone." Momo looks down at Teto's unnaturally large bread. "Can you even finish that?"

"Of course. Of course" Teto's eyes stopped on Uta's uniform. "What happened? Is it that time of the month?"

"Let's just say someone spat her juice on me." She noticed that Teto's bread is now half its size. "That was quick!"


"Oh, is that sushi? Lemme have some," Uta took a piece from Momo's lunchbox and stick it in her mouth.

"I never said that you can have it!!"

"They are getting along very well.." Teto nibbles on her, now palm-sized, bread.


"Oh, lunch is over." Teto picked up her crumb-filled lunchbox. "Ne, Defoko. You should go to the office and get some spare uniforms."

Momo nodded while fishing out a handkerchief to wipe the table.

"Yeah I guess." She turned to her maid-like friend. "There's no need to clean up. Why do you think the school hires janitors? They didn't pay you to clean up after yourself." Uta explained, staring down onto her red-stained uniform.

"Hehe. That's right. Sorry, it's just my bad habit again," Momo kept her handkerchief in her skirt pocket as they walked out of the cafeteria together.

"Here's a spare uniform. Geez, you should be careful next time," A sensei handed a baggy and used uniform. "There are no smaller sizes. Is it okay?"

"Yeah, sure. It's better than nothing." Defoko whispered and bows. "Arigatou."

"Oh, you got the uniform. Now let us accompany you to the toilet." Teto claimed.

"How 'bout both of you tell sensei that I'm running late." Defoko turns and walks away.

"No, let me at least accompany you," Momo chased after Defoko, leaving Teto behind like an abandoned puppy.

"Well then. I guess I'll tell sensei that both of them will be late." Teto sighed as she headed to the classroom.

"You should really get back to class. Sensei is waiting." Defoko said when they reached the toilets.

"No. I can't let you be alone"

"But you left Teto alone." Defoko exclaimed. Then, she noticed something. "Hold on. Do you want to see my body? Is that why you are following me?"

Momo's face turned to different shades of red. "N-n-no, t-t-that's not it!"

Defoko's liped curved to a side as she changed into the bigger-sized uniform.

Momo couldn't concentrate in class. Whatever her sensei talks sounds like pure gibberish. The class around her is entirely foggy. Her eyes wandered out the windows.

"Uta-chan is always teasing me. Am I really that easy to be teased?" Thoughts like these flew around her head.

"...mone-san? Momone-san? Are you even paying attention!?" A low-pitched voice rung into her ears.

"Eh, umm. Yes." Momo snapped out of her thoughts.

"Good. Now read paragraph 23"

"Are you kidding me!!"

"Oh.. ummm" Momo flipped through her textbook and started reading aloud. While reading, her eyes scanned around the class, hoping that no one is laughing at her. Her eyes stopped on her purple-haired friend wearing oversized clothes. She was half-asleep, nodding and trying to keep awake. "Good! She didn't even notice."

"Okay class, you are released a bit early today since everything went pretty smoothly." The sensei announced and he steps out of the class.

"Teto-chan. Let's go home," Momo practically yelled across the room.

"Yeah, sure. Hold on for a bit." Teto yells back and continued her conversation with some people around her. She ended the conversation before packing up her bags and waited for her robotic voiced friends outside of the class.

"Am I the only one who always wait for them?" Teto's face is covered by uncertaincy and curiosity.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Both Momo and Defoko appeared in front of her.

"Good. Then, lets go"

They arrived at a traffic light where they will be separated from Teto. Teto always cross the street while the other two walk ahead.

"Bye, Teto!" Momo waved to her chimera friend.

"See ya"

"Bye guys!!" Teto yelled across the streets as she walks backwards.

"Umm Uta-chan?" after a long awkward silence, Momo finally spoke up.


"Umm.. Why are you always teasing me? Is it because I'm an easy target?"

"It's a secret." Defoko whispered.

"Geez tell mee.." Momo begged and shook Defoko's slender body.

"There's no choice then." Defoko sighed. "I...kinda find you cute when you are being teased. I can't help it. Sorry."

Momo's face is now bright red. "Eh!? I-i-is that true?"

Defoko nodded quietly and shuffled her feet slowly.

There was a long awkward silence that even a pin dropped could be heard.

"Uhh.. well.. let's go home." Momo broke the silence as she turned and walked away.

Defoko grabbed Momo's small wrist, turned her around and implanted their lips together. Momo's face is actually brighter than it already was. Her eyes widened for a while before closing it slowly.

A few moments later, their lips finally parted. Momo is now blushing madly as her fingers felt on her lips.

"You are seriously cute." Defoko whispered and gave a small grin.

Momo could not think properly. "What was that about?"

"C'mon let's go home." Defoko smiled.

"After what you already did!?" Momo was in a state of confusion.

"Heheh.. yeah..."

Epic extras are epic!!

"Rin! Why did you spread that around!?" Neru scolded Rin for spreading her failed confession.

"What? I didn't spread anything.."

Neru gave Rin a death glare.

"Um well, apart from the whole class. Heehee." Rin backed off slowly before she ran off. "I'M SORRY!!"

"COME BACK HERE YOU BRAT!!" Neru chased after her.

Neru chased Rin all around school even though there is a rule not to run around the school compound. Once Neru caught up with Rin, her knuckles rubbed against Rin's head.

"Ow ow ow! I said I'm sorry, dammit!!"

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