Interview with trefoilprints

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dragonwritesthings: It's so great to have you here today, Flora! Can you tell our readers a bit about what you do on Wattpad?

trefoilprints: Ah, sure! When I actually decide to be productive I write stories, mostly fantasy/magic-centric original works or Warriors fanfiction. I'm a big fan of the series (though I need to finish Vision of Shadows still).

dragonwritesthings: That's super cool! How long have you been writing, and what does writing mean to you?

trefoilprints: I've been writing since I was around 12-14 I think? I've been writing little dumb things before that but sometimes around that age range was when I really started getting into creating my own characters and improving my writing skills. As for what writing means to me, I've always liked that it was a way for me to express myself because I'm not very good at doing that face to face. It gave me a way to say how I feel, make friends with people (fictional and non-fictional), and a world to escape to whenever I was having a bad day.

dragonwritesthings: Do you view writing as a career or just a hobby?

trefoilprints:It's definitely more of a hobby for me. Much as I love writing, I don't see myself making a stable living out of it, and I'm more interested in becoming a psychologist/therapist.

dragonwritesthings: How realistic is your writing?

trefoilprints: I try to keep it as realistic as possible, I think. Whatever magic I add I'll do my best to ground and explain but I definitely write fictional stories. My characters especially I try to flesh out and make realistic though.

dragonwritesthings: That's a really great strategy! If you could give any advice to your younger self, what would it be?

trefoilprints: DON'T MAKE YOUR OCS JUST BE RECOLOURS. And, you know, try to make them likeable characters XD But to be more serious, I think the main thing would be try not to get discouraged. Even if you don't like your first draft, a really amazing story could come out of it if you keep pushing.

dragonwritesthings: That's really good advice! How does bad review affect how you feel about your writing, and how do you deal with negative feedback?

trefoilprints: I have mixed feeling about them honestly. I appreciate honest feedback on what I can improve, but I put a lot of myself and my heart into my stories and it hurts a little a bit to know that I didn't do it justice. And as for how it affects how I feel about the writing, I usually revamp or abandon the story afterwards, which may not be the best reaction.

dragonwritesthings: Were there any books that inspired you to start writing?

trefoilprints: I don't think any actually published books did, but Mint and Sparrow on Wattpad definitely inspired me to actually attempt to write and publish a story (Warriors fanfiction of course) on Wattpad. Though I will say the original version of Claw Marked was... garbage. Just absolute trash.

dragonwritesthings: Oof, I can definitely feel having really bad firsts drafts of something, I have my fair share of terrible fanfics XD. On that note, over the years what do you think has improved the most in your writing?

trefoilprints: My characters, both designs and personalities. They actually feel like people now which is not something 10 year old me playing Fossil Fighters could say, haha. And I've been told I write dialogue well but I don't really know.

dragonwritesthings: Do you have a certain page/word goal to complete every day, or no?

trefoilprints: I like to have at least 900 words in a chapter but I don't exactly have a real goal in mind. I just sit down to write when I feel inspired and things just sort of happen.

dragonwritesthings: What's the hardest thing about writing for you?

trefoilprints: Continuation. Sitting down and actually completing the story I started, mainly because I struggle filling out the middle of a story. (This is why I'm going to start planning them out more). I can start and end a story just fine, but the middle just kind of... becomes random things happening because I don't have plot for it, just for the ending or close to ending.

dragonwritesthings: How do you deal with writer's block, and what advice would you give to those who are struggling with it?

trefoilprints: Give yourself a break. Take a shower, drink some tea, watch a show you like or even a read a book. Just do something that isn't stare at that unfinished chapter waiting for words to form.

dragonwritesthings: Okay, for something more personal--if you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

trefoilprints: Oh, that's hard... Obsessive, shy, and loving, maybe? Okay, maybe replace shy with anxious, haha.

dragonwritesthings: Favourite author/tv show/song?

trefoilprints: I'm not good at remembering author's names, just their books if I likes them. I think I'd probably say either SpongeBob or Gravity Falls is my favourite tv show, and Piano Man by Billie Joel is my favourite song and yes I know all the lyrics by heart.

dragonwritesthings: What famous author do you wish would be your mentor?

trefoilprints: Hmm... I don't really know who qualifies as famous but I'd probably say Charlie Jane Anders maybe?? She wrote this book called All the Birds in the Sky and it's really awesome so I'd take tips from her about creating awesome fantasy worlds and magic schools and stuff.

dragonwritesthings: Tell us a little bit about your characters, and what makes them tick. (Feel free to ramble as much as you want, lol)

trefoilprints: Yay I get to talk about my children!

trefoilprints: Sooooo I think I'll do Alex first, or as I like to call him my angsty boi. He has anger issues and moved to a new town because his parents divorced. (Closest thing to an edgy OC I have nowadays haha.) So he's going to learn magic and become a Nightcharmer, a branch of magic that's considered very dangerous to be so closely connected to. (Demonic voices in your head and such.) But Alex likes it because it's really strong. (Also he likes grape soda and is afraid of dogs.)

dragonwritesthings: Oh my god, I love him dskfhdslkfjds. No, seriously! He sounds so cool :)

trefoilprints: Um, let's see, Cedarpaw (Cedartail now I guess) is a good one. (I actually created him in a creative writing class.) He's my detective kitty with no social skills whatsoever from what I can tell. He likes battling because he usually has control over that but dislikes situations like gatherings where he doesn't. And his favourite prey if vole which I mentioned in Claw Marked twice for some reason. He likes the taste of catmint fine but hates the flavour of chamomile.

trefoilprints: And to keep this from going on too long I'll only talk about one more XD And I think I'll talk about a story I haven't actually published yet because Chloe is precious and I love her. So she's a nurse who lives in Paris and she's addicted to coffee and rock music because she works way too many hours and just needs all the hugs really. She's a really nice person overall and really likes sweaters, corgis, and sweet food along with coffee.

dragonwritesthings: She sounds awesome! I want to smush her in a hug :3

dragonwritesthings: Okay! I'm gonna have to let you go, but it was so much fun talking Flora :)

trefoilprints: Okey smokey. This was super fun, thanks for having me! And putting up with me ranting about my children, haha.

dragonwritesthings: of course!

Make sure to give trefoilprints a follow, and support her however you can! She's the best, and I had so much fun hanging out with her. :)

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