19. The Book of Wisdom

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We had planned everything out and now waited for the right time for me to initiate the connection. The daunting task of protecting the planet seemed straightforward after discovering the crucial information that filled gaps in our knowledge. Yet, we couldn't be sure of how much we uncovered was the truth and how much was fiction. We were hoping for the best while taking the leap of faith. According to Nate, hope was something unique to humans. And in this situation, it might be our only salvation.

"Tell me again how this works?" I said, as nervous as I could be. I would be the one endangering my life because once the two worlds met, anything could happen. What if something went wrong and we couldn't save our home? After all, I was nothing special, but then, why me? How could I be the chosen one in this scenario? Fatim and Nate believed in me and were there to support me. That was the only thing keeping me sane. Otherwise, my anxiety would've rendered me witless.

"I can't believe you kids found the Book of Wisdom," Zaroon said, reading my journal that had been blank up until now.

"Well, I didn't know what it was," I said, still a little shocked that I could have read the book all this time only if I knew the right words to write.

Amazing how it worked. All anyone needed to do was to write 'show me the truth,' 'reveal the truth,' or any version of the statement, on the first page of the book, and it would tell them anything they wanted it to. It worked for any language imaginable. Whichever language the reader used, the book would reply in that same language. It could be a fiction novel, a description of any historical event that they could think of, or it could be a journal. Most importantly, it could open the doorways between the worlds. It would answer any of their questions and show them the truth about whatever it was that they sought.

To me, it was going to be my salvation because thanks to the Book of Wisdom, I knew how to defeat the two ancient beings who had found their link to Earth through me. And it was about time, too, because if they were fully here, then there was no way I or anyone would ever be able to defeat the two immortal planet eaters.

We were in the Enterer's spaceship discussing our plan of action. It was the best place to be our headquarters of sorts. "So, what's the plan," I asked, once again.

"We will use our technology to suspend you in the limbo. You'll be there for twenty earth minutes at most. Your body will still be here. Only your mind will travel. From there, you can summon the troublemakers just by thinking about them. As soon as they appear in front of you, force them into the cage. Remember, to you this is a metaphoric cage. Things work differently in limbo. And they won't be expecting this attack, so you'll have the advantage of a surprise on your side. When they are safely locked up in the cage of your making, you can will yourself to return to earth. And that is that," Zaroon explains it as simply as he could. "Remember, don't let them talk you into doing anything else. You must not think about anyone else or even consider doing things differently. It might change the situation, and we might not be able to deal with the consequences."

"You can do this, Waheeb," Nate smiled at his friend.

"I don't know if this is the best thing to do. Limbo is a dangerous place. No one knows how it works. We only know very little about it." Fatim wasn't convinced, and her skepticism was understandable.

We were going to do something no human or Enterer had ever done. And if I were honest, I was scared to death. Zaroon's warnings aside, what little I had the chance to read about the limbo didn't curb my anxiety. But we didn't have many options. And we had to stop the Havocs before they materialized on Earth. Their connection to me was the only reason we even had this little ray of hope.

Addressing her doubts, Nate said, "Don't worry Fatim. I've talked to Zaroon, and I have been studying limbo myself for quite some time now. This is our only solution. Troublemakers would never guess that we could venture into the unknown limbo, and right now, that's the only advantage we have got."

"He's right, sweetheart, and I'm ready. I think I can do this." I wasn't the one to back down just because I was afraid. Anxiety, self-doubt, misgivings, and an impending sense of doom had followed me around all my life. It was neither unusual nor unmanageable for me. As long as I remained focused, things would work out.

"I know if anyone can do it, it's you, but I'm worried." Nothing we said seemed to appease her.

No one had worried for me in a long time. Taking her hand in mine, I smiled. She cared about what might happen to me and that somehow made the upcoming mission bearable. Even if I couldn't return, I would be happy. Staring into her eyes, I was beginning to feel that she might be the love of my life. And I wanted to stay with her forever. Maybe once the threat to our existence was over we could talk about a future. Warmth washed over me, and I looked forward to the time when we could put the danger behind us and forge a life filled with laughter. Even if I wasn't sure how it would work, I would give it a shot. I never considered love an option, but now, I didn't want to think about anything else.

"It's ready," Zaroon said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

He had been working on setting up the transporter device. It was one of the things the Enterers built after their landing on this planet. The machine manipulated the brain waves to induce a state of deep sleep or coma. Only two people had tested it before and neither stayed in limbo for more than mere seconds. It was Nate's pet project. He had been obsessed with learning about the ins and outs of the limbo.

However, whatever knowledge we managed to obtain was meager, which meant I would be working in the dark. The plan had the potential of backfiring, but we hoped I was too important for the Troublemakers that they wouldn't harm me directly.

After everything was set up, Zaroon gave me a red pill. It would help me fall asleep and ready my mind to be transported to the limbo—a place between places. It was there and yet, nowhere. There, time passes quickly and reality is distorted. My subconscious mind would transcend time and space and go beyond the material world. What would happen next, was anyone's guess.

"Be careful," Fatim said.

As I lay down on the seat of the machine, she held my hand. Zaroon adjusted a helmet over my head. It covered my ears and eyes, with electrodes attached to the scalp and temples. Its purpose was to emit sounds and lights that would help me go into a trance-like state.

"We're counting on you, Waheeb," Nate said, standing on my other side and giving me a gentle smile.

"See you in twenty minutes," I said, smiling at my friends and closing my eyes.

My body was hooked to the transporter machine. Zaroon moved to the console to monitor my brain activity. Though the console had a timer and an alarm to help me wake up, it wasn't a reliable method. But this was it; our attempt at being the heroes, while the rest of the world went on with their daily lives none the wiser.

"Ready?" Zaroon said.

Without saying anything I nodded, and he pressed the green button. I only had the time to take one long breath and squeeze Fatim's hand in reassurance, before my mind went blank and the world dark.


"My friend, did you feel it?" Mischief looked at its friend curiously. "Something has shifted. And someone isn't where he is supposed to be."

"Yes, someone is calling us. Who could it be?" Mayhem looked thoughtful. "This isn't right. Who could it be?"

"I've no idea, but this must be some brave soul for venturing into the limbo." A strange smile appeared on Mischief's face. "Should we see who has come to our domain? Who can be so bold?"

"Oh, yes! This might turn out to be fun."

And both Mischief and Mayhem vanished.

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