Chapter Forty-One

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And here we go...! If you read After Humanity you have seen this scene from Magnus's pov. Might look different through Alice's eyes...The moment of reckoning has arrived 🔥

The dining room was set in preparation for the most honored of guests. Assorted pastries and side dishes filled the long table, far too much for two diners to complete alone. But Dulane had always been a man of excess. In the center of the spread lay a whole roasted human veal. A child, less than two years old, beheaded, stuffed, and trussed. I'd prepared the poor creature myself. It would be my cruel Master's last meal.
I looked to the two ornate chalices beside the decanter of wine on the credenza. Of the cups, one was silver, tasteful with a simple design. The other, designated for Kendrick, was gold plaited, inlaid with a small ruby in its center. A supposed token of honor hiding the truth in plain sight. The red stone calling out the blood this glass would spill. Dulane had already laced its inner edges with a clear coating of poison.

     My Master was a clever one, skilled in his plans of treachry. He would call for me to pour their wine, offering the golden cup to our guest as instructed. The poison would seep into the crimson liquid immediately, Kendrick entirely unaware.

    Dulane would raise his glass and drink with a sly grin as he watched his guest do the same. A moment later, his unsuspecting victim's airways would begin to constrict. Dulane would look on in false shock as Magnus Kendrick turned blue and fell to the ground. He might even make a show of calling for a doctor to complete the duplicitous charade.

     It wouldn't matter. Kendrick would be dead before help would arrive and my Master's rival dispatched, no one the wiser. Of course, I had no intention of letting this happen. My hand brushed against the handle of the knife in my pocket for a moment in anticipation, itching to take hold of the weapon.  Eager for the impending death I would deal to this evil man.

    As for the ultimate fate of Magnus Kendrick, I'd decided to give him one chance to save his own life. I would warn him of the danger he faced before he picked up the cup. If he chose to heed me, prove worthy of my trust in his willingness to listen to my words, he could live. If not, he would die alongside his host.

    At the sound of voices, I took my place beside the table as if nothing was amiss. If all was going according to plan, the males were taking care of Everett at that very moment. Madam would soon drink her evening cup of tea and fall over dead. In the nursery, Dreda was seeing to her own overseer and the babies were drifting off into eternal slumber. By dawn, every sibla of the Dulane estate would be ended and, one way or another, every human would be free.

    "Mr. Dulane, I truly am humbled by your hospitality."

    I could not help but note the undisguised awe on Kendrick's face as he entered the room and beheld the magnificent table I'd set. Clearly a feast beyond what he expected. I found the reaction endearing. So many of Dulane's associates felt entitled to such opulence.

    "But of course, Mr. Kendrick," Dulane returned with false modesty. "We are to work together, yes? Those under my employ will always be treated as family on my estate. And please, call me Cedrick."

    Kendrick smiled warmly at my Master and I had to fight to keep from rolling my eyes. I knew this false comradery was intended only to lure a foolish man to his death. If Kendrick proved to be so nieve, it just might work.

    "Alice, show Mr. Kendrick to his seat," Dulane commanded.

     I gestured to the head of the table and watched Kendrick's eyes widen further at the honor as he came to me, sitting in the plush chair I pulled out for him. I hurried to provide the same courtesy to my Master.

    "The true treat tonight is the wine I have procured," Dulane said to his guest with a friendly smile. "The best vintage you will ever taste in your lifetime, sourced especially for you."
So confident, I thought to myself. So cruel. He was taunting Kendrick with death while the man remained convinced of Dulane's benevolence.

    "Pour us our drink, Alice," he said.

    I obeyed, carefully filling the two cups and putting them on a tray to serve, keeping my head down least Dulane catch any hint of my excitement as I imagined my rage finally sated.

    I walked to my Master first and took up the poisoned cup, setting it before him. His large grey hand was instantly warped around my wrist, grabbing me tightly.

    "Stupid girl," he spat. "We have discussed this already. The best cup is reserved for our guest of honor."

    I switched the glass quickly, feigning complete ignorance. Hoping I would not betray my true mind. The deliberateness of my act.

    "Forgive me, Master," I said in contrition.

    "Just serve our visitor," he answered, tone hard. "We will address your carelessness later."

    I did as I was told, keeping my gaze lowered to hide the smile creeping to my lips. His threat would be meaningless in just a few short moments.

    I felt Magnus's Kendrick's eyes upon me as I went to him. As I had been in our first meeting I was struck by the sense of care and concern in the gaze. He was worried for me. Worried that I might face more undeserved punishment. As strange as it was to imagine, I was certain I was not wrong in my reading of his expression.

    "Thank you," Kendrick said as I set the cup down, offering a kind smile.

    "Don't drink it."

    I whispered the words almost inaudibly as I stood, my mouth passing close to his ear. So subtle I wondered if he could have possibly heard. But then the man looked up. Our eyes met and I could see the confusion knitted in his brow. I kept our gaze locked, hoping to solidify my message silently as I nodded slightly to the glass and gave a small shake of my head before going back to Dulane at the other end of the table.

    "Let us raise our glasses and toast. To a great new friendship."

    Kendrick seemed jolted by my Master's voice, his eyes moving from his wine to the smiling Cedrick Dulane, cup aloft. I could see the man's hesitance as he picked up his own glass, hand shaking slightly, though not so much that my Master would notice. The man had received the message but had no way to deny the curtesy of his host. The moment was here. My fingers wrapped around the handle of my knife.

    Kendrick's eyes met mine again in that moment and I knew he'd seen the weapon. He might call out in warning at any second. I acted before he had the chance. Heart pounding in painful thuds I knocked my Master's cup from his raised hand, grabbing his hair in a tight fist and moving the honed blade of my knife to his throat before he had a chance to react. A rush of power flooded through me as I felt him tense. He was mine.

    "What are you doing?" Dulane managed to gasp. I pressed the knife more forcefully against his grey skin in response.

    "I am acting in the name of justice, Master," I said, thrilled by the calm clarity with which the words flowed. My moment was here. I was entirely in control. "You are scum, unworthy of life," and have always been so, but today you will breathe your last."

    Magnus Kendrick rose from his seat at this, finally motivated from his stupor. Not entirely surprising. I had just made clear my intentions to kill his host.

    "Release him, slave!" the man demanded. "Release him now and I will see to it your Master will show mercy. This rash action is a mistake."
His tone was forceful. That of a sibla expecting to be obeyed. And yet even in his order, I heard his compassion. An offer of forgiveness should I agree to do as I was told. Somehow I didn't doubt that he truly believed he might be able to grant such protection. Of course, that was absurd.

     I knew what a monster Dulane was all too well. He'd murdered my daughter and tortured me for months for accidentally pushing him in an attempt to spare the life of an innocent child. Now I had a knife to his throat. It was far too late to turn back. A laugh escaped my lips. I would never fall for the trap of obedience ever again. Never trust in the "mercy" of sibla.

    "Oh, Mr. Kendrick," I said, shaking my head between chuckles. "I can assure you, my Master has no concept of mercy."

    Kendrick's eyes flitted to Dulane and then back to me, clearly uncertain what to do now that I had denied his command. He was so genuinely concerned for the man who had had every intention of murdering him in cold blood. The absurdity of the moment was not lost on me.

    "Why do you not laugh, Cedrick?" I asked, yanking his head back further and demanding a response. I was the one with the knife and he could not deny me. "He is trying to save you. Is that not humorous?"

    "Let me go you evil beast," Dulane snarled. I reveled in his fear, grinning from ear to ear. He was so outraged, so helpless.

    "No sense of humor," I sighed in mock despair. "You see, Magnus Kendrick, I am amused that you would attempt to save this man. After all, it was his intention to kill you here tonight."

    "It's not true!" Dulane gasped. I could feel the movement of his throat against my blade. His life so wholly in my hands. The denials of a desperate man. I laughed all the more at his pathetic attempts to save himself. Even now he held hoped for rescue. It would not come. If Kenrick made a move to step in I would slit Cedrick's throat without hesitation.

    But looking at Magnus Kendrick, I was surprised to see his expression was one of contemplation. He wasn't preparing to attack, he was actually processing my accusation! I watched the gears in his mind turn, wondering what this unpredictable man might do next. And then, he looked down at his glass.

    "The wine?"

    Smarter than I'd thought.

    "Very clever, Mr. Kendrick," I praised. "Though it is the cup actually. It has been coated with a potent poison. I saw him do it myself."

    "Ignore her, Magnus," Dulane commanded. "Make her let me go."

The condemned man still certain he had power. But in the eyes of his guest, I saw the truth. Magnus was no longer listening to my Master. He was focused entirely on me.

    "Why would he wish me dead?" Kendrick asked.

I smiled, eager to finally share the secrets I had held for so long now.

    "You have been working quite actively for human rights have you not?" I asked rhetorically.

    A nod.

    "The large slave trader you recently brought down for their illegal activities," I said. "My kindly Master was one of the illustrious owners of the establishment. A silent partner. He has been seeking your destruction since the moment he learned of your part in dismantling his profitable business trafficking in human misery."

    "She is mad!" A desperate cry from my victim. True fear now that his treachery was revealed. "You cannot possibly believe her rantings. We are friends!" But Magnus kept his gaze locked with mine.

    "Can you prove it?" Magnus asked.

    I shook my head. "Here and now that would be difficult," I answered. "But I can prove his murderous intent. Ask him to drink from your cup."

    Magnus picked up his glass.

    "This is insanity!" Cedrick tried, a last desperate attempt as his guess came towards him, poison cup in hand.

    "It is a simple thing really," Magnus said. "If you drink from this cup you can prove her wrong. Will you do so?"

    Logic. This man was logical. Calculated in his actions. I greatly respected that much at least.

    "Magnus," Dulane said carefully. "You can't possibly believe this nonsense."

    "Whether or not I do is irrelevant is it not, my friend?" Kendrick answered evenly. "If you drink the wine and there will be no question."

    A grin remained fixed on my lips at the exchange. It was more than I could have ever dreamed. Dulane destroyed by his enemies, both human and sibla. Fully conscious of his end and yet unable to stop it. I kept the knife firmly against his neck to prevent any chance of escape as Magnus placed the cup in front of my Master.

    "Drink," he commanded.

    From beneath the edge of my knife, Dulane risked my blade to turn his head enough to glower at me

    "Damn you," he cursed. "This is all your fault!" I only snorted. He'd brought this upon himself.

    "This is between you and I now," Magnus interjected. "If you will not drink this wine in my presence I will call for the authorities and we shall leave it to them to sort out."

    "Ha," Dulane snarled, focusing his anger on the other sibla man. "There is none who would believe your ridiculous accusations. Prompted by the words of a feral human no less! I will have you arrested, Magnus Kendrick. I will prove you tried to poison me.

    "And as for you," he said to me with a venomous hiss. "I will see you flayed alive for this. You will face torture beyond your wildest dreams!"

    "Enough!" Releasing my grip on his scalp, I picked up the golden cup myself and poured the wine down my Master's throat even as he continued to threaten me.

    The man coughed and sputtered, choking on the liquid. I could see the wonder of his wide-eyed fear.

    "Behold, Mr. Kendrick," I said with pure glee. "The end your new benefactor had in store for you."

    Dulane's eyes were bulging now, his grey skin tinted blue, his body going rigid. The poison was more potent than I could have hoped.

    "Know this, Cedrick," I taunted, "tonight your entire estate will fall. Your wife, your children, the overseers you employed, all will die and your estate will burn." Saying the words aloud filled me with nothing but a righteous sense of justice. He had pushed us too far. He would reap his reward.

    "You... Will... Suffer..." Dulane managed to choke out in gasping breaths.

    "I have already suffered," I answered, knife clenched tightly in my fist. "Every one of your slaves are willing to sacrifice their lives to end yours."

    I was shocked at the ease with which my weapon slid through his flesh as I stabbed, metal forced between the ribs and into his lungs. The blade honed carefully for its task. The man who'd caused so much pain, gasping for breath, blood leaking from his open mouth along the edges of his lips as he coughed. I twisted the weapon deeper and reveled in the terror etched into his face. The disbelief, the pain. A moment later I felt the body go slack.

    It took more effort to remove my blade than it had going in, the edge catching on gore and bone as I extracted it from Cedrick's corpse. I'd done it. He was dead. The shock of this truth was overwhelming. But though my hands had trembled before, there was no shaking now. No fear or uncertainty. My greatest enemy was gone.

    I heard a gasp and came back to myself enough to remember the other in the room. Magnus Kendrick, witness to my crime. In his expression, I perceived true awe and terror all mixed into one. Not surprising. He'd nearly lost his life not moments ago to a man he'd believed a friend.

    "Do not grieve for him," I said. " he truly was a bad man." The simplicity of the statement was almost humorous, though any trace of mirth was gone from my expression now. Cedrick Dulane had been the embodiment of evil.

    "Nasty stuff the poison he employed. I should have let him choke to death, but we don't have much time."

    As I said the words aloud I knew I knew I had made my choice. I would spare the life of the one who had so trusted me. Dulane's ghost would watch as his enemy escaped. The thought brought a new smile to my lips, though I soon suppressed it, wiping the blood from my blade with Dulane's napkin before facing Magnus Kendrick head-on.

    "Will you kill me as well?" Kendrick asked.
    An amusing question. He was a large sibla male, I was armed with nothing but a knife. But I held all the power now. It was intoxicating. The man didn't even realize the full danger yet. The hundreds of armed humans just outside the door with weapons all too eager to cut into sibla flesh. Still, I shook my head.

    "No, Magnus Kendrick," I answered, "I have something else in mind for you."

    I turned the weapon, grasping the blade with my hand and presenting him with the handle. An insane action perhaps, but somehow I trusted him. He'd trusted me after all.

    "Take it," I said. "We may need it still if you are to escape with your life."

    The man stared at the weapon in confusion. "I don't understand," he said, eyes searching mine for explanation.

    "I said take it," I repeated, holding the weapon out again. "I told my Master the truth. Tonight the slaves of this estate will burn it to the ground. They will kill any sibla they find."

    Magnus Kendrick paled and I felt true sympathy. He'd done nothing to deserve any of this ill-fortune. Betrayed by the sibla man he'd trusted, now in the midst of a human rebellion. I could only imagine how overwhelmed with fear he must be, though he was doing his best to hide it.

    "Don't look so horrified," I laughed. "You're in luck. I wish to help you."

    Magnus stared at me wide-eyed.

    "I was born and bred here and know this estate better than any other," I said before he could give voice to his confusion. "If you follow me, we will escape, but we must hurry. You cannot go back to your vehicle. We will have to leave on foot."

    "And once we do?"

    A reasonable question. I'd been unable to fully plan what I might do should we succeed, let alone what would come if I managed to do so with a compliant sibla refugee from the attack.

    "I suppose if we both survive, we'll figure it out then," I answered.

    Magnus stared at me a moment longer in disbelief, eyes blinking in rapid succession as he tried to process what must be impossible to fully understand. But then he took a deep breath and nodded.

    "I will follow you," he said. "Thank you, Alice."
    I smiled at the sound of my name from his lips. A sibla willing to listen, willing to obey. Willing to trust and see me as an individual worthy of his faith. Impossible, and yet here he was before me, awaiting my command.

    "I knew you were different," I said, wondering if the awe in my voice was obvious. "Now come with me."

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