Chapter One

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    "Will it hurt Mama?"

    I was seated at the big wooden table in the kitchens of the Dulane house. My mother and Lexia, the sibla overseer responsible for all domestic tasks in my Master's home, were the only two present. All the other humans had already finished breakfast and gone off to their daily chores, leaving us alone.

    I'd done my best to eat the food Mama had prepared specially for me. On the plate, she'd placed eggs and bacon and fresh bread. All of my favorite things. But I didn't have much appetite and most of my meal still remained uneaten, pushed around in circles with my fork.

    I'd heard from others' whispers that breeding hurt. Humans existed to provide stock for our sibla masters & our overseers had determined I had reached maturity. If I was not put with a male, I would have no future and I knew that well enough. It didn't stop me from being nervous.

    "You'll be fine, my love," my mother answered reassuringly as she cleared my plate. "You need only obey and do as you are told. "Here," she said, handing me a tall glass of water and the vitamins she'd been making me take for weeks now. "These will help keep you strong and ensure the baby you conceive will be healthy."

    I took the pills and swallowed them down, though my stomach flipped and flopped, making the water churn uncomfortably in my gut along with what I'd managed to swallow of my breakfast.

    "Finish the water and breath," my mother ordered, no doubt seeing my fears. "Master Dulane has already promised you will be put with one of the younger males. All I have talked to say he is quite gentle with his mates. Just lay back and imagine the child that will form in your womb. Imagine yourself done with the ordeal and back here with me."

    I nodded and Mama gave me a quick hug of reassurance.

    "I will return soon, Lexia," she told our overseer. "I just wish to accompany Alice since it is her first time."

    The older sibla woman nodded, her wrinkled grey skin creasing as she smiled. "You can take the rest of the day if you need it, Alice," she said, addressing me directly, her gaze warm and reassuring even though her blue eyes had the same striking iciness of all others of her species. "May you quickly conceive and bring new life to this estate."

With the nerves in my stomach, I couldn't quite force any words in response to her kind offer or blessing, but my mother returned Lexia's smile as she helped me from my seat.

    "You are too generous, Ma'am," she replied in my stead. "Alice will be back by this evening fully recovered. My daughter is strong and will no doubt add many healthy humans to Master Dulane's stock."

    "Of course," Lexia answered. "I will see you when you return, Mariana. Cedrick has asked that you prepare pies for his guests this evening. You will be able to make a few before the rest of our dinner prep?"

    "I will," my mother answered, her discourse with our overseer no different than it might be on any other day. Her confidence and attempt at normalcy helped my leaden feet to move as she put a hand on my back and guided me from the kitchen.

    The breeding sheds were separate from our sleeping quarters, designed only for the purpose of human mating and birthing, set on a remote part of the estate so as to maintain privacy. By the time we arrived, Aaron Everett, Dulane's head overseer, was already waiting my selected mate by his side.

The human male my Master had chosen sported shaggy chestnut hair and a round face. As my mother reported, he was clearly among the younger human males Dulane allowed to breed.

    I shrunk back catching sight of them, the reality of the situation becoming all the more real. Mama had no sympathy. She took my arm firmly in her grasp and dragged me forward.

    "You are late, human," Everett commented, giving my mother a tight-faced frown. "I told Cedrick he should have sent an overseer to bring your offspring to me. I don't see why he continues to grant you and that brat these special privileges."

    "Forgive me, Sir," my mother said, lowering her head in contrition. "My daughter begs forgiveness as well. I was only finishing my morning chores in the kitchen but I apologize for my tardiness. I am forever grateful my Master allowed me to accompany my child. I only wished to soothe her nerves and ensure she would be compliant."

    I could not help but be disturbed by the latter half of my mother's statement.

    Ensure she would be compliant

    Was that the true reason my mother had come? Did she think I might resist and bring her shame? I tried to stand a bit taller to prove my bravery.

    Everett's frown did not abate as he grunted an acknowledgment of my mother's apology. "Well give the girl here," he said, taking hold of my arm and pulling me roughly from my mother's grasp.

     I didn't resist. Everyone knew Everett was the nastiest of Dulane's men. One had no choice but to obey him completely. Besides, I wanted to put my best foot forward. It would be part of my job to produce offspring and the sooner I could prove my ability to do that, the sooner I could trust that my life as an adult on the estate was assured. Even when Everett opened the door of the small shed and pushed me inside with a force that nearly sent me to my knees, I didn't cry out, simply righting myself as quickly as possible and surveying my surroundings.

    The room was nearly bare, save a rickety cot, its metal frame crusted in rust. A single shelf hung on the wall beside, on which rested fresh sheets to change the bedding when we were through. I supposed there was no need for any other adornment. The mating sheds were utilitarian after all, offering little more than a modicum of privacy for acts unfit to be seen by others. I stared at the bed and tried to control my breath as panic overtook me, my heart beating faster at the sound of the door closing, trapping me inside the small space.

    "Well, let's get a look at you."

    Everett's voice cut through my fears as he stared me down. A full-grown sibla male, he loomed, at least three feet taller than I. I stood as still as I could, gaze cast down lest he read any sign of disobedience in my expression.

Pain shot down my arm as the sibla man grabbed it roughly, his sharp nails biting into my flesh in the process. Cold air hit my skin and I flushed with embarrassment as he yanked down the zipper of my dress and exposed my upper half.

    "What do you think of her, Peter?" Everett asked. It was only then that I looked to the human male standing patiently in wait by the door. He was a bit taller than me. Now that he was close I could make out the prickles of a red-tinted beard on his chin to match his mop of hair. His brown-eyed gaze had little warmth in it. I wondered how many other girls he'd bred and really was curious what he thought of me. But Peter didn't respond to Everett. Maybe he was as scared of the overseer too.

    The momentary speculations on my mate were quickly interrupted as I gulped back a cry, feeling the sibla man beside me reached out and take my breast in his hand, squeezing it roughly.

    "Doesn't have half the assets of her mother," he said in appraisal, a frown still plastered on his face. The heat in my cheeks only intensified.

    "Come, boy," Everett called out to the human male still standing in wait. "This is Mariana's precious offspring and you are the one to take her first. It's an honor. Now get your ass over here and claim your prize."

     His voice turned more vicious as he spoke and I felt my body tense all the more at the sound. I was terrified of his anger. At me, at my mate. Everett had a reputation for his temper and the blows he dealt liberally to any human in his purview.

    I'd never felt more humiliated in my life as the human boy came to me but I didn't dare move or show any sign of resistance. Everett stepped away as my mate pawed at my exposed flesh, excitement clearly peaked. Luckily my mother had prepared me. I knew I needed to send my mind away while I allowed him to use my body.

    As Everett laughed and encouraged my mate to continue his exploration I did just that. I was only vaguely aware when the overseer shut the door behind us, too focused on forcing my tense body to relax. I heard nothing more from the Everett aside from a warning to Peter that he was to cause me no noticeable physical harm.

    "Dulane has a strange affection for the mother," he said. "Get your job done but be careful not to leave any visible marks."

    The male who soon stripped the remainder of my clothes away and forced me onto the bed did exactly as he was told.

     I remember little about the actual mating. There was the discomfort of course. The soreness I felt when he was finished lingered on, especially when the whole affair was repeated for the next four days in a row. It was my first breeding season and my Master wished to make certain my mate's seed was safely planted in my womb. But all of my suffering was rewarded. Less than a month later the pregnacy was confirmed and my mother rejoiced.

    "You are a survivor, Alice," she told me as soon as we received the news. She smiled and placed a hand on my belly. "You need only bring this child to life and your place on this estate is assured."

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