Chapter Seventeen

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    *Alice's (and Mary's)  place is established. Things are going well (relative to this world at least😅). Now a new element comes along to shake things up a bit...


It was a rare occurrence to see a trailer arrive on the Dulane estate that brought humans to us rather than carting them away, but that was exactly what happened the day the wild one came.

        By now all had heard of her and speculation on the new woman were rampant. Would she somehow appear more wild? Would she be vicious? Look down on us for being born into slavery? Though I kept quiet on the matter, not encouraging the gossip and trying to dissuade my own daughter's enthusiasm for the subject, internally I knew that I too wished to learn about the newest member to our flock.
It had been long since I'd had access to the books Lexia once to permit me to read but I could not help but remember the glimpses of freedom I'd viewed in their pages, far more tangible than the stories I told Mary at night. Words actually penned by human hands, written about our kind when we still held power. I wondered if the new woman would have lived any of the adventures I'd dreamed of. I imagined she must be able to read and write if born free. Perhaps she knew of other stories I'd never heard before. Perhaps she could open my world just a bit beyond the confines of the estate.
We'd been told she was of breeding age and would be assigned to the kitchens. I hoped she would bring new recipes with her. New insight into the remedies I still maintained notes on, trying to help others when I could do so without angering Madam. While I feared the potential threat she might bring as well, I couldn't help but harbor some of the childlike curiosity and excitement I saw in my daughter when the subject was raised.

        We'd nearly reached the kitchen the morning the trailer appeared at the gates to the estate and Mary spotted it instantly.

        "It's the wild woman!" she squealed, pulling me towards the vehicle. "Can we please wait and see her, Mama? Please!"

        I hesitated, not wishing to be late for our shift but also sharing my daughter's desire to catch a quick glimpse of the newest resident of the Dulane estate.

        "Only for a minute, Mary," I acquiesced. "Then straight to work."

        My daughter nodded, her eyes focusing intently on the vehicle in hopes the woman would appear before I dragged her to the kitchen.
The human that stepped out of the trailer was young, I could tell that even from a distance. Perhaps twenty years old or less. Her hair was red, a rarity among Dulane's flock. Most of the humans born on our estate had chestnut or black locks. Her skin, however, was a similar tanned brown that most of the members of our flock sported. It was said that very dark and very fair skin had been bred from humans long ago and apparently that was true of the wild variety as well.

        "Why is she in so many chains, Mama?" Mary asked me, tugging at the sleeve of my dress. "Is it because she might hurt us?" I gave my child a sad smile in response and shook my head. Though the shackles she wore were extensive, I knew the restraints were there as a message, not for necessity. To impress this poor women's new role upon her clearly.

        "I'm certain they will remove them soon," I said, with more optimism than I felt. I could not help but remember my mother's similar bonds when she was lead away to slaughter. She would have gone willingly to avoid shame and yet Dulane and Everett had insisted on bringing her as low as possible. I felt my heart suddenly aching for this poor young woman who had likely been forced to endure the same suffering in sale. But still, if she could learn to behave, her life would not be so horrific. There was hope in that much at least. I was suddenly glad she had been assigned to my preview and vowed silently that I would help her as much as I could.

        "She is to come with me."

        Even from a distance, I heard Everett's' menacing voice ring through the air and shuddered involuntarily.

        "Let's go," I said, wrapping my arm protectively around Mary and leading her toward the kitchen. I had no wish to be caught gawking, particularly by Everett. "We will meet the new member of our flock soon enough."

        It would, in fact, be three days before we were formally introduced to the wild woman. Though I dared not ask Madam directly about the human I knew had already arrived, I nonetheless kept my ears open.

        From overheard conversations, I came to gather that the woman had been kept in one of the breeding sheds under lock and key since her arrival so she might "acclimatize" herself to the estate and be looked over by a doctor to ensure she could not pass any disease to the rest of us. I could only assume she must be horribly frightened. When Rin informed me that the new girl would be joining us the next day, I was determined to welcome her as best I could.

        To ensure I might not be distracted, my daughter was given assignment outside of the kitchen for the afternoon so that I might devote full attention to helping the new one. The moment I caught sight of her, I was grateful Mary was not there to witness.

        The girl who appeared in my kitchen was a mess. From a distance and weighed down by chains, I had been unable to determine her condition when we'd seen her arrive, but now I could see her suffering clearly.

        Her face was round as was her body, making it clear why Dulane might have shown interest in her. Larger humans were always desired for breeding. The pounds of flesh we could achieve were incentive for our masters to favor those with wide hips and thick legs.

        As I had seen from a distance, her hair was a striking red, which might have been pretty if it were not so matted and greasy. I wondered when she'd last been permitted the chance to bathe.

        The skin around her nose was swollen, seeming to indicate a break and the black and blue mark around her eye extended mottled off-color skin all the way down her cheek. The clothes she wore were ragged and stained with blood. Clearly her "welcome" over the past three days had been far from kind. I knew how I had been treated in the breeding sheds by Everett and sincerely hoped the outer bruises were all this woman had suffered....

        "Alice," Madam commanded as she stared in disgust at the new member of our team. 'You will take this one to the dorms and see her cleaned and settled to her place. After that, you may give her a quick survey of her new home and then return here for your evening assignments."

        I nodded my understanding. Staring at the poor girl I felt nothing but pity and was eager to be free of our overseers so I could help care for her properly.

        "Number 4578," Madam said, looking to her notes before addressing the beleaguered human. "What is the name by which you are called?"

        "I am called Rebecca, Master," the woman answered. Rin only frowned.

        "Only the man who owns this estate, and you, is worthy of that title, human. You may address me as "madam" or "ma'am. If you are to make such a mistake again, rest assured there will be punishment.

        Rebecca cowered back at Madam's sharp tone and obvious threat but quickly lowered her head and nodded.

        "Please forgive me, Madam," she said quickly. I watched Rin grunt a small note of approval.

        "Come," I said, stepping forward and putting my hand on the woman's shoulder. I felt her wince at my touch and compassion overtook me again.

        "Don't worry," I whispered as I lead her from the kitchen. "I mean you no harm."

        The woman's fear did not abate and I could hardly be surprised. Why should she trust me, a human who clearly had the love of her masters? Still, I was not dissuaded. I tried to do my best to help all on the estate, but I had to know if the rumors were true. Had this woman actually come from a free human settlement? Could she tell me of the world outside the walls of Dulane's estate? The idea was tantalizing.

        "My name is Alice," I said, once we were outside and free of scrutiny.

        The woman nodded in response, remaining silent.

        "And you are Rebecca?"

        Another nod.

        "We are in luck," I said, trying to remain cheerful. "The dorms will be empty right at the moment and there will be plenty of hot water to clean yourself. I'd imagine you would appreciate a good shower. I will find warmer clothes for you as well."

        "Thank you."

        Her voice was soft and she refused to meet my gaze. Sorrow overwhelmed me as I watched her clear fear. I knew what she'd likely faced over the past three days. I only hoped that Everett had not "trained" her as he had me. It was an ordeal no one deserved to face, least of all one who had gone through the suffering of capture and sale from the wild lands.

        Arriving at the bunks we were greeted by total silence. No one would dare be caught relaxing in the middle of the day. I found the woman some basic garments and a towel before leading her to the showers.

        Rebecca said little, taking the clothing and listening to me explain the shower faucet before undressing. I tried unsuccessfully to hold back the gasp of surprise that escaped my lips seeing her naked body. It seemed every inch of her was covered in scars.

        "I'm sorry," I said. "I'm so sorry they did this to you."

        At my words of regret, the woman's resolve finally began to crack, tears streaming down her cheeks. I offered her the towel to dry her eyes.

        "You can cry around me," I said. "I swear, I am not your enemy."

        The woman only shook her head and laughed bitterly.

        "It doesn't matter anymore," she answered. "They took everything from me already. I only wish they would take my life as well. But I have been forced to lay with three men already since I gave up my child on the last farm. They won't let me die."

        "The last farm?" I asked in confusion. "We were told that you had come from the free settlements."

        The woman eyed me closely, no doubt wondering how much I might know about her and why I was interested in the first place.

        "I was pregnant when I was taken from my home," she said. " A little girl. She was my second child. My husband and I had a boy." tears slipped down her cheek as she spoke and I felt her despair. I too had been taken from all too many of my children. I thought of Mary and her bubbly excitement to see the "wild woman," suddenly craving to hold her in my arms. To prove to myself that she was still mine and that this woman's misfortune was not contagious.

        "I guess my first master was only interested in the baby," Rebecca continued. "It was only days after I'd given birth that they began "training" me."

        The woman closed her eyes as if harmed by the memory alone. I could relate. The scars from Everett's abuse, both physical and mental, had never truly healed.

        "I was told they needed to beat my wildness from me before I would be suitable for sale again. It didn't matter how much I cried or pleaded for mercy, the whips reigned down. They withheld food and water from me until I could barely move and forced me to beg for sustenance, eating all my meals from dishes on the floor like a dog."

        "When I decided I could take it no more and tried to escape one night, they caught me and took me to the butchering shed. I screamed and screamed, vowing to never run again, but the overseer didn't listen. He forced my hand onto a metal table and picked up a knife..." She stopped, trying to catch her breath. "They took my finger," she finished holding up her left hand. I gasped in surprise. I hadn't noticed the missing pinkie before.

        "They kept me in a cage after that, but it was only a few weeks before they took me from my cell, hands bound, and brought me to a shed where three human men waited for me."

        "They bred you." I was appalled by the level of cruelty. Even Dulane did not make us breed for a full year after birth. But of course the woman nodded, as I knew she would.

        "The men took turns," she sobbed. "All three of them forcing their seed upon me one after another. My overseers said I needed to learn true obedience. How could any humans be so cruel to their own kind!"

        I shook my head. I had no answers for her. I thought of Dreda's expression when she spoke of lying with breeding males on our own estate. I'd never truly realized how lucky id been to have been spared such partners.

        "When they were finished, I was caged until two nights later when it happened all over again. They forced me to lay with these men every other night for a week before finally leaving me to remain in my cell unmolested. It wasn't long though before I was loaded into a truck and driven here."

        "Then are you..." I stared at the woman's belly without finishing the question. The woman nodded.

        "They tested before my new master signed the papers and the doctor confirmed when I arrived."

        "Why don't we get you cleaned up," I said, trying to change the conversation as I started the shower. I myself had not been mated in over a year now. I wondered if Dulane was considering leaving me barren. If I might be in line for the next cull. Somehow being with this newly pregnant woman reminded me of my ticking clock in a way I had yet to fully admit to myself.

        "I would do anything to lose the baby," she said as she stepped into the running waters. I don't want to give it to them."

        "It's the only way to survive," I answered. I knew my words sounded cold after this woman had born her heart and suffering to me, but I was not so lucky as to have the protection of a child in my womb. It was hard for me to ignore my feelings that she should be more grateful. Rebecca only shook her head.

        "The dead are the lucky ones," she said. "I had a life. A husband, a child, freedom. I have nothing now and yet somehow I know I stand to lose even more."

        I handed Rebecca a bar of soap without answering.

        "Best clean your wounds, I said. "When you are through I will look to your other injuries."
The emotion the woman had shown not moments before faded away as she nodded and began to wash, closing the curtain allowed for privacy. I felt guilty for denying her compassion, but I realized I wasn't ready to hear about this woman's good fortune.

        She had been born wild. She'd had everything I'd dreamed of. Freedom, a family. The fact that she'd lost these gifts was tragic, yes, but I'd never been given them in the first place. This same woman now had security for her future with the child in her womb while I might soon be forced to leave my daughter an orphan.

For her wounds and pain, I felt nothing but sympathy. For her attitude, I felt little. I'd been fighting to survive since my birth and there were none of our kind who did not have similar stories of suffering. Being human meant learning to accept. To adapt. But I also knew Rebecca would learn these lessons soon enough. Everett and Rin would make certain of that and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.
As the woman finished cleaning herself and dressing, I could not help but wonder how much I ought to limit my daughter's interaction with Rebecca. Though she had been beaten and bruised, I could still see a spark in her bright green eyes. She was not yet broken and I feared for my daughter if she were to get to close. Rebecca had a fight within her that I envied, but I could not allow Mary to be infected by it and risk her position as Dulane's golden human. I wanted my daughter to be happy and content, not jealous as I had become of the things I could not have.

Any thoughts on Rebecca? Curious if people who read the book originally remember her. What do you think of Alice's reaction to this "wild" human? Alice sees a threat. We shall have to see how Rebecca's story plays out...

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