Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The Rebellion plans are in full swing. It is coming!! Now let's add a wildcard that might just reshape things for Alice just a bit. We know him & love him... here comes Magnus!😅

Dulane returned to the estate two days later and immediately ordered me to his side once again. I went willingly. In just a few nights together in the nursery, the three of us had been given the chance to solidify our plans. With any luck, we would be ready to strike in a little over a month. The longer we waited, the more likelihood of discovery, but we would have to first bring as many as we could to our side. Four weeks to prepare was decided by all to be ideal.

My role in the rebellion was clear. As the one physically closest to Dulane and his daily activities, it would be my job to keep an eye out for vulnerabilities. Times of day he and the rest of the house might be distracted. Ways we might corner the various sibla who worked close to our Master and neutralize them as a threat. And of course, I was to keep track of any gossip that could be gleaned. Words that sibla or humans might leave in my ears now that they did not see me as a threat.

Every night I would report to Rebecca what I had learned and she, in turn, would share the information with Dreda. No one suspected that we had become anything less than true enemies. None of our overseers understood that beneath the broken facade Rebecca put forth daily, a vengeful monster waited to tear all grey skin to shreds. And no one suspected that Dreda, known ally to her Masters and obedient servant, might be aiding in a plot to topple the entire estate. With Gregory as link to the males to add to our reach, we were giving ourselves the best chance possible to succeed.

Still, as my hope and excitement grew daily with positive report of our spreading alliances across the estate, I could not help but pay attention to the passing days. I was near my time of bleeding again, after which I would be sent to Gregory. Though it would be the perfect opportunity to ensure all plans were in place, I knew too that this would mark the beginning of the end of my life.

If I failed to conceive once more, I doubted Dulane would be willing to keep me. Surely he was tired of his game of torture by the day. Without a baby in my womb to help keep me safe, I was as good as dead. With this truth ever-present in my mind, it was with dread that I heard Madam's instructions just two weeks later.

"Mr. Dulane has a new business acquaintance coming this afternoon, Alice. He has ordered that you be the one to serve them."

I cursed in my mind. I'd believed I would be given more time, but I knew it was all too likely that my Master's guest might himself be a buyer. If he had asked for me specifically, this "guest" might be here to evaluate my worth. We were so close to achieving our aims. The idea of being ended just before our rebellion even began was horrifying. I was prepared to face death in battle but to go out with nothing more than a whimper? That would be the worst possible end to my plans. Total utter Failure.

There was no denying his orders. I would just have to be careful. Observe what I could of his friend. If there was any sign my time was near, perhaps our plans could be accelerated. I had every intention of seeing Dulane receive his due.

"Make certain you are outfitted appropriately," Madam said, cutting into my thoughts. "Mr. Dulane has hopes you might still appear presentable and you will be given a clean dress to wear in your service." She eyed me critically. I myself was somewhat amused. Dulane himself had been beating me down emotionally and physically for weeks. Madam had been doing her part as well. How was I supposed to somehow "improve" myself when they were the cause of my suffering? Of course, I only bowed my head obediently accepting her critique.

"Rags are what you deserve, Madam continued, offering me a bundle of cloth, "but for company, we must make an impression. It is not seemly to have evidence of humans who are anything less than premium serving in one's home. Do try to refrain from embarrassing your Master."

"Yes, Madam," I answered contritely. Still the overseer eyed me with skepticism.

"If it were up to me, you would be off to the butchers and this whole affair would be over by now," she said. "I don't know why Cedrick bothers to attempt production of yet another unruly animal but apparently you will be given one more chance with your mate. I'm only glad it seems you are barren. We already did away with your last seed. It is best to wipe all traces of bad human lines from one's stock. It seems clear to me that you and your mate are certainly not ones who should be allowed to continue breeding."

Rage boiled in the pit of my stomach as she spoke so callously of Mary's death. I had stepped out of line, not my little girl. I was responsible. It should have been my blood spilled in penance. The cruelty was unbearable and yet I bore it. I bit down upon the skin of my cheek to prevent the sharp retorts I wished could flow. I held tight the fists at my side to keep from striking. Soon, I consoled myself. Soon she will truly regret having prolonged this torture. They all would. I needed only to survive long enough to see our plans come to fruition.

At my overseer's command went to the showers and took the time to properly plait my hair, caring for my appearance in a way I had not bothered to since Mary's death. I could only hope more obedience and value I showed, the more Dulane would selfishly hang on to me. Even if it might attract the attention of his guest as well, I knew Dulane's childish nature. So many years ago he had denied Lexia her chance at purchasing my life. Perhaps I could inspire that possessiveness again before he thought to give me up just yet.

The dress Dulane had offered was soft and well made. The type of clothing I had been denied for so long now. Feeling the fabric on my skin was like touching the ghosted memory of my past. As I inspected myself in the mirror I could see the echos of my mother and daughter calling to me, urging me to stay the course, admiring my improved appearance and mocking Dulane's attempts to destroy me. I was not broken, I was reborn. A vengeful angle of justice so soon to make my move.

When I returned to the kitchen, daily preparations for our Masters' meals were full swing and I was mainly ignored. Of course, this was part of our plan. I knew the message of resistance was spreading. I knew which women had pledged their loyalty in our codes to Dreda or Rebecca already. In public, we treated each other as strangers but I smiled to see at least three chopping vegetables at the counter who I knew were already prepared to turn their knives on those who owned them.

I busied myself cleaning, I kept my ears open for any news of the guest I new must already have arrived on the estate. The gossip machine that operated among Dulane's humans was efficient. In my old position so much had been kept from my ears. But now I was no one to fear. Even those not yet aligned to our cause no longer watched their tongue in my presence. I was not disappointed.

"He is taller than almost any sibla I ever saw," I heard one woman say.

"And strange," another added.

I wondered at the second comment. They were clearly speaking of the visitor.

"He's a farmer. Here to take some of the flock into his care as a surrogate for Dulane."

Interesting, I thought to myself. A farmer working for our Master. My fears that the man was here to purchase stalk of his own were justified.


Madam's sharp retort grabbed my attention instantly and I turned to see her glaring.

"Mister Dulane wants you upstairs immediately to bring refreshments to him and his guest."

"Yes, Madam," I answered quickly, going to the covered plater I saw waiting on the counter. For once I was fully ready to serve, eager to examine the visitor for myself.

He was indeed tall, that was the first thing I noticed about the unfamiliar sibla man I saw across from my Master through the door to his study . Even seated it was clear he had at least 3 inches on Cedrick Dulane. His posture and demeanor certainly seemed like those of someone of good breeding and pedigree. I'd heard my Master lecture his children on such things enough to know that much. If he was a farmer, he was one of means.

Dulane's eyes trained on me the moment I walked into the room, focused, like a hawk hunting its prey as they always were. Determined to catch me in any act of disobedience or mediocrity that he might punish. But I was focused too...

I walked slowly, poised, and lay the tray I carried on the small table he kept in the room for entertaining. I removed the cover and then I waited. I had not prepared the tea sandwiches I revealed, but that wouldn't stop Cedrick from lashing out at me if he was displeased.

But Dulane looked at the assortment briefly before nodding his head in approval. I let out a tentative breath of relief. Perhaps he would not play his games today. Perhaps his guest was enough to distract him from me for the time being.

"I do appreciate your kindness, Mr. Dulane."

I turned my attention back to the other sibla man at the sound of his voice, deep and distinctive.

"Come come now, Mr. Kendrick," my Master answered, "the pleasure is all mine, truly. I think it is quite fortuitous that two of the biggest names in the meat industry have come together in joint venture and I am greatly appreciative of your trust. I know this is not the business you originally intended, but I assure you it will be a truly life-altering opportunity."

I tried to make sense of his words. Kendrick, that was the name of the man. But what did my Master mean in calling him a "big name" in the meat industry? How could that be so if his later comment was also true? That his guest had not intended trade in flesh. The others had whispered he was a farmer for hire. The different pieces of information didn't quite make sense.

"Alice!" Dulane called out sharp with a demeaning clap of his hands. "Fetch Mr. Kendrick and I some of my best wine. I think a toast is in order."

My Master kept a cabinet stocked with some of his prized liqueurs in his study. Normally they remained locked away, but looking to the cabinet I saw the key waiting in its notch. I knew the guest must indeed be important to warrant such luxury, but the man didn't appear to be like my Master's other visitors.

Kendrick was young. Younger than Dulane at least, though sibla age was hard to parse out for certain. His features were fine and his black hair was grown long, shoulder-length, though he kept it tied back. His clothing, however, was not quite so fine as my Master's. Moreover, he didn't seem to quite exude the sense of entitlement that I always felt in the presence of my Master and his close associates. It was enough of a difference to make me take notice.

Going to the cabinet I unlocked the glass doors and surveyed the bottles. I selected a red wine that was of a good vintage from one of my Master's favorite vineyards. I took the bottle and showed it to my Master and was relieved when he gave a small smile and nodded. I uncorked the bottle and laid out two glasses.

But when I went to his side and attempted to pour the cup at my Master's place, I saw a scowl form upon his lips. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly. Over the years I had grown more skilled at detecting even minor changes in Dulane's emotions. I'd had even more chance to hone this skill since id been forced into her personal servitude. He was angry. Unfortunatley, I had no idea what I had done to trigger his ire.

"What is wrong with you?" Dulane asked, gaze fixating upon me as if he thought I might somehow read his mind to interpret my error. Not knowing how to respond I remained quiet.

"One must always serve one's guests first, Alice," he said. "Where are your manors?"

I felt a shiver travel through me at his tone. I would pay for whatever he thought I'd done wrong. My hopes of a day with no more bruises seemed to have been dashed in mere moments in his presence. Still, standing frozen would not help the situation. I quickly went to his guest and poured his glass, taking extra care that none was spilled, filling the glass precisely three-quarters of the way up the sides as I had been trained.

As I raised my gaze from the wine, the sibla man caught my eyes and for a moment, we stared at each other. I don't know that I had ever dared look into a sibla's eyes for so long. Not even Lexia's. But somehow, I was so surprised by what I saw in his expression, I couldn't quickly break away. In the ice-blue stare, I saw something more human than I'd thought possible in the gaze of a sibla. Something almost kind.

"Thank you," he said, shocking me more than his eyes had. I looked away.

Why should he thank me? I was an animal, a slave. He was a sibla, and a powerful one at that.

"There is no need to thank her."

My Master's voice maintained the edge I had already perceived. "She is happy to serve. Are you not, Alice?"

"Yes, Master," I answered quietly, pouring a second cup and setting the wine beside him. Unfortunately, when I looked up, I saw the frown on his face.

"Come, slave," he commanded. I could hardly deny him, as much as I might wish to. Instead, I went to him obediently, playing the part of a repentant slave. A human who wanted nothing more than to regain her Master's good graces. We were too close for me to lose sight of our goal.

As soon as I got close enough I felt the tight grip of Dulane's hand on my wrist as he reached out and grabbed hold of me.

"I will ask again," he said, danger laced in his words, daring me to make a mistake, "are you not grateful to serve, Alice?"

"Yes, Master," I answered once more. A moment later I felt the familiar sting of the back of his knuckles as they slammed against the side of my face. I blinked back the black dots that appeared before my eyes. He'd always had a strong hand.

"I expect more gratitude than that," Dulane spat, flecks of spittle landing upon my cheek.

"Forgive me," I answered quickly. "I am forever grateful for my service and wish only to obey all orders."

As Dulane raised his hand again I fought the urge to cower. It would do no good in any case. But in that moment my gaze fell upon his guest, shock temporarily obliterating any pain or fear. The sibla man was staring at me and in his face, I saw nothing but horror. Horror at Dulane's action. Sympathy for my plight. His eyes slightly begged for my Master to lower his hand and let me go. But why should this sibla have any concern for me at all?

My confusion remained as Dulane released my arm, letting his hand fall with a laugh.

"Alice has had to relearn her place recently," he said, " but I am glad to report she seems to be making progress. You see, Mr. Kendrick, humans need a firm hand to guide them. Like all animals, they must understand fully who their Master is. It is something you must keep in mind when training your new flock. It is necessary to put them in their place as soon as possible. All my animals have been well trained, but even a slight lack in structure can cause humans to get quickly out of hand."

I fought the scowl I felt threatening on my lips and forced a neutral expression. The hypocrisy was infuriating. He did not wish for obedience, my Master wanted automatons, creatures with no feelings or pain or desires of any sort. Toys he could torture for his own amusement and then toss away without consequence. He would learn soon that his "strong hand" would be the death of his family and all he employed.

But looking to the sibla man seated across from my Master, I could see clearly on his face his discomfort in hearing Dulane's words. Could it be that I had finally met a sibla who was different from others of his kind?

"Leave us now, Alice," my Master said, tone cold. "We will discuss proper etiquette around my guests later."
I felt a shiver travel through me in spite of myself. It was clear enough that more bruises would be added to my collection before the day was out. As I left I cast one final glance at the strange sibla man. He was staring directly at me and in his eyes, I saw nothing but sympathy. He did not believe I deserved the punishment my Master would inflict. He did not wish for me to suffer. Compassion in the ice-blue gaze of a sibla male. I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself.

"She is a fine-looking animal."
I heard Kendrick's comment through the crack in the door as I left and I stopped, too surprised to go without a bit more eavesdropping. Was that truly what the man had seen in me? I was nearly 30 now and looked every one of my years.

In spite of all my efforts to "look presentable," I knew my eyes were circled with bags. I hadn't slept properly since Mary's death and had long lost any spark of life in my step, thoughts focused on survival and revenge alone. There was nothing attractive remaining within me. And yet the man had appeared sharp in his gaze, observant. He was there to do business as a human trader. I couldn't imagine why he would show interest in one like myself but in that moment I worried nonetheless that he might indeed try to take me from my cause as I had originally feared. The sound of hearty laughter interrupted my thoughts. Dulane's light-hearted mocking.

"That old thing?" he scoffed. "Perhaps you do not know humans as well as I thought. She is nearly used up. Alice was a successful breeder in her younger days, but I suspect she is coming to the end of her usefulness. Moreover, her tongue has always been less than attractive. She was born and bred here on this estate and I have kept her for twenty-nine years now. Long by my standards.

"She has been a relatively effective domestic, but I cannot say I will be sad to cull that wayward creature when the time comes. I've already bred her multiple times in the past few months and there is no sign of pregnancy. If she cannot conceive after her next mating attempt, her days are numbered."

Of course his words were not surprising to me. My days were indeed numbered. With any luck, his were as well.

"It is a shame, however," my Master concluded. "Given how old and tough she, is I do not have much hope that her flesh will be any different. Likely dry and tough like the animal herself. Perhaps she will make a decent enough stew. Not much else to get from such a creature."

As he laughed I felt my fists clench in anger, heat coursing through me. But then, my own quiet laughter escaped my lips, frown morphing into a smile. He had no idea. Here he was counting the days to my demise and I stood waiting, poised to strike. I would not leave this world with a whimper. I would rise to the heavens as an avenging angel, my hands dripping with sibla blood.

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