Log 1

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(Again, If you haven't already, I strongly suggest you read Aura: Origins First.)

(Also, each log is much shorter than an actual chapter, so there may be instances where there's more than one log per column.)

"Alright. Log 1. I am Davis Irona. I am currently 16, and this is my 4th year stuck in the void. I think. You can't really tell time here in the void. How did I get here? Well, it's a long story. Buckle your seatbelts, this is gonna be a long explanation."

Davis continues the recording.

"I used to live in a small village in an area called Verdana. This was one of the many regions of a big island called Sunset. I had two older siblings, Ty and Edge. They were twins, but oh boy, they really had different personalities. While Ty was more reserved, Edge was more social. Everything was going pretty darn swell, and then...well, Mystaal showed up. I don't hate him, but I have a strong resent for him, per se. Anyways, at the time I met him, he seemed to be a good friend. Like I already knew him. Then again, I was 12. That was the time when I thought everyone gets a happy ending. Soon after we met Mystaal, the forest surrounding our village burned down. If it wasn't for him, we probably would have died, so I give that one to him. Shortly after, though, there was another attack. I feel like Mystaal was one of the reasons these things kept happening. Seriously. If he hadn't shown up, maybe my universe would have still been here, Ty and edge would still be alive, and everything was happy. But, I'm getting off topic. Ty and Edge were the first and only people to really confront the being. In the end, I ended up loosing t-"

Davis Paused. Took a deep breath, and continued. You could hear his voice cracking.

".....I think that's all I want to say at the moment...so, yeah. Until we meet in log 2. Or maybe I'll die here before I make another log. Oh well."


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