Meet the characters

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Rewriting this story so that it co-exists with JulieMcIntrye4's HP story which she is also working on re-writting... Now called Friendship comes in unexpected places.

This is a Harry Potter fan fiction. I do not own most of the characters in this story or the plots of the HP series. They are the soul property of J.K Rowling. This story is in no way meant to Plagiarize the books or movies. I own Catrina and her love interest.

My co-writer and inspiration for writting this story JulieMcIntrye4 created Lucy Lupin and her mother Rose Lupin as well as Jason Diggory. They also help me write how her character would react to certain situations.

I'd like to thank Creamy_Cupcakes the wonderful work they have done for the cover of this story.

Lucy: has bright blue eyes and shoulder length brown hair. She is full of curiosity at the world having been in isolation growing up due to Graycback's threats to turn her. She loves arts and wants to create her own spells and her favorite activity is creating garments. She takes after both of her parents and is extremely bright and fiercely loyal. She isn't afraid to fight for what's right. Owned by JulieMacintry4 as does Rose Lupin

Jason Diggory is Cedric's younger brother. He has always lived in Cedric's shadow and is constantly being compared to him by their father. Jason always felt that Cedric was the only member of his family to truly love and care about him. He is devastated when Cedric is murdered by Pettigrew during the Goblet of Fire competition. His father blames Jason for Cedric entering into the competition and wishes that Jason had died instead. He is Owned by JulieMacintry4


Her parents are devote death eaters especially her mother. Her mother is cold and cruel and really doesn't know how to show her daughter any love. In fact, she thinks it will make her daughter "weak." Her father is a very kind and  loving man who's only true desire is for a loving family away from the control of the Dark Lord. He is killed by an Aura who was trying to arrest them. Her mother is sent to Azkaban. She is raised by her father's parents. Owned by JulieMacintry4

Julian Jareth Bacchus Vincent Ares Alucard aka Draco/ son of the dragon. Not much is known about him yet. Except that he is from the Royal Werewolf line in the USA/ Romania

Mother: Lady Luna: (should she be the werewolf moon goddess in human form?)

Princess of the Moonlight clan. She is being forced into an arranged marriage to a man that she doesn't even know. As a political move to ensure the future of her pack. Discovering that the man she is now engaged to is a cruel heartless and abusive man she runs away. Once this is discovered her fiancé swears to hunt her down and bring her back. Upon being found he beats her. Battered and bleeding with no one seeming to care she accepts her fate.

Luckily Fate has other plans.

Father: Vlad III Dracul. AKA son of the dragon/ Vlad the impaler/ Count Dracula. Still broken hearted at the loss of his beloved wife Vlad has hardened his heart to the concept of love. One night he out hunting and sees a frail woman running deep into the forrest. Despite his better judgment he follows her. Upon watching her be beaten he intervenes and rescues her from the hands of this cruel man. Despite his better judgement he brings the young woman to his castle.

Catrina is five foot two with long curly brownish red hair with red/ pink with a touch on the left hand side and blue/ teal/ black on the other on the ends of her hair. (Think
Harley Quinn with Curly Sue length.)

She has deep brown eyes that change color with her mood and sometimes so does her hair. She has a birthmark on her left wrist that resembles the Dark Mark. When the Obscurial takes over her eyes are almost a pure black with a bright green. If the Obscurial takes over completely She is surrounded by a green, black and red mist. (Much like Disney's Maleficent)

She is basically a mixture between young Tom Riddle and Bellatrix Lastrange and Rudolfous Lastrange. She can pass as Dumbledore's and as Remus Lupin's biological daughter. Like her father, She can speak parseltounge and is extremely good with magical creatures.

Biological name Dabria Lilith Roseabella Lastrange

Biological family
Mother: Bellatrix Lastrange
Father: Rudolfous Lastrange (but also Voldemort because he possessed him)
Grandparents on mother's side Grandfather Cygnus Black II
Grandmother Druella Black
Grandfather Reinhard Lestrange
Grandparents via Voldemort
grandfather Tom Maldolvo Riddle Senior
Grandmother Merope Gaunt Riddle
Aunt Narcissa Malfoy
Uncle Lucious Malfoy
Cousin Draco Malfoy
Uncle Edward Tonks (Muggle)
Aunt Andromeda Black Tonks (disowned by black family)
Cousin Nimphadora Tonks (Dora)

Adopted family

Adopted name Catrina Ariana Roseabella  Dumbledore (later Lupin).

Father Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Uncle Aberforth Dumbledore
Cousin Aurelius Dumbledore aka Credence Barebone (deceased)
Aunt Ariana Dumbledore deceased but is active in her portrait.

Second adopted family after Dumbledore's death

Adopted Father Remus Lupin
Mother Rose Lupin
Sister Lucy Rose Lupin

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