Enchanted In The Moonlight - MC is turned into an Ayakashi

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This story was written by a great writer on tumblr by the user name: @xmasqueradeangelx I adore her storys and want others to see her work too please enjoy.

Enchanted In The Moonlight - MC is turned into an Ayakashi
Request from tashika100 - MC becomes an Ayakashi with powers like theirs but much more powerful.
Okay, so here we go!


Miyabi - You had never imagined that it would be possible for you to become an Ayakashi. In fact, the clan heads had never heard of such a thing. But due to your possession of the once in a millennia blood, Miyabi had been informed that you could make that transition.
When the question had been posed to you, you hadn't been sure how to react exactly. Did Miyabi not like you just as you were? Though when you had asked him the question, he had been somewhat evasive initially.
It was only upon your visit to the mononoke village, that his Grandfather elaborated more on Miyabi's reasons.
'As you know, Miyabi's mother was a human. In our world, Ayakashi live for much longer than humans.'
As the realisation hit you, you were more aware of why Miyabi had not said anything. He didn't want to pressure you. Nothing like this had ever been done before and while he would not allow it if it were not safe, you knew Miyabi was still worried about you.
'You know Miyabi won't mind, whatever choice you make. He will support you, as you have supported him in the past.'
'I know...but, if this means we can spend more of our lives together, then I am willing to do it...'
Smiling kindly at her, Isao took her hand.
'You really are an incredible woman for Miyabi to call his bride. I know he deems himself very lucky...'
'Do you think so?' you asked softly, making him chuckle as though he was remembering something.
'Ah, Miyabi isn't exactly well known for expressing himself emotionally. Certainly not as well as some of the other clan heads might. But it is easy to see as a clan that you have changed Miyabi for the better and brought light to his heart. He does not care about any ridicule he faces now...so long as he has your love, that is all he needs. Though I know your choice will make him very happy...'
With everything decided, you had returned to the palace the following day, with Miyabi by your side as preparations were made.
Sitting down in the large banquet hall, you had requested that Miyabi's grandfather also be there along with the other clan heads.
Knowing that you needed their support, Miyabi had willingly agreed. Needless to say, he had been concerned about the procedure itself. He had spent half of the morning threatening his staff that if anything happened to you, they would not live to see it.
You were his everything, he couldn't allow something to happen to you, even if he couldn't openly admit it with words.
Though as a goblet was placed before you, you felt Miyabi squeeze your hand tightly as your breathing seemed to still.
This was the moment.
Raising the cup to your lips, you took a moments breath before turning to Miyabi and telling him three words he had not expected.
'I love you.'
Swallowing the entire contents of the goblet, you had almost dropped it when Miyabi caught it and placed it on the table before you, his hands gripping yours as you started to tremble.
'Are you alright?' he asked, putting a hand to your forehead as you nodded weakly.
Though as he ran a hand through your hair, you felt as though he had hit something strange. The whispering among the room sounding more acute...clearer somehow.
Following his hand, you soon felt the familiar softness of kitsune ears protruding from your own head as you looked down to find yourself adorning the red and white colours that Miyabi's ayakashi form wore and a kitsune tail that gently settled around your hip and onto your lap.
'Incredible...the girl with the special blood is truly something to behold,' one of the elders praised, though Miyabi's interest was more on you as he took your hands in his.
'Try to light the candles.'
'Command your kitsunebi. I know you can do it,' he remarked, guiding your hand as you focused on the candles within the room, all consequently put out as you brought forth your new power.
Gasping aloud as the blue flames appeared within your palm, your eyes lit up as the candles sparked to life.
'Incredible...' Miyabi breathed, surprise in his eyes as you looked to him.
'What is it?'
'I have never seen such power as this before...'
'Miyabi is right,' Yukinojo chimed in, 'your power is unlike anything we have ever seen from a pure blood ayakashi...it is almost, unbelievable.'
Taking your hand in his, Miyabi looked at you with such love in his eyes as he leant in to kiss you passionately, awakening a different kind of fire deep within you as he nibbled on your lower lip.
'I love you too,' he whispered in your newly formed kitsune ears, leaving you practically melting at his touch...

Yukinojo - 'Are you sure this is safe?' Yukinojo asked doubtfully, regarding Yukigojo with some doubt in his eyes.
'Absolutely, I would not suggest it otherwise,' he remarked, bowing his head deeply to the pair of you.
You had never believed it would be possible to be turned into an Ayakashi like Yukinojo and the other clan heads, but here, you were being presented with a chance.
A chance to extend your lifespan beyond that of a humans...to be with Yukinojo forever?
'I need to speak with the elders about this,' Yukinojo remarked, still evidently uncertain when you grabbed his sleeve.
'Yukinojo...if what they are saying is true, then I...I want to do this...'
'You do not need to be an Ayakashi to have my love,' Yukinojo remarked softly, stroking your cheek when you shook your head in response.
'It's not that...I, I want to be with you forever. I will never let you be hurt again like before and if this can stop you from ever feeling such pain again, then I will do it. No matter what it takes. Being with you is all I want...'
'You...' seeing his eyes widen, Yukinojo suddenly pulled you into a swift embrace, his hands shaking slightly as he held you close to his chest.
'I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you...I promise you.'
With the prospect of you becoming an Ayakashi getting more real by the minute, Yukinojo took you along to converse with the elders and the other clan heads.
'An Ayakashi? Really?' Kyoga remarked in surprise. 'You think this will work Yuki?'
'It's hard to say...but that's why I want all of you there,' Yukinojo responded, his voice concerned as you gripped his hand gently.
'I'm not sure there's anything we can do to help, but we will support you if that is what you wish,' Chikage responded, seeing Yukinojo nod in response as he bowed his head in gratitude.
'Quit it with that, will you? How long have we known each other for? If you need us, we're gonna be there,' Shinra grinned, before looking to you with a more serious expression.
'Are you sure you want to try this?'
'If it means that I can be with Yukinojo without the short lifespan that comes with being a human, then yes, absolutely...' you responded with an air of confidence. 'I trust Yukinojo and I trust his clan. I know that they wouldn't harm me now...'
'Never,' Yukinojo responded, the temperature dropping slightly as he was reminded of the situation you had been faced with almost a year ago now. He would never allow such a thing to happen again.
With everything decided, the preparations were made in order for you to take the drink that would turn you from a human into an Ayakashi the following day. With the other clan heads to be present for it, you were given a traditional outfit of a Yukibito to wear for the ceremony.
As you walked out to see Yukinojo awaiting you in his Ayakashi form, he took your hand and kissed your forehead, a warm smile on his face as he stroked your cheek.
'You look radiant,' he uttered, though a trace of concern lingered in his voice.
'It will be okay...I know it,' you responded, making his heart ache at the strength you always maintained. That beautiful smile that you had always held for him...you had melted his heart and now, he would protect yours at all costs.
Walking down to the main hall where the Yukibito awaited you, the clan heads stood at the end of the room where a bright blue bottle stood on a stand, a glass beside it as you walked forwards.
Pouring out the contents of the bottle himself, Yukinojo stood before his clan and said a few words.
'Today we welcome my love into our clan, not just as my bride, but as a Yukibito. May you hold her in your thoughts as we attempt something never before tried amongst any clan.'
With those finishing words, Yukinojo glanced down to you as if to ask if this was really what you wanted, though you responded by putting your hands over his.
Keeping the glass in his hands, you guided them up to your lips as you drank the ice cold liquid, feeling it slip down your throat easily as a cool breath left your lips.
At first, it felt as though your head might spin, though Yukinojo supported you as you regained the strength in your legs. You felt colder, but it was not unpleasantly so. Almost as though it were natural.
'Yukinojo...' you breathed.
'How do you feel?'
'Wonderful,' you admitted, seeing a look of relief cross his features, though your elated feelings were soon emphasised in a way other than your smile.
'Damn it's cold,' Miyabi grumbled, the Yukibito looking outside when Yukinojo seemed to realise something.
'Beautiful...' he murmured, taking your hand and leading you to the balcony where the sky was enveloped by snowflakes dancing across the sky and settling gently over the mononoke village.
'Did I do this?' you asked, surprised when Yukinojo smiled at you warmly.
'The strength of your love did this,' he breathed, taking your hand in his as you looked up with a bright smile on your face as the snow surrounded you both, though it bothered neither of you as you reached up and kissed him, feeling his warmth as he enveloped you in his embrace.

Chikage - Chikage wasn't sure what to make of the news that Koten had brought to him. It was a message passed on by the elders of the mononoke village.
They had discovered that the girl who possessed the special blood could also turn into an Ayakashi, giving her the lifespan and powers of the clan.
While the news had surprised him initially, he hadn't been sure what to make of it all. It would be wonderful to know that you would be safer...stronger. But would being an Ayakashi make you happy?
After all, you had always been a human. He had never heard of a human being transformed into an Ayakashi before and while it made sense in some ways, he could never force such a thing upon you.
Waiting until you were alone that night, Chikage finally decided to bring up the subject and see your reaction to it.
'I would become an Ayakashi?'
'A tengu...yes. You would essentially become one of our clan,' he remarked. 'Though this has never been done before.'
'What do you think of it?'you asked softly.
'I do not want my opinions to cloud your judgement on this. It is a big decision to make and one that should probably not be taken lightly.'
'Up until a year ago, I believed I was just a normal human girl and ayakashi's were myth and legend,' you responded honestly. 'I guess this isn't so far from strange to me now.'
Feeling his hand intwine with yours, you looked up into Chikage's gaze as he regarded you calmly.
'I don't want you to do this because you believe that you have too...'
'But if I do this...then, we'd be together for so much longer than we would if I remain a human...won't we?'
'Do you want that?' you asked, looking into his eyes. Chikage seemed surprised for your question.
'What are you saying? Of course I would want that...do you doubt my feelings for you?'
'N-no, that's not what I-'
Not waiting for you to finish your sentence, Chikage easily pinned you to the floor, his lips trailing along your collarbone and the mark of your agreement.
'Then I'll just have to show you...'
Giving in to his sweet kisses, you knew more than anything that you always wanted to be by Chikage's side.
With your mind made up, you and Chikage set out for the mononoke village with the other clan heads and Koten.
'So are you going to become a Tengu too?'
'I guess so,' you smiled, though Chikage seemed relatively quiet as he gripped your hand.
Was he...worried?
By the time you reached the mononoke village, night had fallen, though the castle was alight as you were all welcomed by the members of the Tengu clan.
'Everything has been prepared Master Chikage,' Hikobei remarked, coming out to greet the clan heads as Chikage nodded to him.
Taking your hand, Chikage led you a private room where the other clan heads were able to join you both.
'Are you sure you want this?' Chikage asked, producing a small vial as you looked up into his eyes.
'Yes, I want to be with you...is that so hard to believe?'
'No...it's not that...I just want you to know how touched I am that you'd even consider to do this for us. You've given so much already...'
'I know I can do this with you here...'
Giving you the vial, you kept your eyes on Chikage's as you drank it entirely, a warmth spreading throughout your body as you let out a small gasp.
Leaning forward to catch you, Chikage's eyes widened at the wings that began to take shape from your shoulder blades. With pure white feathers adorning your back as they took form, you looked up into Chikage's eyes to let him know you were not in pain.
'This is unbelievable,' Shinra remarked in awe. 'How do you feel?'
'Okay...it feels a little strange,' you admitted, reaching to touch the wings and feeling the tenderness of them. They were not as heavy as you would have expected, though Chikage soon led you out into the gardens, where he encouraged you to try and lift yourself from the ground.
'But I...'
'I'll be right here beside you,' he encouraged watching as you beat your wings, slowly at first, though as the motion became more natural, you allowed it to envelop you, though you did not realise the force with which you were using your new powers until you allowed yourself to land again and found the other clan heads bracing themselves.
'Such power...' Miyabi remarked in genuine surprise.
'Did I do something wrong?' you asked, though Chikage merely shook his head with a wry smile as he pulled you into his arms.
'I don't think anyone can ever underestimate you...I love you...'

Kyoga - As it neared the full moon, things had been somewhat busy at the mononoke village. You had been visiting with Kyoga for the past two weeks and assisting him where you could. Though it was on one of your final days that the elders made a revelation.
'We have discovered something which we believe could turn her into an ayakashi...'
Looking over the old scripts that the elders presented to him, Kyoga frowned as he read through them.
'Are you sure about this?'
'Yes, it would mean that she would no longer be bound by the lifespan of a human...'
Looking to Kyoga in surprise as you entered the room and heard the extent of the conversation, the elders bowed to you as you looked to your Okami.
'Is it true?'
'It would seem so...'
Unable to work out Kyoga's reaction to the news, he waited until you were alone before discussing it.
'Are there risks?' you asked.
'It hasn't ever been done before. None of our clans have ever tried it. Certainly not in our lifetimes anyway. There appears to be some record of it, but we don't know who or when it was performed.'
'But the elders seemed so certain...'
'With their knowledge, I don't doubt it would work, but would you want that...to become an Ayakashi?'
'I know it would make you worry less...I also know that it would mean that we could be together without me ageing like normal humans do...'
'You would do that for me?'
'I'd do it for us,' you responded, taking his hands as he leant his forehead against yours.
'I fully support you in whatever you want to do...truth be told, the thought of you becoming an Ayakashi makes me happy. You're right, we wouldn't be bound by the short lifespan that humans hold, and that makes me happy...'
Nodding to him as you smiled, you requested that Kyoga ask the elders to prepare whatever was necessary and that as long as he was with you, you were certain you could get through anything.
With the following night being the full moon, you had decided to wait until then.
Leading you out onto the balcony beneath the evening light, Kyoga offered you the goblet, though before you could drink it, he gently placed his hand over it.
'Don't just do this for my sake,' he remarked, his voice serious as he looked into your eyes.
'I'm doing this for us,' you responded, a kind smile on your face as you reached out to touch his cheek.
'I love you and I want to be with you for as long as we can be together.'
Smiling warmly at you, Kyoga leant his forehead against yours as he allowed you to drink.
Once you had drained the goblet of it's contents, you had felt weakened initially, dropping to your knees as Kyoga held you up, asking you if you were alright, though he soon stopped in his tracks.
'I don't believe it.'
Reaching out to you, Kyoga's hands suddenly traced along your hairline, though you became contented by the motion Kyoga was making when you realised that it was something protruding from your head.
Reaching up and feeling the soft wolf ears that had appeared, you quickly realised that you had also gained a tail as you looked up at Kyoga who watched you with a curious expression.
'How do you feel?'
'Good...I'm okay,' you admitted, feeling somewhat relieved as Kyoga helped you to stand.
'Thank you...' you muttered, though as Kyoga looked over you, he couldn't believe just how beautiful you looked under the full moons light.
Though before you could say any more, an ayakashi caught your eye as you glanced over and saw the menacing figure that headed towards you.
Before Kyoga could react you felt an impulse and took your chance as your own clawed gauntlet took it's place on your right hand and you hurled fire across the meadow towards the rogue ayakashi, sending it up in flames within an instant.
'Whoa...you're gonna show me up at this rate,' Kyoga remarked in disbelief as you stared at your hand, shocked at what you had just done.
'It's okay, you'll learn to control it better as you get used to your new abilities,' Kyoga assured you, stroking your cheek as he became aware of the alluring scent. Unable to resist you any longer, Kyoga brought your lips against his in a passionate kiss.
'I love you...I love you so much...' he breathed, his voice husky as he carried you back into your room for a passionate night beneath the full moon.

Shinra - When Shinra discovered that you could become an Ayakashi, he wasn't sure how to take the news. He had known you since you were little and in the short time that he had spent away from the human world, you had grown into a beautiful young woman.
But more than that, you were his love. His everything.
Yet now, there was a chance that you could have an Ayakashi's lifespan...the powers and abilities...everything that came with it.
The knowledge was all a bit much for the Oni, who wasn't sure how to proceed with this new information, though you knew that something was wrong.
'Shinra?' you remarked softly, joining him on the deck one evening as he sat looking out at the stars. 'Is everything okay?'
'You've been pretty quiet since dinner...has something happened?'
Not wanting to worry you, Shinra felt it was best to be honest and began to explain the situation. At first you were surprised. You never thought such a thing could be possible and it was clear Shinra didn't either, though the thought of living such a long life with him made your heart well up with happiness.
'Are you worried about me?'
'Yes...A part of me thought I would never find you again and I did. I don't want to lose you...if something goes wrong, I could never forgive myself...'
'Have you talked with the others?'
'Yes, they all seem quite confident in the elders discovery...'
'Then what is it?'
'I don't want you to have to do this...I wish it was me that could do it for you...'
'Shinra, you have protected me since the day we met. I want to do this...if it means we can be together, then I want to try.'
'Are you sure?'
'Yes...' you nodded, gripping his hand in yours as you looked into his eyes with a warm smile. Leaning your forehead against his, you felt Shinra's hand gently run through your hair as he brushed his lips against yours.
'I can only do this if you are with me,' you admitted.
'I would never let you go through such a thing alone,' Shinra reassured you, your smile giving him a little faith as you both came to the decision to try the elders suggestion.
Travelling to the mononoke village with the other clan heads the following week, Miyabi had been doing less to insult Shinra, though you couldn't help but wonder if it was because he knew that Shinra was already worrying.
Gripping his hand in yours, you saw him offer you a small smile as he continued to keep you close as you headed for the mononoke village.
'If any bad ayakashi get word of this, they may attack while she is still vulnerable,' Yukinojo remarked, 'we must keep on our guard.'
'We'd best get to the castle quickly then,' Kyoga added in, agreeing with Yukinojo as the group set off towards the palace.
Once inside, Shinra had held you close, vowing to keep you safe as the elders presented you with a drink that would turn you into an Oni.
Gripping Shinra's hand with one of yours, you braced yourself before drinking the contents of it, feeling Shinra's arms supporting you as you dropped the cup and slumped onto the floor.
'H-hey! Are you okay?!' Shinra half yelled, when a fire ball flung through the room and hit the wall nearby you and Shinra.
Looking up to see a group of ayakashi that you didn't recognise, the clan heads quickly changed to their ayakashi forms and prepared themselves for a fight, though as Shinra shielded you from their attacks, you felt an overwhelming fear for them. You wanted to protect them...you had to do something, anything.
That was when you felt it. An overwhelming power surging through your veins as the sound of thunder roared, shaking the building as your eyes lit up and you felt your strength coming back to you and got to your feet.
'Shinra! Are you doing this?'
'No...' he breathed, looking on in awe as you commanded such incredible power, assisting the clan heads when, as you brought your attack to an end, you dropped to your knees, feeling the drain of using such power.
'I've got you,' Shinra remarked, enveloping you in his arms as you looked up at him wearily. 'Did I help?'
'More than you know,' he returned softly, picking you up in his arms and carrying you into the room you both used in the castle when you stayed in the mononoke village.
Allowing you to rest, when you had finally come around, your first question was whether it had all been successful.
'Yeah, that storm you brewed up was really something,' Shinra admitted, 'but forget about that, how do you feel?'
'I'm okay,' you responded, 'I'm glad that you're here...'
'Of course,' Shinra responded, kissing you gently as he breathed a sigh of relief. You were really okay.
'I love you Shinra,' you uttered, feeling him wrap you up in his embrace as he trailed kisses all over your delicate skin.
'I love you too,' he responded, 'always...'

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