Somebody to love-11 (final apart)

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Hey guys! So this is the final part of this fic! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! I'm currently also working on another fic (a PIL one) so stay tuned for that one! :) <3

Dylan watched as a bullet slammed into Kyoto's right shoulder, sending him spinning down to the ground. He screamed in pain and grabbed at his wounded shoulder, writhing about on the ground in agony in front of the three of them.
Takuto rolled his eyes. "Serves you right. This was the lamest set-up ever by any self-respecting mobster I've ever seen."
"Where...? How...?" Kyoto seethed, clenching his teeth as he grabbed his shoulder.
"Oh, he looks like he's in pain. Don't you think so Takuto?" Hiro taunted, unable to help himself.
Takuto winced. "Yep, definitely looks like that one hurt him."
Kyoto's gaze met hers and a malicious expression crossed his face. "H-how'd they find you so quickly?"
"You seriously underestimated the wrong group of men," Dylan chuckled despite her pain, "They're gonna eat you and your men for breakfast."
"Why I oughta..." Kyoto started, reaching inside his jacket pocket and pulling out a gun. Dylan held her breath as he pulled it up and aimed for her head, the gun wavering slightly in his hands. She hadn't known that he had even had a gun with him. He hadn't tried to use it on any of them earlier, but then she figured that he was a mobster after all, she really shouldn't have been all that surprised. But another clear shot rang out around them, and Kyoto's gun flew from his grasp. He cried out in pain again, clutching his hand to his chest, a looked of bewildered confusion in his eyes.
"Kenny's a good shot as per usual!" Hiro said happily, leaning back in his chair.
"Jesus Dylan, did you really need to taunt him though?" Takuto asked, letting out a rough sigh.
"Me?! What about you two?!"
Takuto shrugged. "Witty banter as I see it."
Dylan heard a rough noise echo from the other side of the door, right before it was kicked open in front of them. Dylan looked up to see Tatsuro and Riki rushing inside, rushing over to Kyoto and tackling him. Both men grappled with the mobster, quickly restraining him. Tatsuro slapped on a pair of handcuffs and shoved him down roughly to the ground before looking over at the three of them.
"You guys okay?" He asked as Riki fought with her restraints.
"Yeah, we're alright. Your police buddies here?" Takuto said, scowling over at Kyoto who struggled against Tatsuro's firm grasp. Dylan's hands finally became undone and she rubbed her sore wrists, helping to untie Hiro as Riki untied Takuto.
Tatsuro nodded. "Yep, so you Foxes need to get the hell outta here before they come up here." As Takuto's and Hiro's wrists were untied, Dylan stood up and quickly gave Tatsuro a quick kiss on the cheek in thanks.
Tatsuro blushed. "The rest of my men are taking down the rest of Kyoto's men, so you guys need to scram."
Kyoto's expression was poisonous as he glared up at Dylan. "I should have killed you when I had the chance, but I can always try again next time."
A voice came from the radio in Riki's pocket. "I'll slaughter you if you even think about it."
Riki chuckled. "Yeah, I'd reconsider that plan mate. You royally pissed off Kenshi messing around with Dylan here, so I wouldn't tempt fate trying for her again. Or any of us for that matter. Kenshi's fiercely protective you see."
"I could try now." Kyoto said fiercely, straining against Tatsuro's cuffs.
"Move again and I won't hesitate to blow your brains out asshole." Kenshi growled from his end of the radio, and as it to iterate his point, the red flash of Kenshi's scope appeared on Kyoto's body, for him to see. She could see his adam's apple bobbing drastically as he swallowed, remaining silent. Dylan's eyes widened at the rather fierce sound in her boyfriends voice. She'd never heard him sound so angry or dark before.
"I got this ass, you guys need to go." Tatsuro said, nodding his head towards the door. She patted Tatsuro's shoulder gently once and turned, following as the rest of the guys made their escape. Following closely behind them, they snuck stealthily past the police officers scattered about the warehouse, trying to restrain the rest of the mobsters inside.
Riki pulled up his radio and held it up to his face. "Atsumu bring the van around, Kenshi meet us there."
"Got it!" Both men answered at once. The group ran around a corner and ducked underneath some boxes to avoid being seen by a few lagging police officers. A tightness started welling up in Dylan's chest, and she clenched her fist to her chest, trying to ward off the sudden pain she was feeling. Only a little bit longer and she'd be with Kenshi again, this whole nightmare behind them. Only a little while longer and this all would finally be over with.
But Riki seemed to notice her discomfort and looked over at her. "How are you feeling Dylan?"
"I-I'm fine!" She answered, getting up with the rest of them as they continued on outside. But Riki grabbed her and hoisted her up, carrying her.
"What are you doing?" She exclaimed, seeing Hiro and Takuto running along behind them.
"Your doctor said that your lungs were still healing, I'm not going to let you put any more strain than you already have on them. Kenshi would murder me if I let you get any worse than you already are. Just hold on for now!" He answered, running out into the crisp night air.
"Dylan!" A voice screamed in the distance. She turned her head to see the one thing she'd been waiting to see. Kenshi.
"Kenshi!" She whispered as he ran up to the four. His face was rather pale, and small bags had formed underneath his eyes. A sniper rifle tucked up underneath his arm, he hastily strapped it to his back and greedily gathered her up from Riki's arms. He held her to him then, looking down at her with such concern that it almost melted her heart. The transfer to his arms jostled her side and she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to keep herself from crying out. The group jumped inside the van as it pulled up, and speedily made their escape, Atsumu quickly driving them away from the warehouse.
"Well that was... fun..." Hiro panted, leaning back into his seat.
"I vote we go on a different field trip next time. Like the zoo or something." Takuto agreed, trying to brush off some of the dried blood from his temple.
Atsumu shrugged up in the driver's seat. "Zoo was booked, sorry guys."
"In all seriousness, are you guys alright?" Riki asked, looking at each of them individually.
"Yeah, we're alright." Hiro said.
Dylan pressed her forehead against Kenshi's, hugging him closer to her body. They smiled at one another, the relief that both felt so overwhelming that neither was able to say a word. Their thoughts were reflected perfectly through their eyes, shining at one another. He showered kisses gently over her face, both of them too afraid to let the other go.
Takuto gagged. "Get a room."
"Oh come on, they just got engaged! Let them be!" Hiro said, throwing Dylan a sly wink.
Dylan giggled and looked over at Takuto, giving him a soft smile. "Hey, pork noodles, thanks about earlier by the way."
Takuto shrugged again. "Yeah, yeah, sure. No problem Dill pickle."
"You too Hiro."
Hiro waved her off. "It was nothing."
Atsumu laughed in the front seat. "Although, Kyoto sounded quite captivated by you Dylan."
Dylan groaned and buried her face in Kenshi's chest. "I always seem to attract the weirdos. Minus Kenshi that is."
Riki folded his hands behind his head and leaned back into his seat. "Nice to know everything's over with now though. That whole thing was starting to give me a headache." The group laughed, knowing how true that sentiment was to all of them.
"Are you really okay?" Kenshi whispered to her as the rest of the group kept talking, holding onto her like his life depended on it.
She nodded, rubbing a thumb gently across his cheek. "Yeah, I'm alright. I knew you would come for me."
The tip of his nose flicked across hers playfully. "Of course I would. You are the love of my life after all."
"And you're mine." She whispered back, pressing her lips gently against his.
"Let's go home." He said softly, kissing the tip of her nose.
She nodded her head and smiled up at him. "Yeah, take me home."

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