Somebody to love -3

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Dylan awoke several hours later when her alarm went off. She groaned, leaning over and slapping at it with her hand. A yawn escaped her, stretching her arms above her head. The warm body that had been cuddling against her all night had disappeared, and she glanced over her shoulder to see the empty spot next to her. Kenshi had had an earlier shift at work than herself and had likely slipped out without wanting to wake her. Another groan left her when she finally decided to get up, and stood up next to the bed. She stretched out once again and headed towards the shower.
Dylan turned the shower on with a reserved sigh, letting the water warm up before stepping inside. She and Kenshi had been living together for several months, and she couldn't help but to giggle to herself, seeing all of the feminine touches that she had placed all around their apartment. There weren't as many as some of her friends would have done at their boyfriend's places, but it was just enough to know that there was a woman living there as well. Poor Kenshi hadn't stood a chance when he invited her to move in with him at his apartment. She had tried not to go too overboard, as it was, as he claimed, a 'guys' apartment. But he had to have known that she was going to put her little touches here and there. A few pink towels stacked up on the counter, her feminine hygiene products scattered everywhere. Poor man hadn't had a prayer. Although he hadn't complained about it either. Not that ever would, she figured.
Letting the warm shower water cascade down her body, she laughed again to herself, thinking back to when Kenshi had seen all of her bathroom stuff. He hadn't uttered a word, but the look on his face had been priceless. So confused, like he had no idea what half of the stuff she had was. The other Black Foxes had helped her move her things into Kenshi's apartment, and it had taken both Hiro and Riki to explain what some of it was. Both of them having sisters of their own, they knew exactly what each product she had was, and what it's purpose was. Dylan had laughed, and laughed now, at just how confused Kenshi had looked while they had explained everything.
But other than her more feminine bathroom products, she really hadn't changed the place all that much. Much to Kenshi's relief. Dylan had never really considered herself a 'girly' person, and was much more satisfied hanging out with the boys, drinking a beer than she ever would have shopping around with a bunch of caddy women. She liked watching football with Kenshi in the living room, or going to a tailgate with him. She cursed like a sailor, she yelled, did very 'un-lady like' things. But at the end of the day, Kenshi loved her all the same. He still treated her in his typical gentle-manly way, making Dylan feel like a lady, his lady, each and every day.
The water started turning cold, and Dylan hastily jumped from the shower. She swiftly dressed and did herself up for work and headed to the kitchen to grab a quick bite to eat. The sweet aroma of coffee filled her senses and smiled, seeing that Kenshi had put on pot of coffee for when she woke up. He'd posted a note on the machine telling her to have a good day and the he loved her, and her smile widened. He really was such a sweetheart. She felt like a giddy high-school teenager as she filled her cup and went to the living room, clicking on the morning news to watch until it was time for her to leave.
Her thoughts drifted to wondering about how his arm was doing, worrying about whether or not it was hurting him. The gut-wrenching feeling that she'd had last night, after having seen his arm bleeding profusely, returned. She'd never seen anyone who had been shot before, and had never been shot herself. But seeing Kenny's arm, this man she loved so dearly, blood pouring out of his wound, had broken her heart. It had initially made her angry that he had tried to lie and cover it up, but she knew that it was just Kenshi's nature. Not wanting everyone to get upset. All he'd been worried about was her, and trying not to worry her. It was just so typical of him, putting her own needs and feelings above his own. With the help of Hiro, she'd managed to get it all stitched up, but she decided that when he returned home from work that day, she'd check it again to make sure it was healing up properly.
As she was sitting down, her phone rang in her pocket. She fished the device from her pocket and looked at the screen, seeing the name 'Pork Noodles' on the display. Rolling her eyes she clicked the answer button and put the device to her ear, taking another sip from her coffee.
"What's up Takuto?"
"How'd you know it was me?" He asked, causing Dylan to roll her eyes again.
"You called my cell phone genius. Caller ID is a magical thing these days."
"Sarcastic even this early in the morning I see. Well, I thought I called Kenshi's apartment."
She laughed. "Well you called me instead. Miss me that much already?" She loved teasing Takuto, making it her personal mission to torment him as often as she could. Mainly because he usually did the same to her, so she just liked keeping the score even. He was kind of like that annoying brother she never had, and since the two fought like they were siblings, it just made sense. Kenshi would often joke with her, calling Takuto her 'little brother'. A title Takuto despised. Or so he said. She hadn't gotten to pester him the night before with all the buzz from Kenshi's injury, but she made a mental note to make sure she made up for it later.
Takuto groaned on the other end of the phone. "What's to miss?"
"Oh come on Pork Noodles, you know you love me."
He groaned again, and she was pretty sure she heard him add a gag in. "You're impossible."
Dylan smiled. "Oh come on. Don't be so stingy. You're always extremely grumpy in the mornings."
"I just haven't had my coffee yet there Dill pickle. Oh well, anyway, I needed to talk to you anyway." He replied, using his nickname for her against her.
"What's up?"
"I was just going to let you know that we managed to get the relics back to your museum last night after we dropped you and Kenny off. Everything should be in order." He said with a yawn.
"Thank you Takuto. Any word from the mob group?"
"Not a peep. Though I doubt we would. They know the Black Foxes did it, that's for sure, but they don't know who the Black Foxes are. So we're safe for now."
"Well let's hope that lasts. I mean after a certain point, they're probably going to try to look for us. We are hurting their bottom line after all." She answered, finishing off the rest of her coffee.
"You have a point. Although I doubt they'd want anything to do with you."
"Why's that?"
She heard him chuckle. "You're too annoying, idiot."
Dylan laughed and grabbed her bag, heading towards the front door. "Goodbye Takuto." She ended the call and poured the remaining liquid in the coffee pot into her to-go cup. She then locked up behind herself and made her way towards her car in the parking lot. Though it took her a little bit longer to get to work from where she lived now, she liked the area a whole lot more than where she used to live. The people there seemed friendlier, and there was more to do. Plus she got to be with Kenshi all she wanted to now, which was well worth the forty minute commute.
Sliding herself into her car, she plugged her phone into the audio jack and cranked the radio up. She loved listening to music on her way to work, especially sitting through some of the heavy morning traffic. Kenshi would often tease her about how loud she liked to listen to her music, blasting her speakers at the high volume. But the way she figured it, if you were alone, there just wasn't any point in listening to music quietly. Because if you did, people in the other cars might actually hear you singing along with it. But just as she was belting the verses from one of her favorite musicals, her phone rang again.
She quickly glanced at the display, smiling as she answered the call, sending the call to her speaker-phone in her car. "My I'm popular this morning."
Kenshi laughed on the other end. "Why do you say that?"
"First Takuto, now you. Must just be my lucky morning."
"What'd Takuto want? More to the point, what the heck is he doing up this early? I thought the bear didn't wake from his daily hibernation until mid-afternoon. Especially right after we have a late night mission."
Dylan choked on her coffee. "He just called to let me know that the relics got back safely."
"Well that's good, I'm glad it made it back to them safely. Have they called you about it?"
"No but I figured that they'll tell me that about it when I get in."
"Yeah probably."
Dylan turned the wheel, heading down a street that helped her cut off her commute by a few minutes. "So what's up with you?"
"Nothing much, just had a few minutes and thought I'd call and see if you were on your way to work."
She smiled. "I am, heading there now. Took me a little longer to get ready this morning that usual."
"Well, a certain someone left a hickey on my collar bone and it took me a bit to put enough stuff on it to hid it."
She'd have given anything to see the blush that was likely on Kenshi's face at that moment. "...Sorry about that..."
"Don't be. It was worth it."
Kenshi laughed. "Yeah, I guess it was."
She grinned. "So you at work then I'm assuming?"
"Yeah, just had a moment and I thought I'd check to see if I needed to get anything on my way home after work."
"You getting off early?"
"Yep. Do we need anything?"
Dylan bit her lower lip and smiled. "How about a repeat from last night?"
He chuckled on the other end of the phone. "I think I can arrange for that."

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