Somebody to love-8

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After she was released from the hospital, the group went straight to LRN. The doctor told her that because her lung had been punctured by one of her ribs during the accident, she was not to do anything too strenuous or it would irritate the repairs they'd made. He'd insisted on bed rest to allow her body, particularly her lungs and ribs, to heal.
The guys were all vocal about how they would cater to her every need, that they wanted to spoil her as much as they could. The idea normally would've had her completely delighted, reeling at the thought of these men at her beckon call had her almost giddy. But because they'd said it with such guilty expressions on their faces, she knew that they were probably feeling responsible for her condition too. Despite her weak condition, she made it a point to give them the same lecture that she'd given Kenshi back at the hospital. But she did sneak in the sentiment that she still wouldn't mind if they catered to her just a little.
Hiro insisted he take Dylan's place and see if he and Tatsuro could dig up any information, insisting heavily upon her recuperation. Tatsuro, after hearing of her accident, agreed to help with anything they need. Allowing Hiro to help him. But the rest of the guys made LRN their temporary home, piling up in the separate rooms upstairs so that Dylan and Kenshi got one room just to themselves, to let her rest. The medications that she had to take caused her to be drowsy and lethargic, so they were kind enough to give her and Kenshi some privacy by doubling up on the bedrooms.
It had already been several days since they'd gotten back from the hospital, and nothing had happened. Or at least that she knew of. She demanded to be kept in the loop about what was going on with the Black Foxes independent investigation despite her condition. Riki had told her that Hiro and Tatsuro were making decent progress with their internal search and Tatsuro's title opening up a few sources. Hiro had called to tell them just the other morning that they had managed to get some video surveillance of the road that they had all been on when the van crashed into Dylan. The other vehicle's plates were still a little fuzzy to read, but they were trying to clear the image up enough to see. And just the night before Tatsuro had texted her himself, telling her that once he cleared up with his superiors, the police would do an official arrest on whoever was responsible for the attacks on the Black Foxes. Discreetly and without revealing the Black Foxes identities of course, but it was enough to make Dylan happy.
She and Kenshi were now in their bed, watching a movie on the television that Riki and Kenshi had brought up just for her. Takuto had also even brought up a game console for her to play, with several remotes of course so they could all play together when Dylan felt up to it. They'd had a few gaming competitions together since she'd gotten to LRN, and they were memories Dylan knew she would cherish. But now, with the other three boys downstairs, Dylan and Kenshi were alone. Kenshi was further down the bed, his head in her lap as they watched the screen. Her fingers toyed gently with his hair, running the soft strands through her hand. She sighed contently, feeling Kenshi turn his head to look up at her.
"How are you feeling?"
She smiled at him. "I'm fine."
"Do you need your medicine?"
"No, I'm okay. I had some about half an hour ago, so I should be good for another few hours."
He nodded his head and gave her a gentle smile, turning his head and looking back at the screen, watching the movie with her. But he didn't appear to be paying it much attention. He looked more like he was staring off into space, looking at a region near the base of the television instead. Dylan was beginning to feel sorry for this movie. This was now the third time they were attempting to finish it, the same movie from the other night flashing up on the screen. But with Kenshi beginning to appear a little restless in her lap, she had a feeling that they would yet again, not finish this poor movie. She'd probably have to end up looking up how it ends on her computer later, just to finally know what happens.
"Dylan... I need to ask you something." Kenshi said, turning and moving himself up so that he was lying next to her, looking into her eyes.
"What is it?"
"I was going to wait until Friday when we were supposed to have our little anniversary dinner, but since that's obviously didn't happen, and especially after everything that's happened lately, I need to ask you this now."
"Okay..." She whispered, a curious smile crossing her face.
"Dylan... This may come out awkward, you know how I can be with words, so don't laugh, because I want to get this all out. So here goes," He cleared his throat before continuing, "I love you so much. I don't think I'd ever be able to even express an inkling in words how much I really love you. You are everything to me, my very heart and soul. I'd do anything for you. You know that right?"
When she nodded, tears brimming her own eyes, he continued, "I've wanted to ask you this practically since the moment I met you. And I know we only moved in together just a few months ago, so this might be moving a little fast for you, and if it is I apologize in advance. And this isn't exactly the romantic atmosphere I'd pictured when I asked you this. But I just feel like I'd die if I waited another minute to ask you..."
He pulled something from his pocket and placed it in her hands before finishing his sentence. "Will you marry me?"
Dylan gasped, Kenshi opening the little box in her hand to reveal a diamond ring inside. "K-Kenshi..."
"Again, I'm sorry about doing this so un-romantically, I just didn't think..."
"Yes," She said, nodding her head vigorously as tears fell down her cheeks, "Yes I will!"
Kenshi grinned widely and took the ring from the box, and placed it delicately on her ring finger. Dylan looked down at it, sparkling with grand elegance on her finger and she waved him over to her, too overcome with emotion to say anything more. She loved this man with her very being, and she was so incandescently happy in that moment that she didn't care what the future may hold. As long as this man was there with her, they could overcome anything.

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