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Shiro, Hunk, Shay, Romelle, Pidge, and Matt sit in a waiting room, dressed in formal clothing, nervously looking down at the floor. It's evident that they've been crying, since their eyes are red and puffy. Romelle is crying into her hands while Pidge rubs her back in a comforting manner. Two police officers walk up to them, one has a clipboard

Officer 1: Hello. I'm officer Sweeney, this is officer Kelly.

Only Shiro looks up to show them the smallest sign of respect

Officer Sweeney: He clears his throat Right. Now, we understand that you may be a bit shaken up. But, if you can, just tell us what you know about the relationship between Keith Kogane, Lance McClain, and the students who died at your school.

No one says anything for a few seconds, until...

Pidge: ... Keith used to be an... Okay guy. He was a good friend to us, especially Lance. They started dating our sophomore year, and there was just something off. Especially with Keith. He seemed... Scarily clingy, and he always had to be with Lance at all times. Always knowing what he was doing, who he was with...

Hunk: It even got to a point where they would sometimes only hang out with each other, instead of the group, or anyone... Shay holds his hand Lance didn't really have a say in it. It was always Keith making the decisions for the both of them.

Shay: Keith was always so overprotective of Lance, even before they started dating.

Shiro: Their freshman year, he punched a boy just because he put an arm around Lance.

Officer Sweeney: Now, Lance mentioned something about some sort of abuse before Keith... He doesn't have the heart to finish that sentence when he looks at Romelle's tear-stained face

Matt: I knew something was wrong with him... He was always so out of it. He flinched at the slightest contact... He takes off his glasses to wipe away his tears

Officer Kelly finishes writing their words down

Officer Kelly: Anything else?... Just so we can get a clearer picture. Could'ja start from the beginning?


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