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The school finally had a memorial service for Plaxum. They didn't have to bribe the students or make it mandatory like they did with Nyma, Rolo, Kuro, Lotor's memorials since Plaxum was loved by the students and faculty. Everyone showed up in the gym wearing black and bawling their eyes out. Blumfump and Swirn were giving their speeches, talking about how they've been best friends with Plaxum since first grade, and how they've been there for each other. Swirn wasn't even able to finish his speech and ran out of the gym in tears.

Lance was trying his hardest not to cry, because every time he was about to, Keith, who was smiling the whole time, would tighten his grip on his hand. Allura, Pidge, Romelle, Hunk, Matt, and Shay notice this from where they're sitting and just scowl, not wanting to interrupt the service. An hour had passed and the memorial was over, so was the school day. The students headed home

Allura: He did it. That bastard did it! You all saw the look on his face!

Hunk: He didn't even pretend to be upset! I just... I just want to... Ugh!... He looks to his left and notices the look on Matt's face. A mix of anger, sadness, and what appears to be jealousy Matt? He doesn't respond Matt? Hello? Are you with us?

Matt: Huh?

Shay: Are you okay?

Matt: Yeah. I'm fine. Just... Y'know, memorials and... Death, affects us all in different ways, and people react differently.

Pidge: Not buying it Uh-huh. Matt, what's really going on? I'm your sister, I know when some weird shit is going on with you.

Matt: I just... Would it make me a terrible person if I... Liked Lance?

Hunk: What? When you say you like Lance, do you mean you "like-like" Lance?

Matt: Fuck. Forget it, it's stupid. I-I don't know why I said that. That is inappropriate, and-

Shay: Matt, that doesn't make you a terrible person.

Matt: But, everything that's happening to Lance, the last thing he needs right now is this. Another guy in love with him.

Shay: Matt, Keith isn't in love with Lance. And if he is, it isn't healthy. Lance deserves so much better than him. You are willing to do everything for him. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't find out about Keith abusing Lance, and Lance would be dead. He deserves someone like you, Matt.

Matt, truly touched by Shay's words sheds a few tears

Matt: I don't think he's gonna wanna date, anyone, for a while when this is all over.

Pidge: But you would be the first one he asks to go out with... So, She smirks a little when did you start liking him that way?

Matt: Uh... Probably in seventh grade.

Romelle: Why didn't you say anything?

Matt: Well, I knew Keith liked him, and I didn't wanna hurt him. Now I have deep regrets. When I saw Lance in the bathroom, I just... I started getting those feelings back.


Recognizing the scream as Lance's, the group runs to where they heard him. As they make their way down a hallway, they find Shiro, Lance, and Keith by a water fountain. Lance is on the floor, holding his hand over his eye. Shiro helps him up, and they're horrified when they see Lance's black eye

Matt: Lance! What happened?! He sends a glare in Keith's direction, knowing he had something to do with this

Lance: I... I slipped and fell on the water fountain mouth-piece.

Pidge: You slipped?

Lance: Yeah. I-I wasn't looking, and ju-just slipped. I'm fine, though.

Keith: I tried to tell him the floor was a little wet, but he just wouldn't listen. Lance flinches under his gaze

Shiro: We're taking him to the nurse real quick before she leaves. C'mon, Keith.

Keith: Oh, you're too late. I saw her leave the school.

Shiro: Ah, shit. Why don't you take Lance to his place, then? I'll meet you at home.

Keith: C'mon, Lance. He grabs Lance's hand

Pidge: Wait! Tries to come up with an excuse Um... Matt and I live close by him. We could take him home. Right, Matt?

Matt: Yeah. Is that okay with you, Lance?

Lance: ... I... He looks to Keith who nods Um... Sure. He yanks his hand away from Keith's grasp and walks away with Matt and Pidge, feeling Keith's glare burning holes on the back of his head


Hunk: I am going to grab him by his mullet, then twist his neck.

Romelle: After I gauge out his eyes.

Allura: Right after I dig my nails into his throat. She pulls out her phone and looks through her contacts

Shay: Who are you calling?

Allura: Rachel. She calls Rachel, and she picks up seconds later Hey, Rachel... Everyone is heading home. But look, Lance has a black eye. He says he fell on the water fountain mouthpiece... Screaming is heard Rach- Rachel! Yes, it's obvious that Keith punched him, we saw the look in his eye. Get a picture of his eye before it heals... Okay. Bye. She hangs up Let's get home. I just want to forget today ever happened.


Lance: ... Thanks for giving me a ride.

Matt: Well, we weren't just gonna let you be alone with Keith for ten minutes.

Lance: What?

Pidge: Lance, you can drop the act. We all know that Keith is hurting you. Well, except for Shiro.

Lance: He doesn't mean to do it. It's my-

Matt: Lance, don't you dare say it's your fault when you know that's not true.

Pidge: You deserve so much better than Keith. Someone who actually cares about you, and doesn't treat you like a human punching bag.

Lance: He doesn't hit me!

Pidge: Oh really? Then, do tell. How did you get that black eye again? O-or where those bruises on your arms came from? Huh?!

Lance: I already told you, he holds me too tight, and I fell!

Pidge: Lance, that is some bullshit and you know it! I know you want to believe there's some good left in Keith, but there's not! Hell, there probably never was!

Matt: He's not exactly a saint, Lance!... You... You're amazing, Lance. You're nice, funny, and just... He chokes back a few tears I'm scared that Keith will just hurt you worse than he already has... You deserve all the love in the world right now.

Matt parks his car by the McClain's house

Pidge: ... Lance? Are you okay?

Lance wipes a few tears from his eyes, and turns to Matt

Lance: You really mean that?

Matt: Of course I do... I'm guessing you're not used to hearing that kind of stuff from Keith?

Lance: ... No.

Noticing him about to cry again, Pidge takes his hand in hers, careful not to grip it too hard

Pidge: Lance, it's gonna be okay.

Matt: Whatever he said is a load of crap. Keith doesn't deserve someone like you. Anyone would be really lucky to have you...

Lance: Thanks... He genuinely smiles, making Matt blush

Matt suddenly leaned over the gear shift and kisses Lance, much to his and Pidge's shock. Matt realizes what he's doing, and pushes himself off of Lance

Matt: Oh my God! I'm so sorry! Fuck, I just did that without a warning! I-I'm so sorry! Why the hell did I even do that- Lance leans over and kisses Matt. He melts into it, and runs his fingers through Lance's hair

This is nothing like the kisses Keith would give Lance. There was no biting, scratching, or touching below the waist. They took things slow and were in perfect sync... Until Pidge cleared her throat

Pidge: I'm still in the car!

Lance and Matt look at each other, stunned over what just happened. Matt carefully takes Lance's hand into his, and kisses it

Matt: I've always loved you, Lance.

Lance: ... Instead of replying, he plants a small kiss on his cheek, and gets out the car I'll text you later. He walks to his house

Pidge: ... So, what does this make you guys?

Matt: I'm not sure.

Marco can be heard yelling


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