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Matt was desperately trying to suppress his anger as he watched Keith and Lance making out at their table. He just hated every second of it, having to watch Keith restrain Lance's arms so he couldn't push him off. Watching Keith bite down on Lance's already bruised tan skin. Felt like dying whenever he saw Keith's hand move between Lance's legs. He wanted to strangle Keith whenever he forced his tongue in Lance's mouth and pushed his head towards him so he couldn't back away. He hated every damn second of it. 'It'll all be over soon.' He thought over and over again

Hunk: Notices Matt staring at Lance and Keith He'll be okay.

Matt: No he won't! Keith is gonna do something worse to Lance than he already has, I just know it.

Allura: Matt, sure Keith is... Demented, but he'd never murder Lance. He just wouldn't!

Matt: I'm pretty sure he would, Allura!

Pidge: Whispers Shut up. Shiro's coming.

Matt and Allura calm down before Shiro sits at their table

Shiro: Hey, guys. What's up?

Pidge: Nothin'. Just watching Lance and Keith, 'cause they're my... Strained OTP.

Shiro: Alright... He takes notice of the mood Okay, I seriously feel like I'm missing something. Are you guys fighting? Should I say something to Lance or Keith?

Allura: No! They just... Wanted some alone time. Y'know, couple stuff.

Shiro: Well, I would not know that. But they've been having alone time for months-

Romelle: Quickly It's normal couple stuff, Shiro!

Shiro: Not wanting to anger her Okay, okay... As long as they're happy, I guess it's fine.

Matt: Trying not to scream Mhm... He notices Lance leaving the table and walking out of the cafeteria ... Hey, I'll be right back, I gotta go to the bathroom. He follows Lance out, while ducking behind a few trash cans and tables, making sure he's not seen by Keith

Matt is in the hallway, still looking for Lance. He eventually finds him, sitting under the stairwell, silently crying

Matt: Hey, Lance.

Lance: He looks up and smiles, relieved Hey. He gets up and kisses Matt's cheek

Matt: Are you okay? Lance doesn't respond Please, speak to me...

Lance: No... He tried to unzip my pants.

Matt: He didn't do anything, did he?

Lance: No, I left before he could slip his hands in. I told him that I had to use the bathroom, and he gave me five minutes.

Matt: ...Well, let's make this the best five min- Before he can finish, Lance wraps his arms around his neck, and pulls him in close

Lance: Te amo Matt.

Matt: I love you too... He slowly wraps his arms around Lance's waist. When Lance doesn't make any noises of complaint, he starts kissing his neck Is this okay?

Lance: Feels nice. I like it... He suddenly tenses when he feel Matt's hands move around his waist Ma- Matt? You're- you're kinda... He starts hyperventilating Can you not- Stop!

Matt: He realizes the state Lance is in Oh my God! He removes his hands and takes a step back Lance, I'm sorry! I-I wasn't trying to- It's just-

Lance: His breathing becomes steady again It-It's okay. I-I'm sorry I freaked out. He just touches me like that sometimes-

Matt: Don't apologize, it was my fault. I'm just glad you said something. You just felt really skinny, more than usual, and I got kinda... He realizes he hasn't seen Lance eat lunch in a while Have you been eating? Lance looks away, not wanting to face him Lance, why aren't you eating?

Lance: He keeps telling me not to ruin my figure.

Matt: Mutters Damnit, Keith... How bad is it?

Lance slowly lifts up his shirt, and Matt nearly gags at the sight. His ribs are almost visible, and dark bruises are visible on his midriff

Matt: ... Lance, He cups Lance's face how long has this been going on?

Lance: ... He pulls his shirt down Two weeks.

Matt: Lance, you are the most beautiful boy I have ever met. I love every single thing about you. The color of your eyes, how soft your hair is, every freckle on your cute face. Seeing Lance crack a smile, he decides to make a joke And every blackhead.

Lance mock gasps, and puts his hand to his forehead dramatically

Lance: You wound me! Matt laughs at the dramatics My skin is flawless. Flawless!

Matt: Another thing I love about you? Seeing you smile.

Lance: Matt... He leans forward to kiss him, but suddenly his phone's alarm goes off. He panics I-I gotta go! He runs back to the cafeteria, but not before kissing Matt on the lips and leaving him blushing

Matt fells his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulls it out and sees a text from Hunk in the group chat

Sunshine Boi: How is he??? 😟

Not great

Princess: What happened?

Keith isn't letting him eat. I could see his ribs

Goldie Locks: WHAT?!

Sunshine Boi: Oh, heck f-ing no! 😠

AroAce of Base: Language!

Sunshine Boi: I don't care if Keith murders me for this, I am not letting my best friend go hungry!
If you need me, I'll be in the culinary classroom, baking! Angrily!

Shay Butter: Can't we just take Keith out when he least suspects it?

Goldie Locks: I asked, Pidge said no.

It was finally the end of the school day. Lance had endured enough harassment from Keith, and just wanted to go home so he could finally eat something. He walks through the crowded hallway, avoiding as many students as possible, and arrives at his locker. When he opens it, he finds a plastic container sitting on the small shelf. He hesitantly pulls it out and opens it to find an assortment of fresh-baked cinnamon rolls, the kind that Hunk would only make when anyone in the group was upset. He looks around to make sure Keith isn't there to chastise him, and quickly shoves one in his mouth, savoring the warm pastry and the creamy center. When he sees Hunk tomorrow in class, he'll do whatever he can to make up for being so distant from him, Pidge, and everyone else for weeks

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