Scene One

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DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN SINGIN' IN THE RAIN. I DO NOT OWN VOLTRON. NONE OF THE FOLLOWING DIALOGUE BELONGS TO ME. I only wrote the descriptions - the dialogue came from the script, slightly modified in spots to fit pronouns and other elements.


Hunk Garret smiled, holding up his microphone. "Hello out there!" He began, forcing energy into his voice and face. "This is Hunk Garret in front of Altea's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood where audiences have just seen the silent screen's latest smash, Monumental Pictures' The Royal Rascal." Just as as Hunk finished, the crowds around him roared. He looked up, a grin spreading across his face. "And here they are now, the stars of the picture! Lotor Lamont and Keith Kogane! Lotor and Keith, what would you like to say to your adoring fans?"

Lotor looked for a moment as if he was going to say something, but Keith quickly pushed him out of the way.

"We're pretty darn thrilled are your response to The Royal Rascal. We had fun making it, and I hope you had fun seeing it tonight." The crowds roared and whistled in approval, earning grins from Keith and Hunk. Lotor stepped up to the microphone, but Keith quickly covered his mouth. Hunk stepped up instead, pretending not to see the small dispute.

"And look, here comes Keith's old Vaudeville pal Takashi Shirogane." Just as the reporter said, a tall Japanese man was walking towards the three. The crowd's applause grew louder before dying out. "Keith, did you ever imagine this? Here you are, standing between the two people who helped you become the success you are today. Your leading lady and your long-time writing partner." Hunk smirked slightly. "Takes us back to where it all began." The crowds erupted in deafening approval.

"No, no, Hunk, tonight is really about The Royal Rascal." Keith protested

"But Keith," Hunk leaned in close to the microphone for dramatic effect, "the story of your success is an inspiration to the young people all over the world. Just one little story? Or maybe a song from your old act?"

Keith hesitated, and Lotor took the opportunity to step forward. Before he could say anything, though, Keith hand his hand over his mouth. As if sensing Keith's dismay, Shiro jumped in and began to sing.

"Fit as a fiddle and ready for love, I could jump over the moon up above. Fit as a fiddle and ready for love." He sang, his voice surprisingly sweet. Keith grinned and handed off Lotor to his agent, Pidge.

"Together again. Flick and flack!" Hunk cried, the fangirl in him taking over.

"Haven't a worry, haven't a care. Feel like a feather that's floating on air. Fit as a fiddle and ready for love." The two sang together, dancing for the crowd.

"Jump on in! The water's fine!" Keith called out, signalling for the crowd to join the song.

"Soon the church bells will be ringin' and we'll march with Ma and Pa. How the church bells will be ringin' - with a hey nonny nonny and a hot cha cha." The crowd sang, dancing along with the actor and his friend. All worries had been forgotten in the silly song.

"Hi diddle diddle, my baby's ok! Ask me a riddle and what does she say? Fit as a fiddle and ready for love." The crowd danced, some people paired up to mimic Keith and Shiro, while others danced on their own. Disgusted by the whole ordeal, Lotor stormed back into the theatre with Pidge. After a few moments of dancing, Keith and Shiro started singing again.

"Soon the church bells will be ringin' and we'll march with Ma and Pa. How the church bells will be ringin' - with a hey nonny nonny and a hot cha cha." At this point, everyone was dancing way over the top, attracting the attention of passerbys. A few even joined in.

"Hi diddle diddle, my baby's ok! Ask me a riddle and what does she say? Fit as a fiddle and ready for love!" Keith and Shiro grinned at each other, both sweaty and out of breath but happier than they had been for quite a while. Together, they walked back into the theatre, giving a small bow as they left the crowd behind.

"Kids, it's a smash!" Allura said as they walked in. "Lotor, you were gorgeous."

"Yeah, Lotor. You looked pretty good for a guy." Shiro said mockingly. Lotor spun around and glared at him.

"F'heavens sakes, what's the idea? Singin' a song at my opening? And can't a guy get a word in edgewise? They're my public too." Lotor rambled, his voice unnaturally high and nasally. Keith cringed internally at the sound of it.

"Lotor, the publicity department decided it'd be better if Keith made all the speaches for the team." Allura explained, looking down at her watch briefly.

"Why?" Lotor asked obliviously.

"Let's just say with a voice like yours, it's a good thing movies are silent." Shiro snickered.

"What's wrong with my voice?" Lotor asked, still oblivious.

"Lotor, you're a beautiful man, and the audience thinks you've got a voice to match." Pidge explained.

"What's wrong with the way I talk? Wha'sa big idea - am I dumb or somethin'?" Lotor furrowed his eyebrows as Allura, Pidge, Shiro and Keith exchanged a knowing look. The white haired actor didn't seem to notice.

"No! It's just that Keith had so much more experience-" Allura began, only to be cut off.

"Next time, write me out a speech. I could memorize it." Lotor said proudly, as if it was something noteworthy.

"Sure, why don't you go out right now and recite the Gettysburg Address?"  Shiro said sarcastically. Lotor snorted, apparently not picking it up.

"What do I care where the Gettysburg lives?" He sneered before turning to Keith. "Keithy, how can you let him talk to me like that - me, your fee-an-see."

"My fianc..." Keith rolled his eyes as he realized what Lotor had been trying to say. "Lotor, you've been reading the fan magazines again. You shouldn't believe all the banana oil the columnists dish out. There's nothing between us. There has never been anything between us - just air."

"Oh, you don't mean that." Lotor cooed, giggling to himself. "Come on darling, or we'll be late for Allura's party."

"Mister Lamont, we're going in separate cars - uh, to break up the mobs." Pidge improvised, winking at Keith. He sighed a silent sigh of relief.

"Oh! Ta, ta, Keithy. See you there!" He walked out with Pidge, giggling like an idiot the whole time.

"Ta, ta, Lotor." Shiro said, mimicking Lotor's voice. "See you there."

"Hurry up, Keith. I've got a lot of press waiting." Allura said before following Lotor out of the theater.

"This cooked up romance, Shiro. Just for publicity!" Keith sighed, slumping against the wall.

"Price of fame, Keith. You've got the glory, you've got to take the heartaches that go with it. Let's get out of here." Shiro started towards the door before Keith pulled him back.

"I think I'd rather walk - I could use the fresh air." Keith said. Shiro raised an eyebrow.

"Are you kidding? The fans'll mob you." He reminded.

"Do me a favor - see that nice cashmere coat and hat?" Keith pointed towards a coat hanger by the exit. "Put them on, step into my limo and you are Keith Kogane."

"Sure. Why not?" Shiro mused, pulling them on.

"Thanks, Shiro! See you at the party!" Keith called as he walked out.

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