Female Reader x voltron

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What you need to know

( y/n)-Your name

( y/h/c) Your hair color

( y/l/n) Your last name

(y/e/c) Your eye color

(y/s/c) Your skin color

(y/f/c) Your favorite color

(y/h/l) Your hair length

( y/f/l) Your favorite lion 

( y/m/b/n) Your maids or butlers name ( it does not matter witch one so you can chose)

The song makes sense with this one and its such a good song. Have a listen while reading or after. It will make sense with how im prorating you. If your not like this remember its just a story. Also first time writing like this so bear with me.

Your story is you are a princess of a kingdom and forced to marry Lotor but you run away and find the paladins. Your heroes. You join them in defeating the Garla and find love in them.

Now I hope you enjoy.

3rd POV

"Wake up miss." (y/m/b/n) said. You get up and dressed and head to the dinning haul to great your parents. " Good morning mother and father." you say. Your father just glares at you and your mother is in here world. You sit down and see a delicious breakfast. You eat all of it. You go thank the chief and when you come back to ask your father if he needs anything. " Go get ready. The Galra are coming over and you are getting engaged to prince Lotor." Your father said. You hate the Garla with a fiery passion. You are not excited to be engaged to Lotion. ( Not a typo, just a nickname) You go to your room and find a purple dress. A one shoulder dress that is beautiful. This is the dress

You put it on with this make-up and shoes

You are so uncomfortable in this outfit. You go the throne room and see Lotor. You hate him with a passion. But you have to marry him. " Hello darling." Lotor pureed at you. You were so disgusted by him. You see the king and queen of Minea (A plant I made up. Think the game Minecraft as a plant. Sorry) Your parents. You walk up to them with a fake smile. You see Zarkon as well standing next to Hagger. "Devil witch" you thought. She hypnotized your parents into marring her son. She did not hypnotized you for some reason. " Good morning (y/n) you look lovely." Your mother said. " Thanks mom." She may be hypnotized but still treats you like a daughter. " You look lovely  Bootylicious." Lotor said. You hate it when he calls you that. " Good morning to you to Lotor." You spit to him. " Be nice you two. You will have to be married soon. We moved the wedding is moved to next week. Lotor is staying with us until the wedding. Now lets go to breakfast." Your father said.(Ignore the loop hole i just realized re-reading this I put breakfast again. Please just think of it as lunch instead)  You all go to breakfast and your quiet during the whole breakfast. After you finish and thank the chief you go to your room. Everyone was in conversations and you escape to your room. You shut the door and you start packing a to-go bag. You are sick and tired of all of this. You wish your plant is on Voltrons side. This war has been going on since you can remember. To fulfill your alliance you have to marry Lotor. You love hearing stories about the Paladins. You would love to be with them in battle stopping the Galra. You have all of your stuff you need packed. You are leaving tonight. You will take a escape pod and maybe find a plant you can be yourself on. You are getting tired of this life of dresses and make-up. You rather be wearing shirt and jeans. (Your a Tomboy in this) You hear your door knob jiggle and you hide your bag that's packed. Lotor walks in and sits on your bed. " Hi dear, you look lovely. I wanted to know why you left." You are scared. Lotor has killed multiple creatures and you don't want to be next . (Lotor is bad in this) You take in a deep breath and turn around hiding your bag. " I finished my breakfast early." You say. " I want to make sure our wedding is perfect." You lie. " Oh alright. I will leave you to that. Also I will be sleeping in the room across from yours." Lotor said. You are so glad hes not sleeping with you. You can continue your plan. Lotor leaves to go do something. You get your bag and smile. Tonight you become free. You hide your bag again and went to see where the escape pods are. You see (Y/m/b/n) and ask them. " Do you know were the escape pods are?" " Yes princess, I'll show you." They said.  You start to think you will miss this place you grew up in. But then you remember why your doing this. To Be Free. You were always in these walls of the castle. Time to Break Free. You get to the pods and you remember where they are. " Do you know witch on is the fastest?" You ask. " I figured you would ask. Number 4." They say. " I know you want to go. Dont worry I'll help you." You go back to your room and went to sleep.you will need the energy to escape.
Time skip to early morning
You wake up at 3 am. You needed to go. You grab your bag and walk to the pods and go in. You did not know where you want to go. You just want out of this life. So you just take off, not knowing where your going. You see the veiw of your planet. Your going to miss it but you will find a new place to call home.
You flot in the pod for a while feeling like forever. You all of a sudden get a call from the pod. You decided to answer. " Start your name and business." A voice called to you. "My name is y/n and I mean no harm. I just needed to escape from my home." You say not knowing where the voice is coming from. "We are coming to get you. Stay put." The voice said. So you wait and then feel the pod being shifted in a certain deriction. You are just going with the flow. You feel a this and open the door. You regonize them as the paladins and the alteans. You are happy that it was not a galra flet to find you. You fully get out of the pod and look around. "Who are you?" The red paladin says. " My name is Y/N I'm from the planet Minea. I come in peace and I'm on your side in the war." You say. "Alright. My name is Shiro,that's Keith,Lance,hunk,Pidge,allura and Coran" shiro said while pointing to them.

Once they found you you gave the galra information to them and then they win the war and you finally fell love and blah blah blah blah blah. Insert cheesy ending.

This story is just drawn out at this point and I want it out. Meow from ponymau

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