First impressions (yours)

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       You were a little afraid of him. You haven't been around a person for a long time and you felt threatened. Once you started talking, you loosened up and thought he was very kind and courageous

      You were a little annoyed by him. His flirtatious character made you uncomfortable. But once he started showing more compassion and became more serious about being a member of Voltron, you grown to like him

      You found him... odd. He was fascinating to you and you were curious about his character. There was something about him that drew your attention.

      As soon as you saw him, you knew he was a really sweet person . You thought he was the kindest, most precious person in all the world (that's because he is). You enjoyed seeing him at the bakery and talking to him about baking/cooking.

     You were terrified of him at first. He himself wasn't scary but the situation had you on edge. You were very cautious around him for weeks. After working with him and the rebellion for a few quintents (days) you were able to appreciate the dorky and funny side of him.

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