First kiss- Hunk

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I opened my door carefully, trying not to make any sounds. I didn't know the exact time but I knew that it was early. I had to be as quiet as possible. You know why? Yes, to not wake anyone up this early, but also one other thing. It was Hunks birthday! I was going to make it his best birthday yet! It's his first one in space and I know being here on his birthday will make him homesick so I decided to celebrate it here.

"Ugh! I don't even know what this says!" I whispered loudly. I gently placed the box down and put my head into my hands. "Why does everything have to be in Altean?" I sighed, shaking my head.

My head jolted up when I heard a soft squeak from the counter. I looked down at the four Altean mice. They pointed at the box I had just put down and I picked it up. The big one, Platt, pointed at the bowl.

"Oh! I see. Thanks for the help guys. Hunk must have told you that it is his birthday today and wanted to thank him for all that he's done for you!" I smiled at the four rodents.

The Altean oven beeped quietly, alerting me that the cake that I made for Hunk was done. I carefully took it out of the oven and once it cooled, I started to decorate it. I covered it with yellow fondant-like material and drew little black paw prints all over it. On the very top of the cake, I put an edible model of the yellow lion.

I took a step back to admire my work. After fixing a few things, I put the cake on the counter and covered it to keep it hidden until it was time. I then started on making Hunk and the rest of the crew breakfast. With more help from the mice, I was able to make pancakes, Hunk's regular birthday breakfast. I placed some of the food on a tray and carried it to Hunk's room.

"Hey Hunk, you awake?" I asked, gently knocking on the door.

"(Y/N)? Yeah I'm awake." He replied

"Can I come in? I have something for you."


With that, the door hissed open and revealed Hunk sitting on his bed, still under his blankets.

"Happy birthday Hunk!" I smiled, placing the tray of pancakes onto the Samoan boy's bed. His tired eyes flashed with light upon seeing the food.

"You did this for me? You remembered..." Hunk spoke in awe

"Of course! You're my best friend! I could never forget your birthday, if I do, feel free to smack me." I let out a small giggle.

Hunk had just started eating when Pidge, Lance, Keith, and Shiro walked into the room. They all wished him happy birthday and they began to tell stories of the times they had together on earth and in space. In the middle of it all, Allura and Coran joined in. Hunk's smile never left his face.

After talking and hanging out for what felt like hours, it was time for me to present the cake.

"You guys ready for this? I had help from the mice so hopefully you guys like it." I spoke bringing the cake in, still covering it.

With a swift movement, I revealed the cake and gasps filled the room. Hunk's eyes sparkled brighter than the stars outside when they fell upon cake. As soon as I put the it down, I was tackled to the ground by Hunk. Next thing I knew, I placed my lips onto his in a quick, yet loving kiss. Silence filled the room.

Pidge was the first one to cheer. I looked at her then back at Hunk who was now a blushing mess. Laughing, I intertwined my fingers with his and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Happy Birthday, Hunk."

A/N: I hope you guys liked this one :) It was fun to write! Feel free to comment and vote ;3

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