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(Drawn by me :3)

Third person

The castle shook, and everyone inside was shook. The castle powered down and the smoke in the control room started to clear. Coran woke to metal clanging, just as the rest of the team came to investigate the crime scene. The Altean man groaned, struggling to sit up. Everyone came in coughing.

"What happened?" Shiro asked, as he rushed to Coran's aid, followed by everyone else.

He groaned. "I'm not sure," Coran told them. Hunk slung Coran's arm over his shoulder, helping him up.

The smoke cleared out to reveal a destroyed control room and two knocked out and injured people.

Allura gasped, noticing that the crystal was severely damaged. "The crystal!" She ran towards it. "Lance! Kiona!" She shouted.

Shiro jumped immediately towards Lance, picking him up in his arms. "Lance? Lance!" He shouted, hoping for an answer, but all he got was an unsettling groan from the hero.

"Kiona! Kiona, wake up!" Pidge and Keith yelled. Pidge held Kiona close to her chest, fighting back the tears.

"We have to get them to the infirmary!" Pidge cried.

"Without the crystal, the Castle has no power," Allura informed the group.

"He doesn't look good," Shiro pointed out.

"Neither does she..," Keith trailed off.

"Lion warriors, our village us under attack! We need help!" The Arusian King yelled.

"Let's get to the lions!" Keith shouted.

"You can't. They're sealed in their hangars. There's no way to get them out. We're defenseless," the princess cried.

"Will you not help us?" The King asked.

"We'll help you. We just...," Keith began, interrupted by Lance's groan.

"This is bad," Hunk interpreted, letting Coran to his feet.

"We need to get a new crystal to get the Castle working again. But, to get a new crystal, we need a ship," Coran told them.

"The pod I was loading, we can use that! I left the at door open," Pidge informed them.

"I can use the scanner in the pod to see if there's a Balmera nearby. Hunk, you come with me. I'll need someone big to help me carry the crystal," Coran said.

"A Balmera?" Hunk asked.

"It's where the crystals come from. I'll tell you about it on the way!" Coran said, running towards the hanger along with Hunk. Pidge lightly set Kiona down and followed the duo.

"I'll go see what's happening at the Arusisn village," Keith informed Shiro and the princess.

"I'll go with you, Keith. I brought this on the poor Arusians," Allura decided.

"I'll tend to Lance and Kiona and stand watch over the Castle," Shiro announced.

Kiona and Lance groaned.

"It's our first but if luck. There's a source bit too far. We won't need a wormhole to get there, thankfully," Coran informed the yellow paladin. A map to the Balmera showed up on the screen I front of them.

"I made some modifications to the shuttle. The first change is a cloaking device that I reverse-engineered from the invisible walls on the training deck. The second is a tank of booster feel that I mounted on the fuel line," Pidge explained as she pointed to each of the buttons.

"Using that during flight would turn the whole pod into a bomb!" Coran yelled. Hunk whimpered in reaction.

"Okay. Maybe. You shouldn't use that modification after all," Pidge said, adjusted her glasses with a smirk.

"We ready to hit it?" Hunk asked the altean man.

"Right. Let's go," Coran said, flying off towards the Balmera.

"Good luck," The green paladin wished, giving them a thumbs up. Hunk gave her one in return of thanks.

Shiro was carrying the two unconscious humans towards the front door of the castle. "Hang on, buddies. Help is on the way," the man reassured them/himself.

He stopped as he saw Sendak and his crew walking towards the doorway.

"Sendak," Shiro said angrily, backing up as he layed down Lance and Kiona gently.

The brave black paladin stood in the doorway, blocking the galas' path.

"Stand aside," Sendack ordered.

"No. You're not getting in," Shiro said sternly, activating his Galra tech arm.

"Yes, I am," Sendak growled. The Galra swung his arm at Shiro, grabbing the human's arm and pulling it back towards him at immense speeds.

Every hit that Shiro took, Kiona took too. It was mysterious, but it happened. It brought less pain to the paladin at the least.

The immense battle took a pause when Shiro's arm was at Sendak's neck, and Sendak's at his.

"Let him go or your friends won't make it!" Haxus warned, dropping the brunette and golden haired kids on their faces, causing them more pain than necessary.

Sendak punched Shiro hard, flinging him next to the other two humans.

"Voltron is ours," Sendak announced with a smirk.

Pidge watched from the railing as her friends got dragged away by the Galra. "Oh, no," she whispered before moving spots.

Back at the Arusian village, everurhing was consumed in flames.

"What's happening?" Allura asked in a panicky voice.

"Look! Attackers!" The Arusian King pointed towards his village.

"I'll go in for a closer look," Keith told the princess. "Stay here with them. "

"Keith!" She shouted, extending her arm out to him.

The red paladin slid down and jumped off  the hill that lead down to the village. He found out that it was all a trick.

"it was all of the version to separate us from the castle defenses!" He informed Allura.

The sentries were sticking Glara tech into what was left of the crystal.

"Power up the castle," Sendak ordered. The castle began to light up in an ominous purple instead of a calming and peaceful normal blue.

"The lions are all in their bays. Raising particle barrier. Begin launch sequence," he ordered.

Allura and Keith were just a second too late. They grunted as the were blocked off by the particle barrier.

"We're too late. No!" Keith shouted in fury.

"They have control of the Castke. They're taking Voltron!" The princess observed.

"Make contact with Emperor Zarkon," Sendak continued to order.

"Sendack," Zarkon 'greeted' as he came into the holoscreen.

"My mission is complete. I've captured the Altean Castke, along with all of the Voltron lions. I am currently preparing for launch and will be delivering them all to you shortly," Sendak announced with an evil smirk.

"This news is most pleasing. You have done your duty; Vrepit Sa!" Zarkon said before ending the 'call'.

"Vrepit Sa!" Sedak growled with a grin, saluting to his emperor. "Haxus, ready the Castke for takeoff," he ordered.

"Yes, Commander," Haxus replied, doing as told.

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