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In the spirit of Lance's birthday and the fact that I need some time away from my family, I am going to write a new chapter. I sincerely apologize for taking so long to wrote chapters. I hope you enjoy!

"Attention, damaged craft, this is Princess Allura. We are coming to assist you," Allura's booming voice spoke through the loud speakers as we landed.

"Woah. Nice ship," Rolo commented. From the surface, but I rolled my eyes since I was the only one who could hear him.

"Stay aboard and try to get as many of our systems clear of that Galra crystal Energy as you can. We'll see who hailed us," Allura told Coran.

"Yes, Princess," he replied.

I met up with the others in the pod that would take us down to the surface.

"What's up guys?" I mumbled with a slight wave as the approached the pod.

"Oh, hey, Kiona! Didn't know you were coming," Hunk responded.

"Of course I'm coming! First aliens besides the Galra, Arusians, Allura, and Coran! You weren't going to leave me behind, were you?" I questioned, taking the straw out of my mouth, sadness itching at my face.

"No no, of course not! I-um, we had an extra pod that you could have used! I would have told you what was going on over the com," Allura tried to recover.

"Yeah, okay," I falsely chirped with my fake grin plastered on my face as I continued to sip my juice.

"Alrighty then, let's meet our new friends," Allura chimed, closing the pod doors behind her.

I guess it's for the best, then. Better them not miss me and lose me, right? I'm not even really supposed to be here anyway. I thought as I stared at me feet.

We floated down to the surface, the doors sliding open as the craft was secure on the ground. Allura, of course, walked out in front, ready to great the aliens in need.

"You don't know how glad we are to see some friendly faces. Most folks don't want to get tangled up with anyone who's on the run from the Galra," Rolo greeted.

"So you guys are fighting the Galra?" Keith asked as we approached them.

"Well, I don't think Zarkon is exactly quaking in his boots at the three of us, but we do what we can. I'm Rolo. This is Nyma," he began, making me scoff at the yellow jerk face's name," and our cyber-unit, Beezer."

"Hi," she greeted making me roll my eyes and huff, Lance on the other hand sighed in awe, drooling a bit. I roll my eyes at him as well and punch him in the shoulder before wiping off his drool with my sleeve.

Pidge was gasping at the adorable robot which made me smile at least.

"Cool robot!" Pidge commented as she examined Beezer in amazement.

"Hi! Name's Lance," Lance greeted already flirting with this... chick...

"Was your ship damaged in a fight?" Shirk asked, ignoring Lance and all his flirtiness.

"Yeah, we've been through it with the Galra. Parts are really hard to come by. Luckily, we were able to limp to this moon about a week ago. If you didn't pick up our distress signal, I--" Rolo began to explain, but Allura cut him off with a smile.

"Were happy to help. I am Princess Allura of Altea, and from now on, we won't be alone fighting the Galra. You'll have the Paladins of Voltron by your side," she gestured the remaining three Paladins next to her.

Rolo looked over at the other two who were messing with his crew and laughing.

"Okay," he replied with question in his voice.

"I don't think they've heard of us," Shiro interpreted.

"It has been ten thousand years," Keith added.

"Voltron?" Now Lance listens. "Five robot lions that combine into this big robot... guy?" He tried is best to explain while I mentally face palmed.

"Sounds impressive. I'd love to see it. -Or him. Them," Rolo pondered.

"Why don't we get to work on your ship. I'm sure we all have places to be," Hunk quickly said with annoyance obviously in his voice.

"Sure," Rolo said, opening up his ship. "Pretty much our whole flaxum assembly is shot. I don't know what kind of extra parts you carry in this rig of yours. I've never seen anything quite like it," he commented.

"I'm sure we can get it back and running. Five Hunk a list of what you need. Coran can show you where to find it," Allura said.

Lance of course was flexing and finger gun showing off to Nyama, which made me just glare at him. Luckily, Shiro hit him in the shoulder in annoyance and disappointment.

"Okay," Hunk said with a sorrow tone.

"We'll go with you. Don't want you to have to carry all that yourself. Come on, guys," Rolo offered, beginning to walk towards the Castle.

I quickly made my way in front of him before Hunk could be rude in anyway, even though I wouldn't really mind.

"That's alright. I'll help Hunk, even though he is fully capable. Just, wait out here, k?" I awkwardly smiled.

"Kiona, wouldn't it be easier if they just helped you?" Allura face me a questioning glance.


"Don't even start, Lance," I cut him off with a slight glare.

"Oh, well, sure, but does anyone remember the last time we let our defenses down? Someone kind of set off a bomb. Remember, Lance, Kiona?" Hunk began looking at each of us as he said our names. "You were almost killed."

"Oh, yeah," Lance replied, his smile melting into a frown.

"Yeah," I said quietly as I looked at the moon's surface and rubbed my arm. Hunk kindly placed his hand on my shoulder, but still kept eye contact with Allura and the crew.

"Hunk's right. Sorry, but we have to be cautious," Shiro announced, bumping into Lance's shoulder as we stepped closer.

"Hey, I don't take it personal. That's how it is out here," Rolo began, grabbing the list that just printed from Beezer. "You've got to look out for your own. You're doing a good job, big man."

"Yeah. Thanks," Hunk replied as Rolo handed him the list, and I slightly tugged his arm and smiled sympathetically at him.


Hunk and I walked through the halls, back towards the pod, him in anger and sorrow, and me in sympathy.

"I'm sorry, Hunk. I know it must be hard having to wait to save Shay," I consoled.

He looked over at me with a sad look. "Yeah, it's just not fair that she has to wait when she and her people are enslaved," the yellow Paladin replied.

"Yeah, but she's going to be okay, I promise you that," I told him with a smile, earning a smile in return.

"Thanks, Kiona. At least someone understands, around here," he replied.

"You're telling me," I laughed. "At least you guys get recognition when you save the day. I wish I could be out there with you; I feel useless in here," I trailed off.

His face turned into a sympathetic one. "You're not useless. You're actually very helpful! I probably would have gotten scolded out there, but you thankfully took the shot for me. Plus, you're always helping us out around the castle and with our problems. You may not realize it, but it helps a lot," he told me, making me tear up a bit.

"Thank you, Hunk!" I said, tackling him in a hug. He smiled and tightly squeezed me back.

"Anytime!" the smoll bean replied with a laugh.

"We better get going so we can go help Shay," I told him, smiling brightly with confidence.

"Yeah! Let's go!" And then we raced off with smiles,
Pushing the very large box with us towards the pod.


"Well, I hope there are some parts in here that'll fit," Hunk said as we struggled to push it across the uneven moon surface. Hunk and I popped off our helmets, looking towards the unresponsive group.

"You know, to get your ship moving?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows a bit.

"Great! Thanks," Rolo said with a wave.

"So, what can you tell us about Zarkon's forces? Where are the concentrated?" Allura asked the purple jerk face alien as Pidge was riding on Beezer in the back round.

"Well, his command ships sit right in the center of the Empire," Rolo began.

This is starting to sound like Star Wars, I thought in annoyance with our soon to be alien foes.

"He mostly calls the shots from there and has his minions do the work, depending on who's closest. This is the territory of a real nasty bugger named Sendak," Rolo continued.

"Oh, we've met," Keith chimed in.

"How far are we from the center?" Shiro asked.

"Were way out in the fringes," Rolo began, but was cut off by my good buddy, Hunk, here.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but I think you guys are kinda keeping Rolo from working. It's just that we're in a hurry. A hero named Shay saved my life, and I swore I would return to do the same for her and her people. You understand," Hunk said, strolling over with me close behind.

"Sure. Sorry," Rolo said, standing up and patting Hunk's shoulder as he walked past him.

Hunk and I turned our heads toward the jerk and gave a deadly glare.

As Rolo examined our parts that we lent him, we all stared at him until Shiro butt in.

"Hunk, we're going to get going soon, but I think Rolo might have some information that could be helpful to us," Shiro said.

"Not for nothing, but I don't trust this guy as far as I can throw him," Hunk replied.

"I agree with Hunk on this one, Shiro. Sorry," I added.

"We ought to leave him with parts and just say, 'Adios, amigo,'" Hunk added.

"Hey, bud! Sorry, but do you think you could hunt down a length of thermal pipe about yay long?" Rolo asked.

Hunk groaned with sorrow on his face. "On the way," he replied.

"So are there more freedom fighters?" Shiro asked, walking up to Rolo, followed by Allura and Keith. "Any kind of organized resistance to the Galra?"

"Only folks who haven't been colonized yet, or the lucky few, like us, who managed to escape somehow," Rolo explained.

"Well, we're going to change all that," Keith told him.

"That's good to hear, but I've got to warn you, it's pretty bad out there. You don't know what you're up against," the purple jerk added, before walking away.

I honestly didn't want to mess with the space time continuum, but Nyama really pisses me off. So, instead of messing with Lance and the yellow chick, I went to go bond with the lions.


"How about the Black lion, since I might have to take Shiro's place and all, might as well create a bond, yeah?" I muttered to myself as I walked into Black's hangar.

"Hey, girl. How are you today?" I asked kindly with a sweet smile, earning a pur in return. "Well, that's good!" I paused as I got right in front of her and sat down criss-cross-applesauce style. "Can I pick your brain about something?" She chuffed and laid down in front of me. "It's just-," I sighed," I don't know if you know this, but I get these visions. They tell me all of what happens up until Shiro disappears. And, oh, yeah, he disappears. So, knowing this, I have to save him, right? So I have to give up my life to save the universe, and while all of you and the Paladins are getting injured, I get hit and cut too. So I'm pretty much killing myself slowly till the day comes!" I yell out in frustration.

Sorry to hear that, young one. Fate isn't always fair, but at least our friends will all be okay in the end, She purred.

"Yeah, but what if I fail? What happens if I die? What happens if  Shiro dies? What if when we disappear we don't die? Do I pilot you if I fail? Will the Paladins forget me?! I'm so scared..!" I cried out, my anxiety taking over. "I have nightmares every night, minus the occasional good dream which just makes me cry when I wake up. This destiny took over my life! I never got to spend more time with my siblings or figure out who I was and what I wanted to be!" I wept. My anxiety was always getting the best of me and it wasn't fair. This all wasn't fair.

Child. Destiny is either written or told. You can't really change what yours is, but I do know that your destiny has you to do great things. So don't fret, you'll be just fine. I am always here if you need anything, now run along before Shiro finds you, she consoled me as she nudged me up and out of the room with her nose.

"Thank you," I said as I hugged her nose and leaned my forehead against hers. "See you soon." And then I was off to train since I couldn't mess with the space time and such.

Heyo! I know I started this on the 28 but I didn't have time to finish it till today and I'm sorry that I haven't been updating. I've surprisingly been busy but, I'll get better at it. Promise.

Stay crash, lots of love


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