32- Greening the Cube (Part 1)

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Hello my lovelies! Long time no see haha. What a chapter to end on, am I right? And so I don't spoil anything, on with the chapter!

"You're altean?," Keith finally breathed out after us both staring at the floor for quite some time. I had told him everything. I did decide to leave out the details of what the future is to come, since we don't need to tear into the STC. I think one person knowing is enough.

As I had told him, there were more tears than I thought there would be.. he would softly clean them up, and let me have a break from time to time. I tried my best to summarize everything. I couldn't bring myself to tell him the details of having slight PTSD from all the memories. All the anxiety, depression, panic attacks, etc. too much to put on his shoulders... so I just told him about said visions and about me being a descendent of Alfor..

"Yep. Allura knows, too, but she hasn't said anything about it,"I muttered back.


"Crazy?" I laughed.

"Very," Keith chuckled.

"What am I going to do, Keith..?" I said after the laughter settled. I leaned over, my head falling onto his shoulder, his head falling over onto mine, fallowing suit. Both of us letting out a long sigh and staring off into space.

"Let's hurry up with these repairs. Zarkon could be here at any moment," Shiro tells us.

"Okay, panel's off. Now, what?" Hunk asks.

"Very simple. Just loosen the blaxums on the domoflange," Coran informs.

"I think it's like this...," I float on over and twist some bolts and push the top in.

"Well done, Kiona," Allura praised me, which filled me slight joy since she hasn't spoken to me directly since I bursted out at her with the Ulaz thing..

"The tech on this ship never ceases to amaze me. It's so mathematically elegant. It's fit is a 100 tines more frictionless than any exoskeleton we have on Earth. It's... beautiful," Katie swooned over the beauty of the altean technology, her eyes shining in amazement. I smiled softly at the golden haired girl, in love with her love for technology.

"It's not a sunset, Pidge," Lance grumbled.

"You're right. A billion sunsets just happen every day. Some genius engineer actually built this," Pidge replied.

"Kinda looks like a big, delicious curly fry," I chuckled at Hunk's comment.

Just then, a slush ball hit him in the face, "What the...?"

Shiro activated his shield as we approached a field of the slush balls. "All right, we're prepared for this. Remember your rogue projectile cluster training from the Garrison. First, we need a temporary shelter—," Shiro began, but was hit in the back of the head with the alien form of a snowball. "Wha—,"

"Oh, sorry, Shiro. I was trying to Keith," Lance said, causing me to let out a snort of laughter as another hit him in the face.

Keith chuckled, "Like that?" Already holding his next alien snowball, ready to throw it at his next victim.

"Yes! Squishy asteroid fight!" Hunk shouted in excitement.

And out broke the "squishy asteroid fight". Everyone laughing and enjoying themselves, like teenagers should.

"All right guys," Shiro says chucking. "Oh, oh! Okay, now, it's on!"

"Oh, come on!" Lance shouted grinning mischievously.

Katie, on the hand, was examining the squish, "I don't think these are asteroids. Coran, I'm going to need a containment unit," she says, being her incredible sciencey self.

"Just a tick," he responded.

"They appear to be some sort of hyper-resilient spore," Allura informs.

"This bioluminescent pulsing doesn't seem natural," Pidge adds. "It appears programmed. I think it's a code."

"A code? From who?" Hunk pipes in, still in the fight, of course getting hit in the face right after.

"I don't know. I mean, it makes no sense. You can't program a spore," Katie says.

"Well, if anyone can figure it out, it's you, Pidge," Shiro says before being hit as well.

"Before that, everyone needs to come in for decontamination," Allura said.

We go through a series of us being decontaminated. And when we got to the wind one, Lance hid behind Hunk, Shiro stood there blissfully, Keith just stood there, Katie and I linked arms, trying our best to stay upright, us almost blowing over, but luckily Keith grabbed my hand and pulled us back to the ground.

Coran and I sauntered on over the Keith's room, looking for some things.

"Keith, did you happen to see a mouse come through here? He has something of mine," Coran says, very suspicious.

"Uh... no," Keith responds.

"I'll find you, Platt," Coran says, immediately walking off.

"Wait, Coran!" Keith shouts after McMustache. "Do you think the Galra ever went to Earth? Is that possible? They would have taken it over, right?"

"Oh, I think you'd know if the Galra were there," Coran replied.

"The Blue Lion was there. Did a Galra pilot the Blue Lion, too?" Keith asked.

Just then, Lance opened up his door, face mask, towel head, and robe on.

"Hey, why are you asking about my lion? How many lions do you need?" Lance said hostilely.

"What? No, I-I was just—," Keith sputtered.

"Don't 'What? No, I-I wa- I was just—,' me! You've had your eye on the Blue Lion from day one!" Lance interrupted, poking Keith's chest.

"Well, yeah. It's the first one we found—," Keith started.

"Ah! Ah! Bah-bah-bah-bah! The Blue Lion's with me and we're very happy together! Very happy!" Lance shouted, going back into his room. Closing it quickly after.

"Guys! Check this out!" Katie shouted over the intercoms.

"Oh, oh! I've seen this experiment. But, question: Why do we need to get electricity from a potato?" Hunk asks.

"What? No, no. I was able to crack the 'spores code,'," Pidge chuckled since it sounded like Morse code. " I ran the bio luminescent powder and through a variety of code-breaking sequences, including this homemade virtual Turing machine. Of course, I had to make a few tweaks to the original design, because, there have been several advancements since he designed it. Although, you have to admit, Turing was a shining light in the world of science in an age when far too many were still—," Pidge went on and on.

"Pidge," Keith shouted; causing the poor girl to yelp, "What does it say?"

"Oh, yeah. 'Under attack. Galra. Help.' And then, there are coordinates," she informs us.

"It's a distress signal. Good work, Pidge. Get those coordinates into the castle-ship's navigation system," Shiro orders.

"The signal came from Olkarion, home to the Olkari, a proud class of engineers builders of vast cities that could change shape at the whim of their creators," Coran explains to us.

"They had a seemingly magical ability to manipulate solid metal. With just a wave of their hands, the could build a computer inside a block of steel," Allura added.

"Whoa," Miss Katie exclaimed in awe.

"An Olkari once gave me this!" Coran said, a cube hovering over his hand.

"What is it?" Lance asked.

"Uh, hello? It's a floating cube!" He laughs. "Oh, this guy. And watch! My name is Coran and I'm a gorgeous man," The Altean said.

The cube began to beep, calculating what he had just said. "My name is Coran and I'm a gorgeous man," The cube repeated/played back.

"Why would a society full of literal tech wizards use spores to send a distress signal?" Keith asked as Katie investigated the cube in amazement. Lance just stared at it in confusion while Hunk just stared in shock.

"Who cares? When do we get to see that city?" Katie asks, turning towards Allura.

"Actually, Pidge, the distress signal isn't coming from the city. It's coming from... the forest," The princess explained.

"Oh.." Pidge groaned.

We all flew down in the lions, me riding along in Green with Katie.

"Why doesn't anyone ever send a distress signal from a cool place? I hate the outdoors. Nothing but sunburn and poison oak," she complained.

"Oh, come on Katie, that last camping trip ruined all the outdoors for you?" I chuckled, nudging her shoulder. She just rolled her eyes in response.

"I like it out here. It's quiet," Keith said, I hummed in agreement.

Suddenly, arrows hit the lions, quiznack, I totally spaced about this.

"What was that?" Hunk asked.

"Uh, are we being attacked?" Keith questioned as well.

"I don't know, but something's dragging my lion down to the surface," Shiro responded.

"Yeah, something's pulling Blue down, too," Lance added.

We landed in the forest floor, safe and sound, but surrounded by aliens.

"Are those wooden mech suits?" Hunk asked.

"Are you kidding me? We got taken down by a bunch of tree people!" Lance growled.

"Don't underestimate them, Lance. If they can take down our lions, who else knows what they can do," I say, fully knowing what they're capable of. He groaned, crossing his arms in annoyance.

"We come in peace!" Shiro shouted out to the aliens.

"Could it be? Voltron?" I read the lips of the alien below.

Katie then climbed up on top of Green, holding up the tube with the spore inside. "We found your distress signal!" She shouted out.

"Praise Lubos!" The alien from before said happily.

"Lubos!" The rest of the Olkari cheered. "Lubos!"

"When the Galra attacked, only a few of us escaped the cities. We were forced to flee into the forest," the Olkari told us as they led us up into the village in the rooftops.

"How long have you lived like this?" Shiro asked.

"Many decafeebs. But, as you can see, our people are resilient. We never stopped evolving. Instead, we adapted our skills to the environment," the Olkari continued.

We watched as an Olkari turned on this incredible dragonfly like creature.

"Coran was right, Ryner. You really are the most incredible engineers in the universe. To be able to switch from working with precision machinery to a bunch of sticks!" The green paladin spoke in awe.

"Natures designs are superior to any that we could devise," Ryner told her.

"No offense, but I'll take my computer over a tree any day," she replied.

"You two can talk science later. Let's assemble Voltron and get rid of these Galra invaders," Shiro said.

"It's not that simple, I'm afraid. The Galra have our leader, Lubos," Ryner began.

"Lubos," the Olkari repeated in unison.

"If you attack, who knows what they'll do to him?" Ryner finished.

"Then, we'll just have to rescue him," Shiro responded.

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