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I sat down next to my hot-headed friend as we awaited the results of where his lion was. I already know, and I'm a bit impatient, so I had to take my mind off things.

"Hey Keith," I said, looking at Allura as she concentrated on finding the red lion. I bit my lip, reframing from telling her myself.

"Hey," he said, also focusing on the alien princess.

"You okay bud?" I turned to the red paladin in concern.

"Yeah, just tired," he confessed as he rested his head on his hand. I nodded in agreement and contemplated on what to do. I can't just sit here and do nothing! I thought to myself. I got up and stood next to Coran, to shy to say anything. I decided to observe him a bit since I did want to know more about their technology, plus I think Katie might want to know more about it too, so I can learn it and then teach her.

"U-um, Coran?" I stuttered nervously as my face began to turn red. The mustache man turn towards me and raised an eyebrow. "I was, um, wondering if you had anything for me to do? Or if there is anything I can maybe learn about you Alteans?" I asked him, my face and ears feeling as if they were on fire. I hated getting so easily embarrassed like this.

"Sure thing little one! You know, I should rank you all by size! Follow me number five!" Coran bounded through the halls as he me a quick tour of the castle. "Last stop, your sleeping quarters!" he opened a door that revealed a huge room. "This is-" I cut the poor man off.

"King Alfor's room," I said in awe, forgetting that they didn't tell me or anyone who King Alfor even was.

He was stunned, "Why-- why yes! Since we only have five extra rooms for the new paladins, this is the only room available. Enjoy and be free to explore the castle. I'll have extra clothes for you shipped in just a tick or so, actually here!" He pulled a little hologram and began to press button on the transparent blue screen.

"Thank you, Coran, I really appreciate it!" I thanked the Altean with a bright smile.

He smiled on back, "Of course, number five. I'll be in the control room if you need me. Make yourself at home," He piped cheerfully before he began to walk out of the room.

A quick couple of thoughts came to my mind, "Hey, Coran? I have a question," I said, my voice becoming quiet and my face turning red.

"Yes?" he asked, spinning around and twirling the tip of his mustache.

"What happened to Allura's mom," I asked bashfully.

His face fell, "She unfortunately died along with the planet of Altea," he averted his eyes, but straightened himself after a tick and smile once again. "But there's no need to worry about it. Goodbye, number five!" the red headed man smiled and pranced out of the room.

I began to feel extremely guilty, but the feeling went away when there was a light to my right. I went up to it, inspecting the pretty light. I lightly pressed it and a whole wrack of clothes came shooting out. My eyes lit up and I may have squealed a bit. I know I sound like a stereotypical girl with loving clothes and wearing dresses and such, but you know, I don't really care because I know I'm not. I'm a total nerd to be honest, so everything in this dang castle is going to amaze me.

I had two hours. So those hours started off with my trying on some of the altean attire, then followed with me exploring the rest of my room, jumping on my bed, taking a quick shower, and changing my bandages, because bleh!. I also danced around the room to the songs I fortunately had on my phone. I then went back to the clothes and I ended up finding a suite that looked similar to Allura's. I looked at it a bit confused, but decided to try it on nevertheless.

It was formfitting and had the same dark grey and pink parts as Allura's suite did, but the purple was replaced with this beautiful teal color. I then sat in front of the nearby mirror, putting my hair up in a high ponytail, and put in some of the pink communication earrings that were in a box that came with the clothes. I stared into the mirror, looking myself in the eye, trying to get myself to smile. Realizing I had left my family behind. My home, my little life that I barely had because these visions had taken over my life.

I began to smile, thinking of how amazing this is going to be for the universe. I stood up and placed my hands on my hips staring off into the distance like a super cool super hero. But I couldn't take myself serious for long and ended up snorting and dying of laughter and pretty much embarrassing myself. I fell back on the bed and sighed, rubbing my eyes a bit.

"Maybe I should go and train so I can go help on missions!" I thought out loud with a smile forming on my face. But then I frowned and furrowed my eyebrows. "Or maybe.. Maybe I should just-," I began to wrap myself in a blanket, my eyelids slowly growing heavy. "Take a quick nap first..," I took out my ponytail and fluffed my hair out with a smile. I scrunched up in a ball and placed my head on the bountiful amount of pillows.

I closed my eyes and smiled tiredly, "Goodnight," I whispered, earned little squeaks and a warm soft creatures snuggling up to my face. I smiled, knowing those soft squeaks by heart, softly placing my hand on them, pulling them a bit closer. I began to dream about the paladins' retrieval of their lions...

Apparently I had slept a little past my two hour limit. By the time the Paladins got back, I was still happily sleeping away. Apparently the whole crew found me asleep and smiled and laughed at me happily.

I woke up to a gently shake and a soft voice calling my name. I opened my eyes slowly, getting them adjusted to the light as fast as I could so I could tell who the big blob in front of was. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and placed the still sleeping mice in my lap. My vision finally cleared and my sleepiness went away, causing me to realize that everyone was staring at me and turn incredibly red from embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh! I am so so sorry guys! I didn't mean to fall asleep. I just was tired from the trip and I hadn't slept since last night, even though I didn't get much sleep then either..," I continually apologized and rambled. "Now I'm rambling.. Oh my gosh.., " the team began to giggle and smile at my actions, but I just turned a deeper red, then, it hit me, "Oh quiznack! We gotta go get the red lion! You guys gotta go!" I said jumping from the bed (after placing the mice gently on the pillows, I might add) and past my friends. I heard all of the laughs as I ran out of the room and into the control room. I quickly put my hair up, "What the news on the red lion, Coran?" I asked him as he turned to the Voltron team and I ran in.

"Allura has just located it! There's a bit of good news and bad news. The good news is that the red lion is near by! The bad news is it's on that Galra ship now orbiting Arus. But wait! Good news again! We're Arus!" Coran said extravagantly.

"They're here already?!" Shiro asked in shock and fear.

"Yes, guess my calculations were a bit off. Finger counting, it's-it's more of an art than a science. Hm?!" Coran and the rest of us turned our attention towards the holoscreen showing us Sendak, a commander Galra.

"Princess Allura, this is Commander Sendak of the Galra Empire. I come on behalf of Emperor Zarkon, Lord of the Know Universe. I am here to confiscate the lions. Turn them over to me, or I will destroy your planet," Sendak ordered before 'hanging up' on us.

Everyone stood there in shock, staring at the screen. Until Shiro, the voice of reason and order, spoke up.

"All right, let's not panic," Shiro told us, trying to keep calm.

But Hunk of course was terrified half to death. "Not panic? Scary purple alien thing is driving his battleship towards us. We only have four Lions," Hunk stated.

"Technically, only three working lions," Pidge corrected.

"That's right. Thank you, Pidge. Three working lions in a castle that's, like, 10,000 years old," the yellow paladin continued.

"Actually, it's 10,600 years old. You see, it was built by my grandfather--," Coran started but Hunk put his finger up to the red heads lips and cut him off.

"Thanks, Coran. Thank you for that. See? Now is the perfect time to panic!" The Hunk man pointed out while thanking our Altean friend.

"Wait! This castle has a particle barrier we can activate," Allura remembered, butting into the conversation.

Lance of course smirked and was ready to make another dirty/flirtatious pick-up line. "Girl, you've already activated my par--," but Shiro thankfully cut him off.

"Lance!" The head scolded.

Coran pulled up the castles defense system. "The particle barrier won't hold Sendak's ion cannon forever. The Galra technology must have advance since we bought them last," he observed.

"Panic now?" Hunk questioned the group.

"No. We've just got to figure out our plan of action, and figure it out quickly," Shiro told us.

"I say we pop through a wormhole and live to fight another day," Lance said.

"I second that. Yes. We've tried to find all the lions, right? We gave it the old college try. Couldn't do it. We only have three. We can't form for trying. I guess we could form a snake. Or a worm!" Hunk thought up, practically having a thought bubble of the worm above his head. "To go through that whole, Lance, that you were talking about," Hunk concluded his thought.

"Then it's settled.  Allura, you ride with me. One of you take the old guy," Lance said flirtatiously towards the princess and rude to our other altean friend, causing Coran to have steam come off his head in fury.

"He's not old!" I shouted in annoyances, but no one listened of course, except Coran. He smiled in thanks at me.

"We can't just abandon Arus. The Galra will keep destroying planets in capturing prisoners until we stop them," Pidge informed us angrily.

"OK. If we run, and then maybe Sendak will follow us and leave this planet alone, like when we left Earth," Hunk thought. "We formed a snake – worm thingamajig and we – –[hisses] out of here," Hunk gestured.

"Sendak could destroy the planet then come after us anyway. Staying is her only option," Keith protested.

I was getting tired of this argument and wanted it to just go faster.

  "Here's an option: shut you quiznack," Lance snapped back at Keith, horrifying Coran and Allura with their altean curse word.

"I don't think you're using that word correctly," Keith glared at the blue paladin.

"What do you know, Mullet?" Lance threw back at him.

"We're staying" (Keith)

"Leaving!" (Lance)

  "Staying! (Pidge, butting in)

"Snake!" (Hunk)

Shiro finally yelled," Guys, stop!" He scolded, breaking up the other paladins. "Princess Allura, these are your lions. You've dealt with the Galra Empire before. You know what we're facing better than any of us.  What do you think is the best course of action?" He asked the princess.

The princess, scared, replied with a uncertain, "I... I don't know."

She turned to Coran. "Perhaps your father can help," he suggested.

She looked at him with a bit of confusion. "My father?" She questioned, repeating his words.

Coran brought the princess to the room her father's memories were stored in for her to ask for guidance and help. I had a small and quick vision of them talking, but she ended up walking in right at the end of it. My heart was heavy and it hurt a bit from Allura's loss and sorrow. But I stood straight and stayed silent.

It was time to form Voltron.

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