A klance voltron parody I made before season 7

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I call it; Everything's Purple

Your boyfriend never tells you but he loves you so
You said Shiro only smiles on Bob's TV show
I'm only happy when you're around and my head is filled with love
I hope we make it to the day we're 89 years old
You're dripping like a saturated sunrise
I'm spilling like a an overflowing sink
You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece and now I'm tearing through the pages and the ink
Everything is Red
His jacket, his shoes, his blood
And now I'm covered in the color and I love it so
And it's Red
And it's Red
Everything is Blue
His jeans, his bruises, his eyes
And now I'm covered in the color I don't know what it means
And it's Blue
And it's Blue
You were beautiful in the morning with the lights on you I know I only feel this love when I'm with you
You said you're just the 7nth wheel and I'm number 2 and I don't think you realize but we all love you
You're dripping like a saturated sunrise
I'm spilling like a an overflowing sink
We're ripped at every edge but we're a masterpiece and now we're tearing through the pages and the ink
Everything's Purple
My skin, his lips, my eyes
And now we're covered in our color and we love it so
And it's Purple
And it's Purple
Everything's Purple
My love, his hair, My heart
And now we're covered in the color we don't know what it means
And we're Purple
And we're Purple
(I was red and he loved me because of it and he was blue but now we decided to make Purple it would make us even happier)
Everything's Purple
Our pills, our hands, our jeans
And now we're covered in the colors pulled apart at the seams
And it's Purple
And it's Purple
Everything is Red
His jacket, his shoes, his blood
and now I'm covered in the color and I love it so
And it's Red
And it's Red
And everything's Purple
Everything's Red
Everything is Purple
Everything's Blue

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