Kay (My OC) X Keith

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 I sat there wondering what to do. Welp I can't tell Keith I like him. I sighed realizing if I never told Keith, he would move on without acknowledging me. I texted my best friend, Pidge.

Kay: Hey Pidge, I need help

Pidge: What now?

Kay: I-I like Keith, But I'm too scared to tell him...

Pidge: So...text him.

Kay: Oki.

I scrolled down to find Keith in my notifications.

Kay: Hey, Keith?

Keith: What do you want?

Kay: I have something to tell you...

Keith: Okay...

Kay: I have a major crush on...you...

Keith:...guess what?...

Kay: What? Chicken butt?

Keith: No. I have a crush on you too💕

Kay: Really? 

Keith: Yes, even though I am Galran and you are Altean.

"SQUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" I squealed loud enough for the whole castle to hear.

"Calm down girl." Lance yelled at me.

'I love you Keith' I mouthed to nobody.

"Dinners ready." I heard Hunk say. I came out of my room.

"Hey, Kay." Keith Said blushing.

"H-Hey, Keith." I Said my altean marks turning a bright pink.

*Timeskip to after breakfast*

"KAY!!!" Keith screamed, chasing me.

"You'll never catch me." I shouted at him, sticking my tongue out at him as he tackled me.

"I love you"  Keith Said in my ear.

"I love you too." I replied.

*30 years later*

I am know fourth-six while Keith is fourty-seven. We have a son named Henry Kogane and a daughter named, Madelyn Kogane, after my best friend Madison Kogane(Keith's sister).

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