Hunk x Reader - Special Birthday For a Special Girl

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(Y/F/F) - Your Favorite Flavor

    Hunk was in the kitchen, cooking a cake. The rest of the paladins walked in, going about their regular morning routines, thinking he was crazy. It was normal for Hunk to be cooking in the kitchen, but not for him to be making a cake. He received weird looks and stares all morning until Shiro finally asked him about it.

    "Hunk, what are you doing?" Shiro asked, looking over his shoulder and at the batter he was making.

    "I'm making a (Y/F/F) cake," he replied nonchalantly, acting like it was the most normal thing in the world.

    "I see that. I guess I meant to ask why?" Shiro asked, chuckling lightly.

    "It's (Y/N)'s birthday today, of course!" Hunk enthused, his smiled widening as he continued baking, "I have to get the cake done before she wakes up!"

    "Why didn't you tell us? We could've helped you do it a bit more discreetly," Shiro sighed, leaning back on the counter coolly.

    "She's my girl, I wanted to do it by myself," Hunk shrugged as he poured the batter into the baking tray. He set the sheet into the oven and set the timer for thirty minutes, whistling the entire time.

    "DID SOMEONE SAY CAKE?!" Lance ran in, cheering as he slid over to the oven.

    "Lance, it's for later," Shiro smiled at the young Cuban.

    "It's (Y/N)'s birthday today! We're going to surprise her with it! She said she never does anything for her birthday; this is our chance to change that!" Hunk enthused, proud of his cooking accomplishments.

    "Really? YAY! I haven't had cake since we were on Earth!" Lance yelled, cheering about eating cake later. Hunk quickly shushed him.

    "Remember this is supposed to be a surprise! I have a surprise party set up in the training room, so we need to keep her out of there and out of the kitchen! Can you guys do that for me?" Hunk asked the two paladins.

    The two of them nodded. "Good, spread the word."

~Time Skip~

    Later, you were awoken by Hunk lightly shaking you. "Wakey, wakey, sleepy head," he smiled down at you. You yawned, raising your arms above your head and stretching sleepily.

    "Good morning, babe. How'd you sleep?" you asked, a small smile falling over your face as you rolled onto your side.

    "Great, how about you?" he asked, his arms snaking up your back and giving you a relaxing massage.

   You sighed happily. "Good, but if you keep that up, I might just fall back asleep," you smirked, giving Hunk a quick wink.

    "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt if you slept for a few more minutes," he chuckled, increasing the pressure he applied to your back.

    You guys stayed like that until Hunk saw Lance in the hallway, giving him a signal that the cake had been transferred safely to the training room. Hunk shook you again, smiling as he watched your eyes crinkle from sleepiness.

    "Okay, now you have to get up," he smiled. You groaned, sitting up and leaving the room to get ready for the day.

    When you were finally ready, you walked down to the kitchen. Hunk was already standing in the doorway, smirking at you.

    "Whatcha doing, Hunk?" you asked, smiling at your boyfriend. He wrapped an arm around you, turning you around and leading you down the hallway.

    "Huuuunnnkkkkk, I'm hungryyyyyyyy," you whined, trying to get out of his grip so you could head back to the kitchen.

    "Hold on, I have a surprise," he smirked, dragging you down to the training room.

    You walked up to the training room, finding it completely dark. That confused you, that light never went out, not even at night. You walked in, figuring the surprise was in there.

    Suddenly all of the lights turned on, displaying the entire team as they stood around a big table with a huge cake sitting in the middle. "SURPRISE!" they all yelled, even your boyfriend, who came up and gave you a massive hug from behind.

    "Happy birthday, sweetie," he whispered in your ear, encasing you in a huge hug.

    Balloons floated around the table, with more tied to the backs of all the chairs. There were streamers overhead as well as a significant sign that said, 'Happy Birthday (Y/N)!' in big bubble letters. The cake was three layers tall and beautifully iced around the edges.

    "Y-you did all of this...for me?" you asked incredulously, unable to take it all in.

    "Hunk did all of it; we just made sure you didn't find out," Lance smiled, watching as your mouth dropped to the floor as you turned to look at your boyfriend.

    "Is that true?" you gasped.

    He nodded, causing you to turn around and hug him. You littered him in kisses wherever you could reach, muttering thank yous one hundred times a second. You couldn't wipe the smile off of your face.

    When you finally pulled away, you saw Hunk smiling back down at you. He pulled you up with him to the table, watching you as your eyes lit up as you admired the cake.

    "Let's eat!"

Yay another request! This was an early birthday present for Eeveelicious17! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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