Keith x Reader - Truth or Dare

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Song - Let's Play by Kristina Maria

    You sat down with your brother, Shiro, and the rest of the Paladins on the training deck. You were getting ready to play a game of truth or dare, and after Lance had explained the game to the Alteans, the game started.

    The first person asked was Pidge.

    "Pidge, truth or dare?" Lance asked the green paladin.

    "Hm... Dare," she picked with a smirk on her face.

    "Hm... I dare you... To not take any more pictures of Keith and me for your stupid ship for a week!" Lance dared her with a triumphant smile on his face. You could see the smirk fall off of her face as she was forced to give up her favorite hobby; taking cute couple pictures of Keith and Lance.

    "WHAT?!" she screamed at him, jumping up to run and have a go at the brown haired boy.

    "You heard me..." Lance smirked, earning a growl from Pidge.

    "Fine!" she yelled as she handed over her camera, but she kept the memory card so no one would be able to steal the precious pictures that she had already collected. They were the most beloved things she owned.

    Lance took the camera, smirking happily as he placed it in one of his jacket's many, many pockets. "Who's next?" he asked Pidge, still keeping that stupid smirk on his face.

    "(Y/N)! Truth or dare!" Pidge said in a sickly sweet tone, making you fear for whatever she had planned. She was mad about her camera, and you didn't want to be the thing she used to let her anger out.

    "Um, dare..." you said nervously, waiting to hear your fate. You were afraid that she would ask a truth that would embarrass you way more than any dare ever could.

   "I dare you to sing a song that would make Shiro mad, and you have to sing it to someone as well," Pidge told you. Shiro's face turned red as a tomato, and you sighed. It wasn't that bad until you saw Pidge smirking in Keith's direction.

    Pidge had known about your little crush on Keith for quite awhile. But, the two of you haven't been on the best of terms since you had arrived, so Pidge would find any excuse for you to do something with him. And in this case, that meant singing a song to him or risk him finding out.

    And no, it couldn't be a regular song. No, one you would be embarrassed for Shiro to find yourself listening to, which was going to be a love song. You sighed, looking through your playlist on your phone until you found the perfect song.

    "Okay, I got it!" you squealed excitedly, putting in your earphones, although on the inside you were terrified. You waited as you watched them glance around, trying to bet on who would be the lucky guy or girl. Your eyes fell on Keith, and the rest is history.

    You walked so that you were standing in front of Keith. Pidge smirked knowingly at your choice, while the rest stared surprisedly; wondering why you would want to sing to him of all people considering how much he already hated you. Lance was the only one who was upset, muttering to himself "It should've been me..."

    While you pulled the song up, the rest came up with their theories as to why you would pick Keith. Pidge would never back down from her's; you were crushing hard on him. Shiro, Allura, and Coran all came up with similar ideas; he already hated you so what was there to lose? Hunk's plan was a new way of viewing it; to get him to warm up to you. And Lance's was completely different; trying to make him jealous.

    The rest decided that whatever the reason, they were going to listen. Shiro was furious, not wanting to hear what you sang to Keith. And who knew how you would dance! Shiro had seen you since you started ballet and tap when you were five; you were terrific and had only gotten better. And the newest one you had tried before coming here; the dancing that singers like Jennifer Lopez and Janet Jackson did on stage while singing their love songs. So yeah, he was scared.

    "Okay, this song is called "Let's Play," you told them, hitting play and listening to the start of the song. You went up to Keith right as the lyrics began.

    "There's so much that we can do. Have a play date in my room. And the rest is up to you baby," you sang, pointing to yourself and Keith as he watched you weirdly. Shiro already didn't like the song, glaring at you and Keith the whole time. You added in hip movements, twists, and turns; anything to make you look half decent while you danced.

    "We can dress up if you'd like. What's your flavor, what's your type? Come on over for tonight. I'll bring your fantasies to life," Keith noted how you were getting closer to him, making him confused on whether or not he wanted to see what happened when you finally got to him.

    "Let's play. I'll let you wrestle me. You can win all day. I'll show you want it means to fool around. You'll see how much you want it now. Just come out and play!" You finally got all the way to him, your arm wrapped around him and your hand dragging up his chest before quickly pushing yourself away and standing back in front of him. You thought he looked disappointed to see you go.

    "Baby if I tie you up, it don't mean I'll tie you down. I just like it to play it rough baby. If you wanna bring a friend, he's more than welcomed to join in. We will have triple times the fun. Yea this night has just begun," As you sang that, you looked over at Lance, winking at him before turning your attention back to Keith. Lance blushed, and Shiro glared at him with the meanest look he could muster.

    "Let's play. I'll let you wrestle me. You can win all day. I'll show you want it means to fool around. You'll see how much you want it now. Just come out and play," you went to the middle of the group.

    "Oooooh ooooh, let's play. I can show you all the toys that you might like. My way. This Barbie's got nothing on me tonight. Let's play. Anything you want. We'll make up all the rules
all day. We can find a game where no one has to lose," you said, smirking at Keith. He shifted, and you could've sworn you saw him smile.

    "Let's play. I'll let you wrestle me. You can win all day. I'll show you want it means to fool around. You'll see how much you want it now. Just come out and play. Let's play. I'll let you wrestle me (I'll let you wrestle me baby) all day. I'll show you want it means to fool around. You'll see how much you want it now. Just come out and play."

    "Let's play," you finished singing, sitting in Keith's lap for your finishing pose. Everyone stared at you, stunned and unsure of what to say. You thought they all hated it until you heard them clapping for you. You looked up at Keith, only to have his lips suddenly slammed onto yours.

    You were taken aback. But you weren't ready to give up this opportunity. You were startled, eyes wide but you melted into the kiss. Your hands flew to his mullet, playing with it while he kept your lips occupied.

    You finally broke apart and rested our foreheads against each other's, panting and catching your breath to the whoops and hollers of Pidge.

    "I SHIP IT!" She screamed over and over again. The rest of them smiled at the two of you, happy to see you two finally together. Well, all of them expect Shiro.

    Shiro was glaring at you guys, madder than a hornet as he signaled for Keith to come over to him. Keith gulped, following Shiro out of the training deck and around the corner. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but you knew it couldn't have been good.

    Not long after, Keith ran back into the training deck, grabbing your hand and pulling you up. He pulled you out of the training deck and down the hallway, away from everyone else.

    "I thought you hated me..." you said quietly when you had stopped running, and the coast was clear.

    "I didn't hate you; I just couldn't accept the fact that I had fallen in love. But now I can..." He trailed off, pulling himself closer to you as you leaned against the wall.

    "Now love, where were we?"
I hope you guys enjoyed this one! Thank you guys so much for 12k views! I haven't made any pages just for the thanks because it seems those have just cluttered up my book. But thank you guys SOO much for all of the likes, comments, and views! For those of you who requested stuff, I will try to do them as soon as possible!

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