Lance x Reader - All I Ask

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Song - All I Ask Cover By: Billy Gilman

Warning - Sad content up ahead!!!!!

    During an infiltration into Zarkon's main ship, Lance overheard a conversation between Haggar and Zarkon himself as they went over details for a plan to capture his beloved (Y/N) to use as bait against him within the upcoming weeks. He gasped when he heard that, facing the worst decision of his life.

    Have his precious (Y/N) or keep her safe?

    If he were no longer interested in you, you would be of no use to Zarkon. You would not be able to lure Lance in to save you, and you would be safe from his tortures. But, if he broke things off with you, the two of you would be heartbroken. He knew he couldn't love anyone more than he loved you, but he also knew he couldn't be selfish when it came to your safety.

    So, it was time to end things with you.

    You had been looking at the stars from the bridge when Lance found you. It broke his heart when he looked at you. You were so happy, enjoying the peace of the stars, and he was about to ruin everything for you.

    'She's so beautiful in the starlight,' he thought to himself before shaking the thought out of his head. No more ideas like that.

    Did he have to make such a sacrifice? He had never been as happy as he had been with you, even though he was fighting an intergalactic war in which he had no part. But you made everything better, you were his everything. But, he knew to save you, you had to be distanced from him.

    "Hey, (Y/N)," Lance spoke quietly as he walked over and sat next to your figure. His heart was thumping wildly, and he felt as if he was going to throw up. He already regretted everything that was about to happen.

    "Hey, Lance!" you smiled as you wrapped your arms around him, placing a sweet kiss on his cheek. You looked him over; you could practically hear his heart pounding out of his chest and see the sweat beading up on his face. "What's wrong, baby?"

    "C-can we talk about something important...?" he cursed himself. He was already trying to hold tears back.

    "Of course, baby, you can talk to me about anything. What's bothering you?" you asked as worry filled your veins. It must've been awful; Lance was practically shaking under your touch.

    "We need to break up," he spoke bluntly.

    His answer stunned you. "W-what? T-tell me you're just joking, right? Y-you can't seriously mean that..." you stuttered. Your stomach tied itself up in knots. You weren't about to lose him, were you?!

    "No, I meant what I said, you should know that I would never joke about something as serious as this," he tried his best to speak without his voice wavering.

    "Why?" it was the only word your mind could form out of the confusing haze that had filled it.

    "I'm just not happy with you anymore. Everything's just so boring now; I like a bit more excitement. Something like what those alien chicks could give me," Lance explained. He knew that those words would hurt you deeply, but he knew the only way to get you to listen to you was to hurt you.

    Those words took you back. You felt like Lance had just stabbed you in the chest, and with every word, that knife dug itself in deeper and deeper, making the hole in your heart bigger and bigger. You felt the tears well in your eyes, your head hanging in an attempt to hide your weakness from the Blue Paladin.

    "Let me stay with you, for one more night," you spoke as naturally as you could.

    "What?" Lance asked incredulously. He hadn't expected that.

    "Let me spend the night with you, just once more. Don't get me wrong; I know there's no future for us if that's how you feel. I'll leave without another word; I've said everything I've ever wanted to say to you before anyways. But please, let me have one more night with you," you pleaded.

    "Why?" he asked, his voice sounding more confused than anything.

    "If this is my last night with you, hold me like I'm still more than just a friend. Give me a memory I can use if this is how we're going to end. It matters how this ends! Because, what if I never love again?" you spoke, choking on your own words as you continued.

    "What do you mean? Of course, you'll love again," he spoke, shocked by what he was hearing. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than just to pull you into his arms and hold you as tightly as he could.

    "Lance...We're in the middle of war, in space! I've met all of the people on this ship; they are my family. I could never love them as I did you. It's not certain that I'll make it back to Earth, you might be the last person I ever love. I don't want my last memory with you to be a sad one," you spoke, the tears pouring freely down your face.

    "Stop talking that nonsense, you'll make it back to Earth in good shape and you'll find someone else," Lance shook his head. He didn't like hearing you talk like that.

    "Then let this be our lesson in love, Lance! Let this be how we remember us! Don't let my last memory with you be you breaking my heart into a million pieces. Please, let me remember you for the great guy you always were! I'm not asking even asking for forgiveness or a second chance. Just give me a memory I can use!" you begged with him.

    He was trying his hardest to hold his tears back. He was hurting you, and you just wanted one more night with him. But, no matter how much he wanted to, he knew he couldn't let that happen. His resolve would break, he would tell you the real reason he was breaking up with you. He would beg for you to take him back. He couldn't risk that.

    "No, this needs to be a clean break. There's no point in dragging this out; we will both only suffer," Lance spoke, his voice hard and cold with no sign of emotion. This wasn't the Lance you knew, nor the Lance you wanted to remember.

    "What if I never get to love again? Why can't I stay just one more night? You're not losing anything here, I'm losing my everything!" you shouted, your voice hardening as you defended your ideas.

    'If only you knew how wrong you were,' Lance thought.

    "I've pretended to like you throughout this entire relationship, I refuse to pretend with you anymore," he nearly growled at you. Your eyes widened.

    "...What?" you asked in disbelief.

    "I never loved you. I thought if I pretended I did for long enough I would believe I did, but that never happened. I don't love you, and I will never love you. You should go back to your room now," Lance spoke coldly.

    You didn't know how to respond to him. You felt as Lance ripped out your heart with those words. You slowly rose to your feet as you took in the stars one last time.

    "I loved you, Lance McClain of the Galaxy Garrison, pilot of the Blue Lion, fearless Paladin of Voltron, my best friend when I had none, my savior from a bad time, my life, my love, my one, my only, my everything - my Lance. This will be my last time falling in love, because I will never stop loving you, even if you hate me, even if you never truly loved me the way I loved you," you spoke before you ran out of the control deck and to your room.

    Lance could hear your sobs as you ran away from him. It broke everything inside of him to hear you sound so broken. He wanted to stop your crying, to wipe away the tears as he soothed your saddened form. He would never forgive himself for hurting you like that.

    He sighed as he pulled out a radio; the one he had used to make sure Galran officials overheard the entire conversation. They would know he "hated" you, and you could finally be safe. He would rather live with the guilt of breaking your heart than being the reason you died.

    And with a heavy heart, he dragged himself to his room, only to try to survive the first of many sleepless nights without you in his arms.

Aw man, I cried while writing this. I hope I wasn't too mean to you guys, forgive me ahead of time if I made any of you guys cry! I hate making people cry, but I just had to write this idea! I love this song.

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