Lance x Reader - Fight, Fight, Fight

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    The first time you had met the Voltron crew, Lance and Keith had been best friends. They were always joking around and hung out, just like you had been with your old buddies on Earth. They were the ones you related most to, so you started hanging out with them as well. Slowly over time, the two boys drifted apart, and they began to fight. Constantly. They were always arguing, and it would be over the stupidest stuff! They even started fighting over a crumb that fell off of Keith's plate. When they weren't fighting verbally, they would glare at each other and say negative things about them in conversations whenever the other was brought up.

    You never understood why they were fighting. You would even ask the two boys while you were by yourselves but the most you would get was a series of "Never mind all that." and a wave of a hand to dismiss the conversation. That is if you were lucky not to start a huge conversation about how annoying the other one was. You stopped asking them about it. That is, until one day....

    You walked up to the kitchen when you heard Lance and Keith arguing again. You were going to walk in like normal and try to ignore it while you made your lunch until you heard your name.

    "Why don't you just leave (Y/N) alone?" Keith yelled at Lance. You paused outside. What? Why were they fighting about you? 

    "Why don't you? You know she would be much happier with me than you! You're so depressing, and nobody wants to deal with you!" Lance screamed back at him. You wanted them both to stop; you always hated it when they fought. But you couldn't bring yourself to move from your spot.

    "She'll never love you! You flirt with everything, how can she be sure that you won't leave her?" Keith screamed at Lance. That stung a bit, especially since Lance had been the one you liked most. You had always had a teeny crush on Lance, but as Keith said, he always flirted with every girl, and you didn't believe that he could love you, especially after you saw that most of the alien girls you had seen Lance flirt with had been very beautiful.

    "I would never leave her! She is better than all of those girls I've seen!" Lance fired back in defense. You decided that enough was enough and that you were tired of hearing the two boys you loved the most fight.

    "Enough you two!" you screamed as you busted into the kitchen. "I'm tired of listening to this, and your guys' fighting in general. Knock it off!" you finished screaming at them. The boys just stared at you in shock.

    "H-How much of that did you hear?" Keith asked shakily. 

    "Enough," you replied shortly. Lance scratched the back of his head. 

    "Well, maybe you could tell us who you would pick then?" Lance asked with a nervous laugh. You sighed, did they have to ask that?

    "Guys, I love you both the same--" you said before getting cut off. 

    "We know that's not true," Keith said. 

    "Fine. Since you want to know so badly, I would honestly pick Lance. I like you Keith, but I see you more like a brother rather than a lover," you said as you smiled at Keith. 

    "Oh, I understand," he said sadly as he looked down at his feet.

    "Just, please don't let this ruin our friendship, and can you guys go back to being friends? I hate to know that I'm the reason you guys aren't friends," you asked him. Keith looked up at you. 

    "I'll try," he said as he laughed slightly. 

    "Thank you," you said, smiling at him. Then, Keith left the kitchen, leaving you alone with Lance.

"So I did win," he smirked, walking up to you as he snaked his arms around your waist. 

    "Don't get a big head; your ego is big enough as it is," you laughed. He let out a fake gasp. 

    "That's so mean!" he laughed along with you.

    "Aw, what can I do to make it up to you?" you replied jokingly. 

    "Could I get a kiss?" he replied with a cheeky grin. You sighed. 

    "I guess," you said, playfully acting like it was the hardest thing in the world. You looked up at Lance and saw his eyes shining with happiness. He leaned down and connected your lips, kissing you softly. You felt fireworks in your stomach as the kiss continued.

    Finally, you pulled apart to breathe, and you leaned your head on his chest. As you stood there, Lance leaned down to your ear and whispered:

    "I always knew that I would win."

65 views! I can't believe it! Thank you guys so much! I know it's still pretty small, but it means more to me than any of you could ever know! Again, BlackSapphireKiller helped come up with the idea for this one. Thank you guys again and remember to request what you want to see in the comments!

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