Lance x Reader - Halter Top Disaster

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    "Alright, which one of you did this to my shirt?" your boyfriend, Lance McClain, roared furiously as he stormed into the lounge room where the team was relaxing after a hard day of training.

    You had to bite your lip to hold back the laughter that threatened to escape from your mouth as you stared at the Cuban in front of you.

    Before you stood your boyfriend in all of his glory, but there was something different about him. Instead of the normal gray and blue long-sleeved t-shirt he usually wore, he now wore a halter top, the blue sleeves having been removed by the prankster, who just so happened to be his lovely girlfriend: you.

    "Wow, that's a nice look for you. Very manly," Keith taunted with a smirk at the Blue Paladin's appearance.

    "You shut your quiznak, Kogane!" Lance growled at the Red Paladin, "I bet you're the one that did this!"

    "Oh, I didn't do it, but I wish I knew who did! I would love to congratulate them for doing such a good job," Keith chuckled.

    Lance released an animalistic growl before preparing to charge at the Mullet Man. But as you watched him move so elegantly in his newest halter top, you couldn't help yourself as you burst out laughing.

    You collapsed onto the couch as you laughed, your arm clutching your stomach as you lost all self-control. Your face turned bright red as you lost your breath from your laughter.

    Unfortunately for you, your emotional leakage told Lance everything that he needed to know. He realized that it wasn't his arch enemy that ruined his clothing: it was actually his sweet, loving girlfriend who was looking for a good laugh.

    Your loud, belly-busting laughter was cut short as soon as you made eye contact with the enraged paladin. Once his glare settled on you, you knew that there was only one thing you could do.


    You jumped over the back of the chair as you raced for the nearest exit with the Cuban following closely behind you. You could think of only one safe place: your bedroom.

    You ran as fast as your legs would carry you. You pushed things out of your way to create barriers to slow down your angry boyfriend, but he was able to simply jump over every obstacle without missing a beat.

    Stupid battle training exercises!

    No matter what you did, you could not slow down your furious boyfriend, who was in much better shape than you. Before becoming a Paladin, he ran miles every day at the Garrison, whereas you would much rather spend a day playing video games or burying your nose in a book. So, it wasn't much surprise when you began to slow down and the charging Blue Paladin caught up with you.

    Once you saw your bedroom door, you believed that you were in the clear. You knew you could get there in less than a minute. But right as the thought entered your head, you were quickly tackled to the ground, only for your boyfriend to pin you so that you were laying on your stomach.

    You groaned when you turned your head to see that you landed right outside your bedroom door.

    So close.

    "Someone's been busy, hasn't she?" Lance taunted as he stared down at your struggling form.

    "I-I don't know what you're talking about," you stuttered as you squirmed beneath him, trying uselessly to free yourself from his strong grip.

    "Right," the Blue Paladin scoffed, "I'm sure you have no idea what happened to my shirt."

    "I only know because you came and showed off your new clothing to the entire team," you shrugged, a devious smirk tugging at your lips. "It looks really good on you, though. Whoever made it for you must have good taste."

    "I'll give you one more chance to admit your mistakes," Lance warned as he gathered both of your hands in just one of his. "If not, you'll regret it."

    You gulped as you realized the compromising position you were in: Lance sat on your butt, pinning your hands behind your back with only one hand, his other free to do whatever he pleased. You had no idea what he was planning, but you were sure it couldn't be good. That didn't stop you from seeing just how far you could push him, though.

    "Better be careful, McClain," you giggled, exuding confidence you weren't sure was real, "You don't want to rip such a beautiful shirt."

    "That's it!" Lance groaned before poking and prodding your side with one hand, causing you to erupt into forced laughter for a different reason.

    "NO!" you squealed as his ticklish assault continued, "N-NO FAIR! STOP THAT!"

    "Did you ruin my shirt?" he asked bluntly, ignoring your suffering.

    "I MADE IHIHIHIT BETTER!" you retorted, but Lance didn't like that answer. He pinched up your sides, eventually finding your sensitive ribs.

    As your laughter increased in frequency and pitch, Lance's smirk widened, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Are you sure about that?"

    You shook your head as you dissolved into silent laughter, your body barely able to cope with the ticklish sensations that stimulated your nerves. You weren't sure how much longer you would last.

    "PLEHEHEHEASE!" you begged, hoping that it would be enough to elicit mercy from the mischievous paladin.

    "Did you cut my shirt?" Lance asked again, just as nonchalantly as he had before.

    You couldn't take it anymore. "YEHEHEHES, I DID! I'M SOHOHORRY!"

    "No, you're not," Lance mused, an uncharacteristic evil lacing his voice, "but you will be."

    Before you could comprehend the meaning of his words, his hand had traveled back down your sides, stopping at your hip bone and digging in.

    You had never realized just how ticklish this spot was until the Blue Paladin had found it. You reacted instantly, a small scream escaping your lips as you bucked your hips furiously, desperately trying to throw him off of you.

    "LANCE!" you yelled, a slight panic wavering in your voice, "NO! STOP! PLEASE!"

    "Hopefully you'll be a bit more truthful with your answers now," he chuckled sadistically, "Why'd you do it?"

    "I SAW A PICTURE OHOHOHONLINE! ON TUMBLR! I THOHOHOUGHT IT WAS FUHUHUNNY!" you laughed as you tried to tug your hands free of his strong grip. You would do anything to stop him at this moment.

    "Hmm, bet you're regretting that now," he smirked evilly, "Are you ever going to try something like that again?"

    You weren't sure what kind of answer he wanted. Of course, you wanted to tell him no, but you knew that that wasn't the case. If another opportunity ever presented itself, you knew you would take it, regardless of the repercussions.

    "PROHOHOHOBABLY!" you squealed, trying to squirm away from his ministrations.

    Suddenly, his fingers ceased their movements. Before you could catch your breath, though, he leaned down, pinning your body against the ground more effectively. He attached his lips to the crook of your neck, where he blew a long raspberry.

    The feeling was an indescribable form of torture, the weird feeling causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach. All you knew was that you couldn't stand another second of his ticklish assault.

    "FINE! I WOHOHOHON'T!" you screamed through a fresh wave of laughter. You would have promised anything if it meant buying you even a millisecond of respite.

    As soon as the words left your mouth, Lance ceased his attack, pushing himself to his feet to give you a second to catch your breath. You panted as you turned to lay on your back, staring up at your impish boyfriend.

    "Y-you're evil," you stuttered, your voice hoarse from your continuous laughter.

    "You love me for it," Lance winked, a cocky laugh escaping him as he watched your cheeks heat up from his words. You rolled your eyes playfully in mock disgust, hoping to hide your embarrassment.

    As you laid on the ground, Lance stretched, releasing the tension from his body. You couldn't help but allow your eyes to trail over the muscles that the halter top exposed to you. He may not have liked the fact that you cut up one of his shirts, but he couldn't deny that he looked amazing in it.

    You figured it wouldn't be bad if you had a keepsake of this moment. While he was distracted by the new serenity that had fallen over you two, you quickly pulled out your phone and snapped a picture.

    Unfortunately for you, your sound was on. Lance's eyes opened and shot to your guilty expression as soon as the loud click of the camera rang through the air.

    Before another word could be said, you quickly jumped up and sprinted away from your boyfriend, his playful irritation rejuvenated yet again. You spent the rest of the afternoon running and laughing with your boyfriend.

    While he may never admit it, Lance would happily sacrifice another one of his shirts to create such happy memories with you again.
It has been literally forever since I updated this book, but I'm back! I have had this idea in my head ever since I saw a picture of Lance in a halter top online! The original picture is included above which credits the artist. Special thanks to everyone who encouraged me to continue writing and to update this book! Hopefully, updates will be a bit more regular before I have to go back to school!

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