Lance x Reader - Tickle Fight!

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Warning - FLIRTY LANCE!!!!!!

    You spent your entire day bothering Lance. You had been reading a book earlier when Lance decided to mess with you. You had just gotten to the climax of the story when he snuck up behind you, ripping it out of your hands and raising it high above your head.

    You gasped when you realized what had happened. You bolted up, jumping as you tried to reach for the book. Lance only smirked down at you, laughing impishly at the sight of your hopeless figure. He kept it high in the air as he walked over to the bookshelf, setting it on the highest shelf.

    You pleaded with him to give it back to you; you were desperate to find out what happened next. But Lance wanted to have some fun with you, shaking his head before petting you on the head and walking out.

    Two could play at that game.

    According to Allura and Shiro, Lance had a major crush on you. You had always thought of yourself as just another girl he would practice pickup lines on, but you decided that today you would test that theory.

    You spent the entire day teasing the Blue Paladin. You would brush up against him accidentally; trailing a hand down his back or reaching up to fix his hair. You had also found a few pick-up lines of your own that you mercilessly used against him. Not to mention slyly bringing up hot fictional characters or romantic situations you would love to be in as you talked to Pidge or Hunk whenever Lance was nearby.

    You knew it was working whenever you saw a blush form on Lance's face. He thought he was hiding it well, but you knew different.

    However, if you had known what was in store for you, you would never have stepped one toe out of line.

    After a particularly frustrating encounter with you, Lance rushed to Shiro's room to seek advice from the wiser paladin.

    "(Y/N) hasn't kept her hands off of me all day! I swear, its like she knows about my crush or something!" Lance groaned, trying to forget about what had happened only a few minutes earlier as the memory fought to replay itself in his mind.

    "Lance, not to burst your bubble or anything, but she does," Shiro chuckled evilly.

    "WHAT?!" Lance yelled, jumping out of his chair as his cheeks turned the color of Keith's lion, "How do you know for sure?"

    "Allura and I told her," Shiro smirked. Lance gasped loudly at the confession.

    "How could you?" he asked defeatedly, feeling betrayed by his Space Dad.

    "She was mad that you took her book from her at the best part," he shrugged, "It only seemed fair."

    "How did that seem fair?" Lance whined, his face falling into his hands as he processed the information.

    "Anything's fair because I can say its all tough love," the older male chuckled, enjoying his power over the younger boy as Space Dad a little too much.

    "Whatever," Lance groaned, walking out of the room dejectedly as he tried to figure out what he would do now that you knew about his crush.

    That's when he got his brilliant idea.

    You were sitting on the couch, reading another book that you had found around the Castle since you had been too stubborn to find someone else to help you get your book. You were a sitting duck; the perfect target for Lance.

    He slowly snuck up behind you, careful to not make one peep as he got closer and closer to you.

    The second he was behind you, his arms shot out, quickly grabbing and squeezing your thighs.

    "AHHH! WHAT THE?!" you squealed, jumping up from the couch and trying to get away from the attacker as your book went flying. Unfortunately, Lance's grip was too firm, and he was able to pull you closer to his body quickly. He was chuckling evilly; he loved that look of pure surprise and shock that plastered itself to your face.

    Since Lance was one of the oldest of such a large family, he had a lot of younger siblings he could tickle whenever to get them to do what he wanted. He considered himself to be a real threat to anyone he set as a target, and right now, that objective was none other than you.

    Ever since Lance had stolen your book, you had slowly started falling for the dorky Blue Paladin. You hardly realized what was happening, all you knew was that he made your heart flutter when he teased you about being short or joking with you just to make you blush. If the tickling didn't kill you, this boy definitely would.

    The tickling was driving you crazy. You tried squirming away from Lance, but his grip wouldn't loosen. You did the only thing you could think of at that point; you tickled his sides.

    This was war.

    His grip on you immediately slackened, giving you enough freedom to push him off of you. You quickly tackled him, pinning him to the ground as your hands went back to attacking his sides.

    "HEY! YOU'RE STEALING MY TACTICS!" he yelled through the laughter, trying to keep as much composure as possible. You smirked down at him, pure sadism shining through your eyes.

    "Oh really? Would you do this?" you asked, leaning your head down to the crook of his neck and attaching your lips there. Lance was confused until he felt you start to blow a raspberry.

    "YES I WOULD DO THAT! DO NOT DO THAT!" he laughed, shaking his head as he tried to push you away from him. He was practically shaking with laughter. You giggled along with him. The broad smile that you forced onto his face made him seem so innocent, so cute. You were having too much fun.

    To make matters worse for Lance, your hands found their way up his shirt, nestling themselves into the hollows of his pits. Lance gasped; you discovered his worst spot.

    You didn't move your hands at all, leaving him to anticipate what would happen the minute your attack started. He was desperately trying to get your hands away from his weakest spot, but he could do nothing, especially with you continuously attacking his neck with tickly raspberries.

    "PLEASE, (Y/N), NOT MY ARMPITS! I'M BEGGING YOU, I'LL DO ANYTHING!" he pleaded, shaking himself in an attempt to throw you off of him.

    "Hm...I guess I'll let you off the hook," you smiled, leaning back to look at him, "Later."

    The second that word left your mouth, you dug into his armpits. "(Y/N)!" he screamed before falling into silent laughter. You laughed along with him, enjoying the amount of power you had over the helpless Cuban.

    Not long afterward, you finally relented. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry, Lance, I'm done now," you smiled, leaning down and placing a sweet kiss on his lips, surprising the both of you with your bold move.

    Lance immediately kissed back, a smirk lightly playing on his face. Your grip on him had relaxed, no longer were you holding him down.

    Rookie mistake.

    He quickly turned both of you over, with him straddling your waist. He smirked down at you, filling your stomach with butterflies.

    "Laaannnccceeee," you whimpered at the loss of contact, "I was enjoying that."

    "I know," he smirked, "But I'm going to enjoy this."

    And with that, his hands flew behind him and grabbed at your knees.

    You could've sworn you were about to die. This tickled so much worse than anything you had ever experienced before. You didn't even know you were ticklish there! You let out a deafening squeal before falling into silent laughter, just like Lance had earlier.

    "Awww, baby, that's so cute! Look how this one spot makes you jump and squeal!" he cooed, laughing at the broad smile that had formed on your face.

    You shook your head violently, bucking your hips up as you tried to throw him off of you. You couldn't take it at all; the feeling was too much.

    "LANCE! PLEASE! I'M SORRY! IT TICKLES TOO MUCH! PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT! JUST GIVE MY KNEES A BREAK!" you begged, laughing loudly as he continues his ticklish assault.

    "Hm...Okay!" Lance chirped as he bent down and started blowing raspberries on your stomach, similar to what you had done earlier. However, his tickle attack on your knees never ceased.


    "Aw, I love how this spot riiiiiigggghhhhtttt here makes you squeal and jump," he chuckled, as he dug into the sensitive spot right above your knees.

    "LANCE! COME ON! I'M SORRY!" you squealed, a blush slowly making its way onto your face as his tickle talk continued.

    "Aw, your face is so red! Is it because of how close I am to you? How I'm sitting on top of you? How I could do whatever I wanted, and you'd be helpless to stop me?" he teased, leaning down and kissing a line down your neck. Your blush deepened, gasping when he hit a sensitive spot.

    He smirked before he licked that same spot, making you shiver and laugh a bit harder at the weird, tickly feeling.

    "THAT'S SO WEIRD!" you squealed, struggling underneath him as your blush continued to grow.

    "Aw, or are you just enjoying my tickly fingers dancing all over you?" he smirked, whispering it tauntingly in your ear.

    You whimpered throughout the laughter, trying to hide your face from him.

    "Aw, that's adorable, poor ticklish wittle baby," he cooed teasingly.

    "SHUT YOUR QUIZNAK, LANCE!" you groaned.

    "Aw that wasn't very nice," he admonished, before suddenly changing his tactic and drilling his fingers into your hips.

    "AHHH!" you squealed, shaking your hips from side to side frantically. Unfortunately for you, that only made Lance's attack worse.

    Your laughter fell silent once again, with Lance just staring evilly down at you. He continued this until he saw tears of laughter drop out of the corner of your eyes. Finally, he showed some mercy.

    "Alright, I'm done," he chuckled, getting off of your panting form and offering you a hand. You gladly took it, shakily standing up. You leaned on him, your legs feeling like jelly.

    "Aw, don't dish out what you can't take, babe," he smirked at you.

    "B-babe?" you asked.

    "You said you would do anything for me to stop. Would you be my girlfriend?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as you saw a faint tint of pink appear on his cheeks.

    You smiled brightly as you nodded. "Of course I will. But, you owe me a lot of cuddles," you giggled.

    "My pleasure."

Another flirty Lance! It seems like a lot of you like flirty Lance ;) I'll be working on some requests soon, but I've had this in my drafts for a while, and I figured I'd get it published for you guys! 

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