Kay's greatest fear...

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Oh, well this will end badly...

*in VoltronClan*

Shiro: And that's how we first formed Voltron...

Lance: Wow, hey does anyone know Kay's greatest fear?

Keith: Blood?

Kay: I got over that, sweetheart.

Hunk: Food?

Kay: Nah...

Allura: Zarkon?

Kay: No

Pidge: Starscream?


*Meanwhile in ThunderClan*

Cloudtail: Waffle time!!!

Firestar: NNOOO

Rest of ThunderClan except for Ravenpaw: O.O wha?? *starts throwing waffles at Firestar*

Firestar: *Runs into VoltronClan*

Keith: What do you want?

Firestar: There are waffles!!!

Kay: AHHHH!!!

Keith: O.o

Kay: Waffles are my greatest fear!!!

Firestar: Their sooooo creepy

Kay: IKR?

Keith: So your not afraid of blood or Zarkon or Starscream, but your  afraid of WAFFLES!!!

Kay: Yes...

Keith: I'm questioning why we are mates....


Firestar: Oh I thought Kay was the medicine cat...

Kay: ima warrior 


Kay, Firestar, and Allura: AHHHHHHH!!!!

Keith: *facepaws* OMSC

Ravenpaw: Byyyeeee

Kay: Nuuuuu Ravenpaw, stay here...

Ravenpaw: Why...?

Kay: Because I wuv you...

Keith: Ahem...

Kay: Uh, oh

Keith: Back off my mate! *Starts clawing Ravenpaw*

Kay: *Jumps in between them* Ravenpaw did nothing, he's innocent.

Keith: We are going to have a long talk, Kay...

Kay: Okey.


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