Rise of voltron part 2 : A terrible pilot

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After escaping from the garrison Keith brought them to a shack in the dessert. Currently shiro was outside appreciating some time on earth. "It's good to have you back." Keith said walking up and putting his hand on shiros shoulder. "It's good to be back." Shiro said with a smile.

"So what happened out there? Where were you?" Keith asked worried. "I wish I could tell you. My heads all scrambled. I was on an alien ship and some how I escaped. It's all a blur. How did you know to come save me when I crashed?" Shiro asked curiously. "You should come see this." Keith said before walking to the shack.

When they entered Keith took a sheet off of a pin board reveal a map with a place labeled energy source and first owl sighting along with multiple pictures of ancient carvings. "What have you been working on?" Shiro asked studying the pictures. "I can't really explain it. After getting booted from the garrison I was kinda lost and found myself drawn to this place. It's like something... some energy was telling me to search." Keith said. "For what?" Shiro asked confused.

"Well I didn't really know until I saw an owl. What's strange is that it was a snowy owl so I decided to follow it. It led me to this out cropping of giant boulders with caves covered in these ancient markings. Each tells a slightly different story of a blue lion. But they all share clues to some event some arrival happening last night. Then you showed up." Keith said directed at shiro. "I should thank you all for getting me out. Lance right." Shiro said before offering his mechanical arm to shake. Lance hesitated a moment before shaking it.

"The nervous guys Hunk. I'm pidge. So did any one else from your crew make make it out?" Pidge asked hopeful. "I'm not sure. I remember the mission and getting captured. But everything else it's just bits and pieces." He said sadly. "Yeah sorry but back to the aliens. Are they coming? Where are they this very moment? And is that the owl you Where talking about?" Hunk said pointing at the window.

They all turned to the window to see the owl perched on the window sill staring at them. "It's back." Keith said walking over to the window and letting it in to where it landed on the table. "What do you mean back?" Pidge questioned. "After the first time I saw it it it started to come and go." Keith answered. "So Keith's a birdbrain. Got it." Lance remarked. Only response lance got was the owl flying up to land on his head.

"Who's the bird brain know." Pidge said with a smug face. "Back to the aliens." Hunk said nervously. "I can't really remember. I remember the word voltron. And something about it being gaurded. It's some kind of weapon I'm looking for but I don't know why. What ever it is we need to find it before they do." Shiro said leader like. "Well last night I was rummaging through pidges stuff and I found this picture." Hunk said grabbing pidges bag and taking out a picture off what seemed to be him and young girl in front of a ship.

"Look it's his girlfriend." Hunk teased. "Hey give me that. What where you doing in my stuff?" Pidge questioned snatching away the picture. "I wanna looking for a candy bar. But Then I started reading pidges diary. And I noticed the repeating set of numbers the aliens are searching for looks a lot like a Fraunhofer line." Hunk explained. "Frown who?" Keith asked confused. "It's a number describing the emission spectrum of an element. Only this element doesn't exist on earth. I thought it could be this voltron. I think I could build this machine to look for it like a voltron Geiger counter." Hunk explained further.

"Hunk you big gassy genius." Lance praised. "It's pretty fascinating really. The wavelength looks like this." Hunk said showing them a chart. "Give me that." Keith said snatching away the chart. He brought it over to the board and held it under a picture saying first discovery. What was strange was that the boulders perfectly matched the shape of the chart. When he did that the owl started hooting exited before flying off of lances head and out the window.
"Okay I admit it. This is super freaky." Lance said while that started at the rock formation in the picture. "I'm getting a reading." Hunk said looking at the small device in his hands. He then started walking around until he led them to the entrance to a cave where the owl was sitting. "Hey it's the owl. We must be in the right place." Pidge said walking up to it. "Why do you think it means we're in the right place." Hunk asked staring at it. "The owl has been there with us each part. When it led me here. It was with you guys when we rescued shiro. Know it's here. Shiro said someone was guarding voltron. I think it's watcher." Keith said walking up to it.

"Ha this little thing guarding voltron." Lance said only to have the owl screech and startle only him. Next it flew up and landed on shiros shoulder. "Let's not waist any more time." He said. Then they all walked into the cave to see it riddled with lion carvings. "What is this place?" Shiro questioned looking around. "These are the lion carvings I was telling you about. There also the ones that the owl first led me too. They are everywhere around here." Keith answered.

Lance walked over to the wall of the cave and brushed some dust off a carving. After they all started to glow blue. Once they all did the owl started to fly in place. "They've never done that before." Keith said taking in a worried tone. Just then the ground underneath them collapsed and they were all sliding down a waterfall.

They fell into a pool that was ankle deep. Lance was the first to get up and he was suprised about what he saw. "They are everywhere." Lance said amazed at the mechanical blue lion in a force field. Just then the owl flew in from where they came from and circled the lion once before landing on lances shoulder. "Is this it. Is this the voltron The owl was guarding." Pidge thought out loud.

"It must be." Shiro replied. "This is what was causing all this crazy energy out there." Keith said before walking towards the lion with everyone following. "Looks Like There's a force field around it." Keith said running ahead. While walking up to it lance started to move side to side. "Does anyone else get the feeling this is staring at them." Lance said staring into the eyes. "No." Shiro said confused. "Yeah the eyes are totally following me." Lance stated.

"Wonder how we get through this." Keith said running his hands along the barrier. "Maybe we just have to knock." Lance said knocking on it like it was a door. Only to jump back when it actually worked and for them all to see something they did not expect. In a shared vision six mechanical lions each a different color combined into a giant warrior.

"Woah." They all said at the same time. "Did anyone else just see that?" Lance questioned. "Voltron is a robot! Voltron is a huge awesome robot!" Hunk said dramatically. "And this is only one part of it. I wonder where the rest of them are? And do the others have watchers?" Pidge inquired looking at the owl on lances shoulder. "This is what there looking for." Shiro stated amazed.

Before any thing else could be said the lion leaned down and opened its mouth to reveal a staircase leading further in. The owl was the first to respond and flew inside. "Hey get back here." Lance said following after it. He found it on the head of a pilots chair and he looked like a kid with a new toy. "Don't do anything weird." He said to the owl before sitting down.

He crossed his leg looking smug until the chair moved forward causing him to hit his head on the control panel. Just then the others came in as multiple screens came up. "All right very nice." Lance said as the outside became visible. "Okay I feel the need to point out. Just so we're all aware." Hunk said catching everyone's attention. "We are in some kind of futuristic cat head right know with a weird bird that doesn't even belong in the desert." Hunk pointed out looking at the owl nervously.

"Woah did you guys just hear that?" Lance asked suddenly confusing everyone. "Hear what?" Shiro questioned. "I think it's talking to me." Lane said observing the controls. "The owl or the lion." Pidge asked eying him curiously. Lance ignored and instead pressed a few buttons causing the lion to stand up and roar making pidge and Hunk scream. "Got it. Now let's try this." Lance said gripping the controls.

Next thing they new they burst out the side of a cliff and do several aerial maneuvers. "You are they worst pilot ever!!!" Keith screamed before it landed into a sprint with everyone grabbing the chair screaming and the owl flapping wildly in a panic on the head of the chair. "Isn't this awesome." Lance said excited. "Make it stop make it stop!" Hunk yelled looking green. "I'm not doing anything it's like it's on auto pilot." Lance replied before the lion jumped and rocketed out of the atmosphere. "

Where are you going!?" Keith yelled grabbing the chair. " like I said it's on auto pilot. It says there's an alien ship approaching earth I think we're supposed to stop it." Lance exclaimed. "What did it say exactly!" Pidge yelled angrily. "It's not really talking more like feeding ideas into my brain." Lance explained.

After flying into space for a few minutes an alien battle cruiser appeared in front of them. "They found me." Shiro said barely above a whisper. "Holy crow is that really an alien ship." Hunk asked scared. Next thing they knew the owl screached right before the ship started to fire at them. "We've got to get out of here!" Pidge screamed. "Hang on!" Lance exclaimed. Next he piloted around each of the blasts before blasting away. "Okay I think I know what to do." Lance said. "Careful man this ain't a simulator." Pidge yelled to lance."Well that's good I always wreck the simulator." Lance said only causing everyone to worry more. Then lance piloted the lion closer to the ship. Right as he got in close he fired a beam from the lions mouth across the side of the ship. Next before they could counter he flew closer to the ship and dragging the claw of the lion onto the side causing more explosions before flying away.

"Nice job lance." Shiro praised. "I think it's time to get these guys away from our planet." Lance said before flying away from earth at full speed. "Oh no!" Hunk screamed. "They're gaining on us." Pidge exclaimed. "It's weird they're not trying to shoot us. They're just chasing." Lance observed. "Okay seriously now we think aliens chasing us are good? I'm not okay with this new direction guys." Hunk rambled on. "Where are we?" Keith asked. "Edge of the solar system. There's Kerberos." Shiro observed. Only to be suprised when a large wormhole opened in front of them.

"Uhh this may be crazy but I think the lion wants to go through there." Lance said with The owl hooting in agreement. "Where does it go?" Pidge asked quietly. "I don't know." Lance responded. "Shiro. You're the senior officer here. What should we do." Lance asked. "Whatever's happening the lion and owl know more than we do. I say we trust them. But we're a team know. We should decide together." Shiro said

Everyone nodded. "Okay guess we're all skipping class tomorrow." Lance said quietly before entering the wormhole.

What will happen next. What will become of the paladins. And what is it with that weird owl. Find out next time in the next chapter of VOLTRONS WISDOM!!!!!!

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