Rise of voltron part four: first battle

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Right now me and Keith are in a pod about to enter the wormhole that will lead us to the white lion. "We can only keep the wormholes open that lead to the other lions for two of your earth hours. So you'll have to be quick about your work. Good news is that according to my readings the planets are relatively peaceful. So if you do get stuck they can be relaxing places to live out the rest of your lives. Enjoy the trip!" Coran said cheerfully while everyone voiced their disagreements. After exiting the wormhole we see a planet in the distance covered in storms.

We've been flying a couple of minutes and I've just been nervously fidgeting with my hands while Keith piloted. "Okay why didn't you reveal your self earlier. And why did you lead me to the blue lion. And how do you transform into a owl anyway," Keith said sternly. "Umm. I was scared of what you would do if you knew the truth. And I led you there because I could tell you felt the lions energy. Making you worthy to be a paladin. And I'm a shift," I said nervously. "I thought you were an altean," he asked confused. "I am. But a shift is an altean with a rare ability. There is only one or two born every thousand years. They are able to select a form of another creature. And once they do they can change into it whenever they want," I said recalling the history lessons my father told me.

After a few more minutes of silence we finally arrived at the planet. But there was a problem. There were wind storms covering the entire planet surface in which all I could say was woah. "How do we get down there," Keith questioned. "I-" I was cut off by a growling noise in my head. I looked over at Keith and asked. "Would you be able to pilot right above the storm?" I questioned. He looked confused. "Yeah but how's that gonna help us get to the lion?" He asked. "Not us just me. Be ready to pull away okay." I said as I hat up and went into the back of the pod. We were just above the storm I opened the door in the back. "Keith! Pull up!" I shouted right before I jumped out head first.

I screamed as the storm kept flinging me around in random directions. Until I remembered shiros words. Bravery isn't not having fear. It's fighting despite being afraid. I clenched my eyes closed before opening them again. I turned so I faced the ground limbs sprawled out still crying but with a determined look before screaming out. "I don't care if I die. I won't run. I Won't give up! It doesn't matter if I'm not a paladin, a warrior, or even brave!" I shouted out. "I'd rather fight trying before letting the universe succumb to that tyrant zarkon! You hear me lion! I'm scared but fighting!" I shouted just as the white lion burst through the clouds below me and swallowed me whole. I laid down in its mouth a moment longer before sitting up and saying "thank you."

I ran into the cockpit and sat on the pilots seat to take the controls. I piloted the lion out of the storm into space seeing Keith's pod. "Keith don't ever tell Allura I did that." I said scared. He looked at me curiously through the screen for a moment before asking "why." I sighed before answering. "She'd kill me herself for doing something that risky."
Me and Keith were the first to arrive back. A half an hour later pidge and shiro came in. And lastly Hunk and lance who both looked exhausted. "You made it," Allura said joyfully. "Yeah just barely. That was a nightmare. I almost puked out there. I felt like Hunk." Lance said while stretching. "Think about how I felt. I am Hunk!" Hunk complained. "Yeah we had hard time to." Pidge said smiling at shiro. "At least you guys didn't have to watch a guy jump into a storm," Keith said smirking. Traitor!! "Wait what," Allura said harshly causing me to squeak. "Uhh any news on the red lion." I asked changing the subject.

"Allura just located it." Coran responded. Thank the gods that worked. "There's a bit of good news and bad news. The good news is the red lion is nearby." He said twirling his mustache. "The bad news is it's on a galra cruiser orbiting arus. But more good news. We're arus!" He finished exited. "Wait there here already." Shiro asked urgently.

"Yes. I guess my calculations were a bit off." He said. "Finger counting is more of an art than a science." He said looking at his fingers. Just then a holographic screen came on revealing a figure with purple fur large ears an a prosthetic right eye. "Princess Allura and prince Athen. This is commander sendak of the galran empire. I come on behalf of emperor zarkon lord of the known universe. I am here to confiscate the lions. Turn them over to me or be destroyed." He said menacingly before ending the transmission.

"All right lets not panic." Shiro said. "Not panic. The scary purple alien thing is driving his battle ship towards us and we only have five lions." Hunk rambled. "Four working lions actually." Pidge corrected. "That's Right. Thank you pidge. Four working lions and a castle that's ten thousand years old." Hunk continued. "Actually it's ten thousand six hundred years old. You see-" Coran started but was cut off by the still rambling hunk. "Thanks Coran. Thank you for that. See it's the perfect time to panic." He finished.

"Wait! This castle has a particle that we can activate." Allura suggested. "Girl you already activated my par-" Lance started but I elbowed him making him stop. "The particle barrier won't hold Sendak's ion cannon forever." Coran stated bringing up a hologram of the cannon. "Galra technology must have advanced since the last time we fought." He said rubbing his chin. "Panic now?" Hunk questioned. "No. We just need to figure out our plan of action and fast." Shiro announced. "I say we pop through a wormhole and live to fight another day." Lance suggested. "I second that. Yes. We tried finding all the lions right. Gave it the old college try. Couldn't do it. We only have four can't form voltron. I guess we could form a snake or a worm. To go through a wormhole." Hunk rambled on scared. "I'm not running. Leave if you want but I'll fight by myself if I have to." I said with hands shaking out of fear. Keith notice and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Athen's Right. We can't just abandon arus the galra will just keep destroying planets till we stop them."pidge stated. "Okay if we run maybe sendak will follow us like earth." Hunk asked. "Sendak could just destroy this planet and still come after us." Keith said sternly. "Here's an idea. Shut your quiznack." Lance said making all the alteans in the room jump back in shock at his vulgar language. "I don't think you're using that word correctly." Keith stated. "What do you know mullet," Lance shot glaring at Keith.

"Staying!" Keith stated. "Leaving." Lance shot back. "Snake!" Hunk yelled referring to his suggestion. "Guys stop!" Shiro yelled shuttling everyone up. "Allura Athen. These are your lions. You've dealt with the galra before. What should we do?" Shiro asked. Me and Allura only looked down not knowing what to do. "Maybe your father can help." Coran suggested referring to the memory capsule of our father.

"My father." Allura questioned. While Allura went to talk to are fathers preserved concious I decided to stay behind and wait for her return. "Sooo. What's it like being a bird?" Hunk asked awkwardly. "Interesting. But most of all free." I answered with a smile. "Why do you transform into an owl?" Pidge questioned. "I found it in this place called a zoo. I didn't like how the animals were caged so I set them free. The same bird I change into landed on my shoulder after," I said proudly. "Wait you're the one who opened all the cages in the zoo last year," Lance said suprised. "Yep," is all I said. "I remember that day. It was really cool to pet a giraffe but an a hippo stole my ice cream," Hunk said with a pout.

A few minutes later Allura came back in wearing a skin tight body suit with her hair in a bun. "You six paladins were brought here for a reason. The voltron lions were meant to be piloted by you and you alone. We must fight. And keep fighting until we defeat zarkon. it is our destiny. Voltron is the universes only hope. We are the universes only hope." She decalared proudly. "We're with you princess." Shiro agreed. "Till the end of time sis." I added.

She then led us into a room with six pods each containing a suit of armor.

White paladin armor. (Ignore shiro)

I walked up to my armor and admired it for a moment. I saw Hunk walk up to his and he looked worried about it fitting him. "Princess are you sure about this? They aren't exactly the best and brightest in the universe." I heard Coran say to Allura causing me to look down. That was a little mean. I thought. That's strange I thought I heard a voice. I heard in my thoughts causing me to look around to see Coran doing the same. "No but they're all we've got. And I'm sure Athen can do this." Allura said back making me smile.

"Boys it's time to suit up." Shiro said. After we all finished everyone struck a pose while I held my arm nervously. We walked towards the table Allura was standing behind. When we were close she put her hand on the top causing the surface to disappear revealing five bayards. "The bayard is the traditional weapon of the paladins of voltron." She said as they each floated towards us. "It takes a distinct shape for each paladin." She explained. When Hunk grabbed his it transformed into a heavy blaster that he dropped out of suprise of the weight. Keith's transformed into a sword while a shield appeared on his left hand. Lances turned into a rifle that he looked proud of and pretended to shoot a few times. Pidges turned into a katar that he swung a few times looking satisfied. "Aww you got a cute little bayard." Lance cooed. Which pidge responded by poking lance with his bayard electrocuting him. "Yeah. It's pretty cute." Pidge said smugly. When I grabbed mine it transformed into a long bow. I admired a moment before pulling the string back making an energy arrow form.

"Shiro I'm afraid your bayard was lost with its original paladin." Allura said sadly. Which I frowned knowing who she meant. "Guess I'll have to make due."He responded.

We all went back to the bridge to discuss a plan. "You'll need to retrieve the the red lion from Sendak's ship." Allura said while we looked at a hologram of the ship. "That's a pretty big ship. How are we gonna now where the lion is?" Keith asked. "It's not a matter of how it's a matter of you." Pidge replied. "Pidge is Right. When we get you in there you'll be able to feel it's presence and track it down." Hunk added. "Yeah. You know you felt that crazy energy in the the dessert?" Lance furthered. "Yeah. You you made fun of me for that." Keith shot back. "And I'm proud of that. But turns out it's exactly like that mumbo-jumbo." Lance said proudly

"Keith remember you'll need to prove your self to the lion for its trust. So don't expect it to be easy." I reminded him to which he responded with a nod. "Alright here's our plan of attack." Shiro started placing his hand on Keith's shoulder. His plan was to have lance and Hunk pretend to turn themselves in since the galra only know we have the yellow and blue lions. That way me pidge Keith and shiro can sneak aboard on the green and white lions. Which brings us to know where pidge is cutting a hole in the side of the ship as our entrance.

"Pidge what's your eta?" Lance asked as we just entered the ship. "We're in" He responded. As we rounded a corner shiro suddenly froze panting heavily. "Are you Okay?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder. "I've been Here before. After I was taken by the galra cruiser off Kerberos they brought us here." He responded. "So that means the other crew members. They might be held captive here. We...We've got to rescue them." Pidge said hopeful. "Pidge we don't have time. We have to get the red lion back to arus." He said grimly. "But we can't just leave prisoners here!" Pidge Said desperately.

"Look no one here understands that more than me. But in war we have to make hard choices." Shiro said authoritatively. "Now lets get moving." He said walking off. I put my hand on Pidges shoulder in sympathy until he yelled out. "No! Commander holt is my father. He and my brother were on the Where the ones on the Kerberos mission with you." He explained. "Commander Holt is your father." Shiro asked surprised. "Yes. I've been searching everywhere for him and my brother and I won't stop when I'm this close. I won't!" Pidge said about to walk off. Until he was stopped by shiro.

"Wait! I'm coming with you." He said walking up to pidge. "What?" Me and Keith asked at the same time. "I remember where the prisoners are held. Keith Athen you go find the red lion."  He said. "And remember patience yields focus." He advised. Just then we heard a door open so we ran in different directions in are agreed pairs. After running down the corridor we came to crossroads. "Great. Now which way." He asked out loud to which I just shrugged. Which he decided to head right while I just followed.

After running blindly for a few minutes we arrived at the same crossroads. "You've got to be Kidding me." He said slumping his shoulders. "Keith remember what shiro said and breath." I reminded him. He took a deep breath. "Patients yields focus." He said under his breath. He then closed his eyes and concentrated.

"Gotcha" He said running the way we originally came from. After a shorter time of running we arrived at a hangar containing the the red lion that was in a force field like the blue lions. "Bingo. Let's get out of here. open up." Only to be greeted by silence. "It's me Keith your buddy. Keith! It's me! Keith your— I am paladin." He yelled annoyed. Only to be cut off by blaster fire from a group of drones. "Figure out your lion I'll take the care of the bots!" I yelled changing into my owl flying towards them avoiding blasts before flying up and changing back landing on the nearest bot. I then took out my bayard and shot the nearest two. Only to be grabbed from behind in a choke hold. Next thing I new my bayard changed into a spear. I didn't have much time to think so I stabbed it into the foot of the one holding me making it let go. When it did I turned around slicing it in half.

After Keith yelled a few more times he equipped his shield and sword running into join me yelling "you're not getting this lion!" Before slicing the legs of one and cutting of the head of the next. He was then forced back by a focused group of blasts. "Keith!" I yelled shifting into my owl to fly to him. When I got in front of him I equipped my shield blocking for him. "Grab my hand!" He yelled equipping his oxygen mask. I didn't argue doing that same.

He slammed his hand on a nearby panel causing the ground to open so he grabbed the panel to avoid us being pulled into space. While the bots weren't so lucky. After a minute I lost my Grip and screamed as I was launched into space. I started hyperventilating while drifting aimlessly. Until someone grabbed my arm and saw it was Keith. "I got you. Breath. Don't look around just focus on me and breathe." He said calmingly. I breathed ina and out a few times closing my. "Thanks." I said after calming down.

Next thing we knew the red and white lions were flying towards us. We each nodded before separating and entering are respective lions. "Kitty rose has left the stage." Pidge said as me Keith and him flew by Hunk who just damaged the barrel of the ion cannon. Then we all regrouped at the castle.

At the castle we sat the lions in front of the black lions hanger waiting for it to open. Just then each of are lions eyes glowed. Causing the doors to the black lion to open. After the door fully opened the black lions eyes glowed before it stood up and roared each lion following it's example. Just then alarms blared out. "Sendak has just entered the atmosphere! We need Voltron now!" Allura informed. After shiro entered his lion we piloted the outside land in a  arrow formation with me positioned behind the back lion.

Just then they fired the ion covering the entire particle barrier in a explosion. "Man those guys repair things fast." Hunk said referring to there ion cannon. "The barrier gets weaker with each hit! Once that shield goes down we'll be defenseless!" Coran warned. "I can give you cover with the castles defenses for a while! But you have to form voltron now or we'll all be destroyed!" Allura urged. "Jeez no pressure." Hunk murmured. "Actually a lot of pressure Hunk!" I yelled.

"Listen up team voltron! The only way to succeed is to give this all We've got! This looks bad but we can do this! Are you with me?"he spoke up causing us all to silently nod. After a moment the silence was interrupted. "I'm nodding. Is everyone else nodding?" Hunk questioned. "Yes!" We all responded while I face palmed. "Let's do this!" Shiro yelled running out of the barrier and the rest of followed avoiding blasts from their fighters. "Uh how." Lance questioned. "Good question. Does anyone know how to form voltron? Athen?" Keith asked. "No idea!" I yelled while blasting a ship up ahead.

"I don't see a combine into giant robot button." Hunk said before we all jumped off the bridge onto the surface. "This is insane! Can't they cease fire for one moment so we can figure this out!" Pidge yelled stopping to catch a fighter just to throw into into another before catching up. Keith suddenly stopped to blast a ship with his lions tail. "We got to do something!" He yelled only to be surprised by Hunk ramming into him. "Combine! Okay that didn't work." He said apologetically. "Quickly paladins! Are energy levels are getting low!" Allura urged.

"Maybe if we fly in formation we'll just combine." Shiro suggested. "Take off on my cue." He ordered a we started running in formation again. "One. Two. Three. Voltron!" He said as we jumped off the approaching cliff and flying. "Nothings happening!" Shiro yelled frustrated. "Wait Wait I feel something?" Lance spoke up. "I feel it too! It's like we're all being pulled in the same direction!?" Hunk shouted. "Guys look up! It's Sendak's ship!" I warned. As it turned out Sendak's ship was firing a tractor beam an pulling all the lions into it. "What the cheese!" Lance yelled. "I don't know what cheese is but if it's anything like a quiznack than cheese!!" I yelled out. "Sendak's ship is sucking us up like a black hole!" Pidge yelled scared. Just then Sendak's ship fired it's ion cannon again destroying the barrier. "Allura!!!" I yelled worried. "I don't care what you say now shiro! I'm panicking!!!" Hunk yelled out. "It can't end here!" "This is it!" "It has been an honor flying with you guys!" Pidge Lance And Keith yelled out.

"No!" Shiro said after a moment of silence. "We  can do this! We have to believe in ourselves! We can't give up. We are the universes only hope. Everyone is relying on us. We can't fail! we won't fail! If we work together. We win together!" Shiro spoke up. "Yeah!!!" The rest of us yelled. Suddenly all of are lions eyes glowed. One by one each of us flew out of the beam into the sky were we formed voltron. The yellow and blue lions formed the legs. Next the red and green lions became the arms. While the black lion was the main body and head with my lion attached to the chest.

Right before Sendak's ship was about to shoot the ion cannon voltron pushed the front of the ship up causing it to fire into the sky. Next we stood on the bow of the ship admiring what what we formed. "I can't believe it." Keith said relieved. "We formed  Voltron!" Pidge yelled out enthusiastically. "How are we doing this!?" Lance questioned. "Am I a leg!!" Hunk yelled excited. "This is amazing!" I yelled out. "I know right. But now let's take out that cannon." Shiro ordered.

And just as shiro ordered we ripped the off the cannon completely than threw it into the mountain side before punching a hole straight through the ship destroying it.

After dispanding voltron we landed in front of the castle to be greeted by Allura. "Great work paladins." Allura said running up to hug me which I gladly accepted. "Thanks pretty lady." Lance replied exhausted. "We did it." Shiro breathed. "Heck yeah we did." Keith said taking off his helmet.

"We won the battle but the war has only just begun. I'm afraid  Zarkon will not stop till he has these lions." Allura said stepping away from me. "Good thing you paladins know what you're doing. Because you're going to have to form voltron again and again." Coran stated.

"Totally. Wait what?" Hunk asked confused. "We barely survived forming voltron this time." Lance said. "And you only had to fight one ship. Wait till you fight an entire fleet." He stated. "We've got a long way to go before being to be called the defenders of the universe." I said exhausted. "Defenders of the the universe. That's got a nice ring to it." Shiro said looking at the black lion.
After the battle I decided to show the paladins around the castle. "This hallway contains the guest rooms. You can each pick one to have for yourself. Mine Allura's and Corans are a floor up if you need anything," I informed them. "Dibs on the one with the biggest bed!" Lance said running ahead looking inside multiple rooms. "What no. You can't call dibs," Hunk said running after him.

"I'm going to go check on the prisoners," pidge said going to the medbay. Keith said nothing and just walked over to a unclaimed room. "Quite the interesting group huh," I said to shiro. "You have no idea," shiro said sounding exsaughsted. "I'm going to go rest. I suggest you do the same. Ps that one has the biggest bed," I said quietly pointing to the one at the end of the hall before transforming into my owl and flying to my old room.

When I got there I transformed back before walking over to the vent bye my bed. I shook the cover off so I could reach in and grab the bag inside. Once I did I opened and slowly took out the contents. The first thing I took out was a picture of me Allura father and mother. I smiled remembering the time we took it on our first trip to a ballmera. The next thing I pulled out was a hand drawn picture of voltron. I was always shy about showing people my drawings. The only people who knew I draw where blaytz and mother. I smiled remembering how he freaked out he freaked out knowing how I drew him that time he lost a bet and had to wear my mother's clothes. And the last was a picture of me the paladins of old and Allura. This one brought a tear to my eye remembering how things used to be. Before zarkons betrayal. I wiped it away before grabbing the rest of my drawings. After I grabbed my art supplies and a blank piece of paper and started a drawing of everyone else.

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