Taking flight

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I woke up hearing voices... and a annoying ticking sound. And Why can't I move or see? Suddenly I heard a hissing sound and fell forward and fell into somethin warm. Since I was a little cold I decided to try and get closer to And snuggled up to it. "Uhh . . . Athen?" Something said. I looked up to see shiro with a confused look on his face. . . Cheese! I jumped back and stumbled before regaining my balance still embarrassed at what happened. "Uhh. . . T-thanks f-f-for catching me," I stuttered out feeling embarrassed. "You're welcome," Shiro said. And it confused me when I looked up because. . . Shiros face was really pink. Is that normal for humans? "Athen you're okay too!" Hunk yelled hugging me. Then it hit me. "Is lance Okay?" I asked.

"Over here. And what happened," Lance said over by everyone else looking exhausted. "We can talk about while we get you something to eat. Are you both able to walk?" Allura said putting her hand on Lances shoulder. "Talking? Eating? Are you asking me on a date?" Lance said suggestively. "Classic Lance," pidge said shaking her head.
We were in the dining room currently and as me and lance were eating while everyone filled us in on what happened. "You would have been Sendak's prisoners if not for pidge," Allura said proudly. "Well you two wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for Hunk and Coran bringing a new crystal," Pidge said truthfully. "Thank you all . . .for everything. I couldn't ask for better allies," I said. Only to be pulled out of my chair and into another hug by Guess who "you're a amazing team mate too!" Hunk said crying. Everyone laughed and when it died down lance said "yeah but sounds like the mice more than you though," Lance said smirking at Keith.

"I punched Sendak!" Keith shot back. "Yeah. After I came out of a coma and shot him," Lance countered. "We had a bonding moment. I cradled you in my arms!" Keith exclaimed. "Nope. Don't remember. Never happened," Lance said. "What became of Sendak?" I questioned worried. "He's frozen in a cryo pod. We're keeping him here in the castle," Allura explained. "Are you sure that's a good idea," Lance asked skeptical. "Well he's to dangerous to be set free. Besides you never know what you can learn from a enemy. And if we are gonna dump him off somewhere let it be a uninhabited dessert planet," I stated and everyone looked at me with wide eyes.

"So What's The plan now?" Lance asked. "We need to get back to the balmera and rescue shays people," Hunk stated. "Wow you are really hung up on this lady," Lance teased. "No it's not like that. Guys when you see how zarkon treated these people and how he destroyed their home," he looked down saddened for a moment before looking up with determination. "They've been under his thumb for so long they don't even know what it's like to be free. It's up to us to set things right. This is what being a paladin is all about. Time to man up," Hunk said impressing us all.

"Then Lets get moving. Time to go defend the universe," Shiro stated walking away. I got up and followed after but turned around when pidge called out "Wait. I have something to say first. I'm afraid this might change the way you all think about me but... I can't man up. I'm a girl," Pidge said proudly. "I-I mean I can Man up cause it's just a figure of speech. I don't actually have to be a man to man up I just have to be tuff-" pidge rambled on But was cut off by lance. "You're a girl?!?" Lance said surprised and looking horrified. "I've known for some time but I'm glad you shared it with everyone,"Allura said. "Yeah I figured," "me too," Hunk and Keith admitted.

"We were supposed to think you were a boy?" Coran asked confused. "Pidge showing people who you are is a sign of growth and strength. And will make you a better paladin," I said smiling. "Thank you. Now let's launch this ship!" Pidge exclaimed excited. "Hold up! You're a girl! The castle is a ship! How long have I been out?" Lance called out confused.
After that . . . Awkward encounter we all went straight to the bridge to prepare for launch. I got in my seat behind shiro while Allura stood in the center behind me. "Activate interlock," Allura ordered. "Dynotherms connected," Coran called out. "We are ready to depart planet arus on your go your highnesses," Coran stated. "Athen would you do the honors," Allura asked me. "Of course Allura. Coran launch this ship," I ordered. And with that the castle launched. And we were traveling in space again. Heh. This brings back memory's. Like that time blaytz convinced me to fly the castle. Almost crashed but no regrets. If I never met him . . . I'd probably still be doing nothing but reading in my room and only talking with my family at dinners and council meetings. Sigh I still remember the first time he barged into my room.

Flash back third POV
Athen was sitting in his room drawing and writing in his journal when a certain blue skinned leader barged in exclaiming "I am taking you on a adventure!" Making Athen yell and throw his journal at him. When it landed on Blaytz face it made him stumble back before hitting his head on the wall behind him knocking him out. At that time Fafnir the original white paladin and general of the altean army was walking down the hallway just in time to see Blaytz knock himself out.

(This is what he looks like. No horns or any other dragon parts unless in combat. Altean markings are black. And I don't own the picture)

He looked into the shy princes room to see him clutching his chest and taking deep breaths. "I'll take him to the infirmary," is all Fafnir said After sighing. He then went and grabbed Blaytz by the back of his collar after throwing Athen his journal and dragging him down the hall. "Oh and you're welcome to hit him on the head again if he barges in again," Fafnir called out not looking back.

Blaytz POV before barging in
Alfores son Athen always seemed so lonely at the council meetings. It's impressive that his father lets him partake in the meetings at such a young age but when he's there he seems scared of his own shadow. Kinda like Fafnir with out his armor. Maybe he just needs a friend. Yeah. That's perfect. I'll become his friend by taking on a adventure. perfect! So I asked the nearest servant where his room is and started making my way towards there.
What happened. I last remember walking into the princes room when something landed on my face and I hit my head on something. I looked around the room before my eyes landed on a note by the bed addressed to me. I picked it up and read it out loud. 

"Dear council member Blaytz. I am sorry for what happened at my chambers but I would like to kindly ask you never do that again.

P.S  general Fafnir said I'm allowed to hit you on the head again if you do it a second time. Does that mean you do it a lot?

Signed prince Athen."

Flash back end Athens POV
After that Blaytz knocked before entering and said the same thing. After then he threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the blue lion were we went to a uncharted planet to as he put it 'site see'. He was scolded by my parents but after that trek through the jungle but it made me something I wasn't before. . . Curious about what the world is like outside a book. So I let him take me on another adventure as long as it was approved by my parents first. But if I would have any say in it that first adventure it wouldn't have included a giant acid spitting spider. . . And Blaytz flirting with a woman who ended up being the spider.

Hunk suddenly called out serious breaking me out of my thoughts "so when we get there what do you think? Should we immediately start blasting or have some kind of public address like 'attention galra's this is voltron turn yourself in' . . . No blasting right?" Hunk said shaking his head. "Hunk calm down. And yes blasting," Keith responded. "It's his first rescue mission. He's excited," Shiro said calmly with a smile. "Yeah excited to see his new girlfriend," Pidge teased with a grin. "She's not my girlfriend!" Hunk defended annoyed. "She's Just a rock that I met and admire very much," Hunk finished looking away. Suddenly the alarm sounded drawing our attention. "What is it? Our we being attacked?" Shiro asked Coran who was typing on his screen. "No it's a distress beacon," Coran answered twirling his mustache.

"It's coming from a nearby moon. Apparently a ship has lost power," Allura said observing a screen she pulled showing a moon. "Wonder Who it is?" Pidge said with a hand on her chin. "Whoever it is can Wait. Shay takes top priority. We can check up on them when there done," Hunk stated firm. "It's our job to help those in need. Wether it has to do with ship problems or zarkon we will help," I said shrinking down in my chair when everyone started to look at me.

"This is so cool. It's like we're cops on patrol," Lance said excited. "What are cops," I asked curious tilting my head. "There a form of gaurd that patrol around and ensure public safety," Shiro explained. "Hey Coran do we have a siren?" Lance asked. "Uhh no. But I can record you making the sound and broadcast it," Coran suggested. Lance was about to start making the noise when Shiro stopped him which I silently thanked him for.
Walking up to the people who sent the signal with the rest of the paladins and my sister I see one girl with yellow skin and bright purple eyes with tentacles that resembled hair. The next person was a male with purple skin and white hair and and a leather piloting helmet. "You have no idea how nice it is to see some friendly faces. Most people don't want to get involved with those running from the galra," the male said relieved. Taking a moment to look at their ship I narrow my eyes to the fact that it had no external damage. "You Guys are fighting the galra?" Keith asked while I hid behind shiro.

"Well I wouldn't say zarkon is shaking In his boots from the three of us but we do what we can. Besides it's not like we're the only ones against him," he explained shrugging. "I'm Rolo. This is Nyma and are cyber unit beezer," The now named Rolo introduced. "Hi," is all Nyma said before lance went over and introduced himself making me roll my eyes. But what surprised me is pidge doing the same with Beezer. "Was your ship damaged in a fight?" Shiro questioned ignoring lance and pidges antics. "Yeah. Parts are hard to come by and we barely made it to this moon to inspect the damage," Rolo explained calmly.

"We are happy to help. I am princess Allura and this is my brother Athen," Allura introduced gesturing towards me behind peaking out from behind shiro. "And from now on you won't be alone fighting the galra. You'll have the paladins of voltron on your side," Allura said gesturing to us. "Okay," Rolo said unimpressed. "I don't think they've heard of us," Shiro concluded. "It has been a long time," Keith added. "Voltron. Six robot lions that form into a giant robot," Lance explained turning away from Nyma. "Sounds cool. I'd love to see it sometime," Rolo said. "Why don't we get to work on your ship. I'm sure we all have places to be," Hunk said impatient.

"Sure. Pretty much are whole flaxum assembly is shot. I don't know what kind of parts you carry in this rig though. It's like nothing I've seen before," Rolo explained opening the hatch to the engine room. "I'm sure we can get your ship up and running. Give Hunk a list of what you need and Athen can show were to find it," Allura offered kindly. "Okay. Beezer can you print it please?" Rolo questioned by which the robot responded by creating a list through his mouth.
Me and Hunk were filling a hovercart up with parts in one of the storage room when I decided to share my findings with him. "Did you notice the outside of their ship?" I asked seriously. "Yeah. It's strange how they say it was damaged in a fight but there's barely a scratch," Hunk said grabbing a part off the shelf and putting it in the cart. "I don't trust them," I said narrowing my eyes. "Me neither. I'll check while doing repairs for any signs of sabotage," Hunk said crossing his arms. "While you do that I'll sneak on the ship and investigate," I said checking a box.
As Hunk was helping Rolo with the engines I flew into the ship unnoticed. So far I went threw there bedrooms there kitchen and three storage rooms. I was just checking the cockpit when I saw the blue lion take off making me sigh in disappointment at Lance's antics. I went to check the next room but I went wide eyed at what I saw. Inside was another storage room but filled with spare parts but what most suprised me was the ones near the front that looked purposefully removed. I was about to go and tell everyone until I heard footsteps and a pair wheels coming towards me. I immediately went back and hid in the storage room. Moments later the ship took off making me stumble before regaining my balance.

I went out and looked left and right to check for anyone. I went to the right back to the main cargo hold and when I got there I saw the blue lion being pulled up inside. Almost immediately after I hear lance threw the radio in my helm. "Hello? Little help?" He said. "Lance mind explaining why they are currently flying off with your lion?" I asked. Suddenly I heard footsteps so I hid behind a crate while I saw Nyma walk by. "What?! Lance how did that happen? And Athen where are you?" Shiro asked urgently. "Well she sort of chained me to a tree," Lance answered. "As for me I'm on their ship. Track my signal and get over here I'll try and delay them," I said turning off my radio.

I carefully sneaked to the cockpit. Sounds like they just ended a call so I need to be quick. I loudly banged on the door twice before moving to the side a changing forms and waiting on the ground. A moment later Nyma came out with a pistol drawn checking the hallway. "No one out here!" She yelled back. Only to be surprised by me changing back and punching her in the nose. She staggered back but immediately tried to aim her pistol. I kicked her and hand away before spinning around and hitting her with a spin kick to the stomach. Making her clutch it in pain.

I was about to leave and go for Rolo when she got up and put me in a chokehold. "The shy one  is onboard!" She yelled. "The other lions are chasing as well! Hang on cause I'm going threw an asteroid belt!" He called out making my eyes go wide. I hit her on the nose again with my helmet making her stumble back and clutch  it while I took out my Bayard and shot her with it electrocuting her and knocking her unconscious. I thought for a moment and face palmed. "Why didn't I do that before," suddenly the ship shot to the side making me stumble. I immediately went into the cockpit and shot beezer disabling him before pointing my bayard at Rolo Who was looking at me with wide eyes. "Shut off the engines stand up with your arms behind your head slowly," I ordered pulling the string back a little more.

He did so and stood up. "I did not expect that from you," He said impressed. "I'm shy not weak," I said. Suddenly an explosion was heard and something hit the top of the ship. I turned my radio back on not looking away from Rolo before saying "what was that explosion?" I asked slowly. "That would be their engines. What's your status?" Keith asked concerned. "Nyma And Beezer are disabled and Rolo is currently in my custody," I responded and smiled when I saw the other lions outside the window. Here that lance? We got your lion back," Keith taunted And I could basically hear the smirk. "Thank you. Now can you come and unchain me?" Lance asked. Keith pretended that lance was cutting out making me laugh while Rolo looked confused. When my laughter died down I looked at Rolo before saying "So you gonna throw me your handcuffs or am I gonna shoot you?"
After dragging their ship back and freeing lance we decided to have a chat. "Now that your ship really doesn't work you're gonna have to wait for actual assistance," I said to them who looked defeated. "Thank you. . . For sparing our lives," Rolo said quietly. I studied them for a moment thinking they aren't bad people. There just desperate for survival. "You said there are other's who fight against Zarkon yes?" I said. "Yes. Why?" Nyma asked confused. "For you're crimes against us I sentence you to-" they tensed for a moment "starting or joining a united front against zarkon," I said serious.

"But- wouldn't you want to I don't know- take us as prisoners or something?" Rolo exclaimed confused. "What use would that be? Instead of just surviving start living to make the world better. And you can't do it alone. So find people to stand with when you face them," I said offering my hand. He hesitated a moment before taking it and smiling. I turned around and looked at the rest of the paladins who had a mix of reactions. Keith lance Hunk and pidge looked dumbfounded. Allura looked proud while shiro . . . Was pink in the face again.
We were back on the castle and with the free time I had before we reached the balmera I decided to continue my drawing of the paladins  and me. I heard the door open and looked up to see shiro walking in. "Hello shiro. Do you need anything?" I asked putting my journal down. "Yeah Umm," He said putting his hand behind his head. "I just wanted to say that . . . What you said today was amazing," shiro said smiling making me blush and look away. "U-uh thank you. I learned it from a close friend," I said smiling. "Learned what?" Shiro asked confused. "That you should never doubt someone could become something great," I said smiling and thinking of Blaytz.

The end!

Before you ridicule me about Athen being confused at shiro blushing it's because I've noticed that alteans blush in the color of their markings. Like Coran blush's blue while Athen would blush purple. Plus Athen is just oblivious to romance and such.

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