Chapter 1

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Before executing the plan

Yang was about to go outside, but stopped at the door.

"Welp, see you Rubes and dad." says Yang.

"Have fun Firecracker." says Taiyang.

"Yeah sis."

As soon as Yang walks outside, the whole place turns demonic, the sky is red, grass is brown, Yang is standing there wondering what's happening. When Yang turns back, her house seems to have disappeared. Yang looks and someone seems to be there. He seems like a dead person. Yang steps back and falls down.

"Yang," says the guy in a distorted demonic voice"Why?"

"I.... I..." Yang stutters in sadness.

"WHY?!" the guy yells.

Yang wakes up, it was a dream. Everybody is sleeping, getting ready to execute the plan. Yang got up, went to her bag and got out a case of sorts. She went to the toilet, opened the case and begins to pray for someone. The person seems like someone who Yang knew. Yang then cries.

"I'm so sorry. I was so weak."

After the attack

The team don't know what to say to the Airships.

"No response, you will have to land and put in jail." says the person on the radio.

"We have no choice, we have to land." says Qrow.

"Yeah." says Maria. They hear a noise upstairs.

"What the..." Qrow wonders, then suddenly the window next to him breaks and he's thrown out.

"Uncle Qrow!" Yang and Ruby yells. A soldier looking character kicks them both. He has a very military realistic looking suit and right metal arm. The guy blocks Jaune's attack with his robotic arm and knocks him out with one punch. He proceeds to knee Weiss in the face, knocking out her aura with one strike. He then gets out a hand pistol ad shoots at the controls, proceeding to kick the cargo bay door to get out.

"Hang on!" says Maria as everyone hangs on. The ship makes a crash landing at the landing pad. The guy then appears into the wrekage and goes to pick up Weiss, carrying her to a car. Once Weiss is inside the car, the guy drives away. Yang gets up and spots the car, with Weiss inside.

"No you don't!" Yang goes to chase it. She spots an Atlas soldier on a motorcycle "Can I borrow that?" Yang runs to him and asks.

"Freeze!" the soldier on the bike gets a pistol and shoots at Yang. Yang blocks them her gauntlet. Once Yang got close, she did a drop kick to the soldier, knocking him off the bike as well as knocking him out. Yang then got on the bike and drives away 

"Sorry!" says Yang. Qrow gets up.

"Yang!" Qrow yells but Yang is too far now "Crap." Qrow takes a sip of his bottle "Now, I have to get everyone to a place." Maria then recovers.

"What did I miss?" Maria asks.

Yang is chasing down the car that the guy is in. The guy looks at his rear view mirror and spots Yang. He looks back and shoots at her. Yang is dodging them and she got on the side walk. The guy stopped firing and got in a tunnel. Yang tries to follow and succeeds. The tunnel thankfully has little to no cars by, good for Yang so she doesn't have to worry about slowing down, but bad because the guy is still ahead of her. They got out of the tunnel, the guy goes faster and so does Yang. Yang then notices a few buttons, she presses one that looks like a few machine guns. Machine guns appeared on the sides, Yang presses the triggers at the handles and they fire. The guy notices it and tries to avoid, but Yang is keeping up pretty well. Yang realizes that she could also hurt Weiss in the process, so she stops firing and deactivates the machine gun.

"Dammit." says Yang. Yang continues the chase against the guy. The guy takes a turn, which Yang follows. When Yang turned she noticed that he seemingly disappeared, she checked everywhere "Where is he?" Yang continues driving. Yang looked back to check if he's now chasing her, nothing. She looks forward and remembers the time when Adam cut off her arm, then out of nowhere, the car appears in front of Yang, knocking her off the bike. Yang can barely get up and sees the car going away, she does get up and tries to chase it, but the car is long gone now. Yang now gets her scroll and calls Qrow.

"Yang?" says Qrow.

"Uncle Qrow!" says Yang.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" says Qrow in a worried voice.

"I'm kinda alright." says Yang "I may need help."

"Stay there, I'm coming." says Qrow and Yang ends the chat, then just stands there.

Flashback to a few years back

Yang is playing Jump Force. At one point, Taiyang enters.

"Hey, Cy arrived." says Tailing.

"Great!" says Yang. Cy then enters.

"Hey Yang." Cy responds. Yang is happy with Cy there "What you playing?"

"Jump Force." Yang responds "Wanna play it?"

"Dibs on Ichigo, my waifu on Bleach Rukia and Deku." says Cy.

"My husband Zoro, Vegeta and Renji." says Yang and they both begin to play. They both are having fun, sharing laughs, joking, making puns, and Cy singing with Yang chuckling.

Present time

To Weiss

Weiss wakes up. She seems to have trouble recognizing the room at first, but then she realizes that she's in her room. Weiss then remembers what happened and is worried about her friends.

"Oh my God, are they okay?!" says Weiss to herself out loud. The door opened, showing Jacques.

"Hey Weiss." says Jacques.

"Hey dad." says Weiss, not happy to see him again "Are my friends okay?" Jacques sighs.

"I'm sorry to say it, but... Your friends are horribly injured in that battle. They will be in the hospital for..." says Jacques.

"How long?!" Weiss shouts out in a worried tone.

"Several months." says Jacques. Once Weiss head it, she fell on her knees in shock "I'll leave you alone." Jacques then leaves Weiss' room. Weiss is in shock.

At Cinder and Neo

Cinder and Neo are still flying. They reached Atlas but they notice that its too well defended.

"Damn, we need to hide somewhere." Neo is pointing somewhere, Cinder looks and sees that its a cave "Great idea Neo. Let's go." they then go down there. They then hide the ship and go into the cave "We need to think of a plan in order to enter this place unnoticed."

Back at Argus

A hand appears in a river bank, then it shows Adam. He's panting from the fight he had against Yang and Blake.

"What was I thinking?" Adam asks himself. He gets up and walks away

The end

What did you guys think? Tell me in the comments about what you thought.

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