Chapter 12

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Ruby is in a local coffee shop, getting some coffee for herself. After Ruby got her coffee, she went back to her table, which is located at the outside part of the coffee shop. The people present are Weiss, Blake, Yang, Paige, Justin, Riley, Jaune, Nora, Ren, Qrow and Winter. Yang is just leaning back on the chair as she waits for Ruby. Ruby sits between Weiss and Yang.

"About those soldiers. Who is making them?" Ruby asks.

"Father." Weiss responds.

"Actually, let's call him Jacques." Winter responds.

"So he is supposedly creating these soldiers. How though?" Yang asks.

"Me and Weiss got a few files from Jacques' secret office. And believe me, you will be surprised at what he does." Riley explains to Yang.

"Basically, what we know is that they are all recruits. He got them either because the person was assumed dead or are orphans who have no home, literally." Weiss explains.

"We also know that they have got extremely enhanced. That is probably how they were all able to keep up with the General, me and Qrow." Winter explains.

To the fight from yesterday

Winter is trying to blitz all the soldiers but for some reason, they are all able to keep up with her.


"What about the main guy?" Ruby asks "We barely know anything about him."

"Yes Ruby is correct, we just know that he can show up and disappear whenever he wants to, that stuff." says Blake.

"Well, here is his identity." Winter goes to get something, but then.

Someone then suddenly appears, falling on the table, breaking it in the process. The person gets up and push kicks Winter away from the coffee shop and onto the main streets. Qrow then punches the person, but he blocked with a robotic arm, which just pushes him back a few feet. The person is shown to be the soldier.
"Will he ever quit?" Yang asks in frustration, as everyone got out their weapons. Blake pulls out her weapon and aims at the soldier. Ruby, Qrow, Jaune, Ren, Oscar, Paige, Justin, Riley and Weiss did look behind to notice they were going to get run over by a military truck. They avoid the truck, however, Blake, Yang and Nora are pushed by the truck. Yang and Nora try to stop it by pushing back with their own strength, Blake just jumped to the top of the truck, to which the soldier kicked her off. The back door opens revealing tons of soldiers getting out, carrying various weapons. Yang and Nora were able to hold back long enough for the truck's engine to over heat and explode. Yang then punches the truck, with so much force that it's launched all the way to the main soldier crushing him, as it seems.

The soldier lifts the truck with ease then puts it back down.

"You know the drill." says the soldier with a distorted voice "Kill Winter Schnee. and protect people" the soldier gives the orders to all the other soldiers. The main soldier then pulls out a machine gun, as it seems. He aims at a recovering Winter and shoots at her. It was a light speed laser. Winter got up and dodged it casually.

"Those light speed attacks are too slow." Winter then gets out her swords. The soldier fires some more. As Qrow joins in, they both block and dodge casually the laser shots like they're no issue.

"You have to come down here to fight us." says Qrow.

(Stop song)

Ruby helps Oscar to get back.

"You..." Ruby suddenly has this weird feeling that something is about to hit her. She looks behind her and sees one of the lasers coming towards her, the laser seemingly is about to hit her face. Ruby moves a meter away from the laser, to Ruby the laser kinda looked frozen.

"Oscar, get cover and protect the people." Ruby orders Oscar as she gets out her scythe, with Oscar nodding in response as he walks away. Ruby sees multiple soldiers aiming at her.

More laser shots are fired at Ruby. Ruby then uses her semblance to move out of the away from all the lasers. Ruby then goes up to the air, aims her gun at the group of soldiers and begins to fire at them, using her sniper rifle mode. The soldiers do dodge the shots. Yang from out of nowhere appears, punches the ground and the soldiers are all launched away. Weiss uses her glyphs to make icicles to be launched at the soldiers. They dodge and throw some at Weiss, who retaliates with a fire wall of glyphs. Blake then swings from a pole, using her weapon, and kicks one of the soldiers, however another grabs her by the leg and throws her down. The soldier throws his knife at Blake but when it hit her, it was a shadow clone, Blake was seen being saved by Ruby. Yang is firing some shots to give Jaune, Justin and Ren some covering fire against the soldiers. Jaune jumps and downward slashes at one of the soldiers, but he still gets kicked away. Ren jumps on a soldiers head then down some upside down circle firing at the soldiers, which they blocked with their shields. Ren gets down and is next to Yang. Justin goes against one hand to hand combat. The soldier grabs a knife and tries to stab Justin, however Justin uses his semblance to phase through the attack. He lets the soldier pass through him, grabs the soldier by the shoulders and slams him to the ground. Justin then now has to get cover.
"Ren!" Justin shouts out to Ren "I need a gun!" Ren throws his other pair to Justin. Justin catches it and fires it. Nora is riding her hammer, uses the momentum of the hammer to cause a giant shockwave that sends the soldiers flying away. Riley fires a fire ball at another group of soldiers to separate them.

"They work better together! We have to keep them separate!" Riley tells the others.

"Gaia Dance." Paige is seen with a frozen sword "Wave." She fires an ice beam at one of the soldiers. The soldier barely dodges it, however, the beam touches his foot a little and it's instantly frozen.

"Careful with the platinum blonde girl. She must be able to freeze things at absolute 0." says the soldier to his comrades. Weiss uses her time dilation dust ability on her and Ruby. They then begin to move so fast that they cause millions upon billions of after images to the soldiers. The soldiers seemingly can't keep up with that speed blitzing.
"What? Can't keep up? Too bad. I can go faster than that." Ruby taunts. A soldier retaliates with a mini gun laser beam, firing at Ruby and Weiss. Two more soldiers fire rocket launchers at Ruby and Weiss, sending both away. The soldier carrying the mini gun fires at Ruby and Weiss, however, before the beams hit either Ruby or Weiss, Yang and Blake are suddenly seen blocking the bullets casually. That continued until the soldier ran out of ammo.

(Stop song)

"Yang, go check on Qrow." Ruby orders.

"Are you sure?" Yang asks.

"Yes. Now go!" Ruby orders again and Yang runs to Qrow and Winter.

To Qrow and Winter

Qrow and Winter are facing down the main soldier. Winter uses her glyth to charge forward at him. When she was about to attack, the soldier dodged her attack then kicked her in the stomach. Qrow jumped up then swung his sword at the soldier. The soldier did block it with his robotic arm, however the impact caused a huge crater, send all three of them away from each other. Winter used one of her summons, specifically the one where she makes a bunch of tiny baby Nevermores, attack the soldier. The soldier uses his pistol to shoot out the baby Nevermores.

"Now Qrow!" says Winter. Qrow then runs to the soldier with his sword ready to attack. The soldier notices. However, Qrow was about to hit the soldier regardless. The soldier then side jumps to get away from the attack. Qrow then has to re direct his attack because that strike would have destroyed all the buildings in Atlas, so he directs it to a bunch of mountains. The aftermath of the attack was so powerful, that it cracked the nearest mountain.

"So you're fast." says Qrow as he turns on his Scythe mode. Winter then tries to stab the soldier from behind, but he avoided it. Winter then does another slash, however the soldier jump kicks her face. Winter then recovers from the attack and thrusts her sword forward to the soldier, as he is falling. The soldier moves his head, but the thrust makes a cut on his mask. The soldier then kicks Winter's face again, then does another kick to launch himself back. Qrow then charges in to the soldier and does multiple rapid attacks at the soldier, which the soldier dodges with barely succession. The soldier pulls out the laser pistol then shoots it. Winter puts up her hand and makes a black glyth to block the shots. Qrow is then shown with a smirk "you might not want to look." The soldier looks up and a car is about to fall on top of him. It was most likely caused from Qrow's powerful shockwave. The car falls on the soldier, however the soldier moves out of the way to avoid it. Qrow uses the opportunity to attack the soldier, using his scythe. The soldier then does a few backflips to escape Qrow's furious flurry of attacks. He is then suddenly stopped, because of ice on his feet. It was by Winter.

"Do it!" Qrow is about to do the finishing blow, with a decapitation, however, the soldier breaks free and stops Qrow's attack with his normal hand.

"Who the hell are you?" Qrow asks. The next thing he saw for a second, is the soldier's eyes going red then they disappear.

To the others

A soldier grabbed Weiss by the throat, his grip nearly crushing her windpipe moments before he throws her into Jaune, Ren, and justin and Nora whom has formed a small defensive circle near the cafe. Ruby rushes in with a mid air spinning vertical scythe attack, but a soldier simply side steps her attack while another plants a solid boot to her face, launching her, head first, into the cafe. Riley jumps kick a soldier's head,and gets punched away in mid air. Paige and Blake try to tag team another soldier. Blake shooting Gamblegord to force the soldier towards Paige, who is coming in jumping slash. However, the soldier gracefully dodges all of Blake's shoots like he was water flowing around stones. Caught off guard by the soldiers sudden movements Blake had no time to react when he grabbed her arm and hurled her into the others near the cafe. Paige had to doge the airborne Blake and in that moment of distraction another solder round house kicks Paige's head sends her flying next to Blake. Ruby uses her semblance to surprise attack, but shoulder charged by one of the soldiers, sending her next to the group.

"How do we stop them?" Ruby asks.

"Not sure... they are still too powerful for all of us, worse if they work together." says Riley. Everyone is pating, trying to think of an idea.

"I have an idea." says Paige as she stands up "It May be a prototype... but it's likely the best shot we have."

"So use it!" says a battered Weiss. Paige looks at Justin, who nods in response, encouraging Paige to use it. Paige then calmly walks towards the soldiers, who are currently running towards them.

"Gaia! Freeze!" Paige is then suddenly consumed by an ice tornado. Around a millimeter away from the tornado is frozen in ice. The air suddenly drops in temperature forming a thick and heavy fog. the sky darkens as massive dark clouds shroud out the sun, then began to have a heavy snow storm. Frost begins to from the faces of our downed heroes.

"What..." Blake sneezes "Is this?"

"That is Paige's form." a shivering Justin responds. The fierce swirling clouds of the cyclone and the blinding fog dissipate leaving a sight no one can look away from. As the tornado stops, The once prestige Paige comes out of it. Her black kimono is now ice white, her platinum blonde hair is now ice cold, her exposed skin has markings of snow themes all over her, her wounds and scars are covered in ice, her beautiful green eyes are now cold white, the most attention grabbing detail being that her weapon is fused into her right arm with ice.

"What the hell is this?! She goes from being one of the most attractive girls, to looking like a literal ice queen." says a shivering but excited Nora.

"She fused ice dust." Justin responds.

"What?" Weiss asks.

"Paige has been recently doing research to see if it's possible to fuse dust into a human being's body. Theoretically to her, it is possible, but we still needed to test it." Justin explains.

"How?!" says a concerned Ruby "The only other person to do it was Hazel!"

*flashback to when Hazel used dust*

"And he had a pain resisting semblance, but you, me and Yang know she doesn't." Ruby finishes.

"She knew the risks and the fact we still needed to test it, but she decided to use it regardless." Justin explains. Paige runs to the soldiers, leaving footprints of ice behind her. She is about to stab one of the soldiers, however, when he was about to block, his body is now freezing, and Paige is not even touching him. The soldier jumps back.

"In this form, Paige brings everything within a three meters radius of herself to absolute zero. It basically allows her to freeze anything around near instantly. Even her sword can do things, that the regular version you saw her fighting with doesn't allow. The only reason she isn't in a block of ice right now is because the tornado prevented that and the fog removed all the moisture from the surrounding air." Justin finishes explaining.

"Prepare yourselves... or else, this will be your end." says Paige. She runs again to one of the soldiers. She just swings her sword and makes an ice beam with it. The soldiers either duck or try to dodge the beam. Some fire at Paige with the lasers, but didn't work, she just casually blocked them. One tried to surprise attack, using a knife, but the knife was frozen when near Paige then broke upon contact with the girl. Paige then grabs his arm and throws him away. Paige faces a soldier, thrusts her sword into the ground, and a wave of ice, from under the ground, appears.

"Damn." says Ruby with a very surprised look, as the beam nearly froze the soldier "it is working. WE MUST HELP HER NOW!" Everyone then runs to help Paige.

(Pause song)

To Winter and Qrow

Under Ruby's orders Yang breaks off from the group to help her uncle as she struggles to get past the soldiers that are attacking her, she keeps her eye on her uncle fighting. With a massive blow to Winter's ribs, her aura shatters, followed by a round house kick to the side of her gut, sending Winter flying towards Qrow. Unable to attack as he catches Winter the Leading soldier sends a flurry of jabs to Qrow's lower back causing him to drop Winter. He tries to counter with his scythe but the soldier side steps the attack and land a powerful uppercut to Qrow's jaw shattering his aura and knocking him out instantly.

Yang continues to struggle against the regular soldiers as they have started to gang up on her and pin her to a corner. Taking blow after blow from the solders she watches in horror as Winter and her uncle are taken out. She tries to through a few punches and grab at a soldiers but they take hit as if it was a pie thrown at them. Above the sound of armored fists busing flesh and her own swears at the soldiers attacking her a single sound scared her to death. the sound of winter gasping for air as her throat was crushed. Yang detonates every round of Ember Celiac causing massive damage to both her and the surrounding soldiers making just enough of an opening for her to charger out towards the leading soldier.

The soldier held winter up with his metal arm, and holds her up, chocking her to death. Winter struggles for air clawing at his hand as coughs of blood fall onto the soldier's cracked helmet. The soldier for the first time since the fight has started draws his gun and places it against Winters chest directed at her heart. Suddenly a set of metallic knuckles collide with soldiers temple sending him flying in the other direction. Someone then appears and punches the soldier away, causing him to let go of Winter. It's Yang.

"Leave my friend's sister alone you creep." Yang then reloads her arm and ember celiac and gets into a fighting stance her hair a blaze with crackling flames and eyes so read the seem to mimic those of the grimm.

The Soldier just casually gets up and starts running to Yang. Yang puts up her guard but the next thing she knows is the soldier grabbing the left side of her head and pushing her. The soldier then throws Yang to a truck's tanker filled with liquified fire dust. The soldier then shoots the tanker and it explodes, causing Yang to be flown of back to the soldier. As the soldier was about to kick her, Yang re gains her balancing and kicks the soldier's head, with a small crack on it and it somewhat show his face as a result. All that is seen is some form of orange looking robotic eye. The soldier grabs Yang's leg, throws her to the ground hard, resulting to a giant crack on the floor, some cracks heard in Yang's body and Yang herself spitting out blood. The soldier then has a knife at the back of his robot arm, does a falling dive to Yang's face with said knife. Yang dodges the attack and punches the soldier hard in the armor, all the punch did was cause a giant hand print on it, but the soldier was also flung of a meter away. Yang then uses Ember Celica to propel herself to the soldier. She uses the momentum to punch the soldier in the chest, causing him to actually be flung of. Yang uses Ember Celica to propel herself again, this time doing a fast flurry combo on him.

"HA! YOU GOT SLOWER!" says Yang as she is about to throw a punch, but the soldier grabbed her hand before the punch could connect.

"I can say the same for you." The soldier responds to Yang. Yang froze, as something clicked her that she recognizes the voice, but it's too distorted. The soldier then punches Yang in the face, does a high kick on her, and finishes with a flurry of punches to her, once it finished, the soldier threw a powerful punch to her, however Yang blocked it and pushed him away. Yang then fires multiple rounds at the soldier, with the soldier dodging all of them by doing back flips, followed by him charging at Yang faster than she would even react. Once the soldier got close, they both threw punches to each other, the punches were so powerful that once they collided, they were shaking the entirety of Atlas.

Winter in thought: Those punches... felt like Earth quakes... they are so powerful that two more could destroy Atlas...

Yang knows that if their punches collide again, it may either destroy her robot arm or even break her left arm. So Yang then does a side kick to the soldier. However the soldier dodged it and punched her to Winter, causing both to be flung away.

(Stop song)

"Watch out!" says Yang.

"My aura is out!" says Winter warning Yang. Yang then gets on Winter's back to protect her. As they are now in an abandoned region in Atlas, they go through several buildings. Yang and Winter then go to the ground, and Winter gets off Yang "Are you Okay?"

"Yes." Yang responds and tries to get up "Damn, my aura is almost out. I won't be able to fight him for a lot longer."

"Well you have to be ready, because he will be coming back."

"Alright, try to hide some where out of danger." Yang then sits down on a piece of ruble "I'll wait for him."

"No! I'll fight him! He attacked my sister and may be a threat to Atlas! So I have to fight him!" Winter tries to walk but can't.

"You're clearly tired. You can't go on. Heck, you even admitted that your aura is out."

"Two people against one is better, Miss Xiao Long."

"Guess what, Miss Schnee... THINK OF YOUR SISTER! HOW DO YOU THINK SHE WOULD REACT UPON HEARING HER BIG SISTER IS DEAD!? So please, if not for your sake, for Weiss' sake at least. Please, I don't want to see my friend deal with more grief again... not after Jaune with Pyrrha for example." Winter nods in response and runs of. Both of them know the soldier won't take long to arrive, maybe 5 minutes max. As Winter was about to enter a building.

"Please Yang." Winter gets Yang's attention before she enters the building to hide "please don't die too. For my sister's sake as well."

"Don't worry, I won't. My semblance and my friends were the number one things to keep me driving."

*Yang reflects on the horrible things that happened to her friends*

"I promise, I will win this for them." Winter nods and gets in. Yang then texts Ruby about her location and to get there as fast as possible.

Yang in thought: Focus Yang, no more distractions, no more thoughts, none of that anymore. You can win this.

Yang takes in a deep breath and waits.

(Stops song)

Yang was then able to hear a faint echo in the background.

Yang in thought: He must have arrived.

Yang then has this urge to jump off. She does so and the soldier was about to shoot her.

Yang blocks and dodges all the shots casually. She then lands a few meters away from the soldier.

"You are so difficult to deal with." says Yang. The soldier fires a few more laser shots from his pitol. Yang again dodges a lot of the shots. She then retaliates with a few firing from her Ember Celica. The soldier just blocked all of them, with his robotic arm, as he charges at Yang. The soldier then got in range and tries to punch Yang, however Yang jumped backwards to avoid the punch. She uses Ember Celica to propel herself forward. She throws a punch at the soldier, but then the soldier avoided the punch. The next thing Yang did was to knee strike the soldier in the face, which was blocked, however, the knee strike was still so powerful, it destroyed a building a few meters away. The soldier then punches Yang mid air, even though Yang blocked the attack, she was still flung away to a nearby building. Yang then gets up but then the soldier is right in front of her then is punched out of the building. The soldier catches up to Yang and is about to kick her this time, but Yang avoids the attack and this time does a few attacks of her own. The soldier punched Yang, causing Yang to be a bit off balance. The soldier then does a drop kick to Yang in the face, causing Yang to be flown a few meters away and her aura to be weakned.

(Stop song)

The soldier walks up to Yang. Once he got close, he aims his gun to Yang's head. Yang, with every bit of energy she has left, kicks the gun as fast as she could then kicks the soldier in the face shattering his mask. Yang then got up, ready to fight again, but the next thing she sees is Cy. Yang is in a state of shock now, there is no way Cy can be alive, he was stated to be dead. His eye, his facial features, his long hair, are all Cy.

"Cy?" Yang asks.

"Who the hell is Cy?" Cy asks. This caused Yang to be in further shock. She then never took her eyes off Cy. Cy then just blitzes Yang's reaction speed, getting close to her, but Yang did nothing but look at him. The next Yang knew was that Cy was thrown to the side. Yang looks down for a second to see it was Ruby, but then she looks back at Cy. Cy for a few seconds has a face like he is remembering something, it was when he looked at Yang's face, but then he just pulls out a pistol to kill Yang and Ruby. Ruby does seem to be ready to fight once more, but not Yang. Some fire dust then appears at Cy, which Cy tries to block with his robot arm, causing a massive crater. It was by Weiss. Weiss then goes to find Winter before Cy does. Blake then runs between Yang and Ruby.

"You two Okay" Blake asks.

"Yeah." Ruby responds. Yang notices Cy is not in the crater anymore, she then desperately runs to the car. Yang then reaches a highway which is right now crossing. Yang took very close note of Cy's face and it is him, but why didn't he recognize her? Yang then falls down to her knees and has tears.

"Cy?" Yang wonders.

To be Continued

Hope everyone enjoyed this whole volume. I had fun writing this. I would love full critique on this volume, based on what can be improved upon.

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