Chapter 3

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RBY, JNR and Oscar are at the mess hall, eating and discussing at what they can do.

"Okay, so we have to rescue Weiss and try to find out who are those guys." says Yang.

"That's the plan." says Jaune "Better since we are with Atlas."

"But we know we can't just sit down and do nothing." says Oscar.

"Oscar is right, we all have to train in order to be ready." says Ruby.

"I think you two mean you all and Jaune" says Yang.

"Hey!" says Ruby.

"Anyway, all joke attempts aside, let's see what will happen for now." says Jaune.

"Right, you all, except Blake, have to workout and train for our next encounter with that guy... we need a name for him." says Ruby.

"We'll think of one." says Yang.

"But now, why not me?" Blake asks.

"You need a new weapon." says Ruby.

"No I don't." says Blake.

"Are you going to fight him with... that?" Ruby asks and Blake leaves to get materials for her weapon.

Time skip to the training room

Yang is in her training clothes and then begins to punch a punching bag. She then at one point looks at a ring.


Yang in the age of 8,  is punching a punching bag and she hears Cy sparring with a guy.

After awhile

Cy and Yang are now walking out of their local gym.

"So Yang." says Cy "What are you going to do in the future? When you become a huntress."

"Oh, I want to travel around and take on challenges, as well as help people."

"Woah, me too."

"What a coincidence."

"Yeah. If you want we can travel together as best friends."

"Sure thing. Just your presence makes it more fun."

"I think you were talking about yourself."

"Us both. Okay?"

"Okay. Want to get a bite to eat?"

"Let's. And we can also play in that arcade place."

"Sure... I'll beat you in Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat."

"Yeah right. I'll win with a YANG."

"Don't make me CY."

"CHAN not make me laugh."

"You XIAO not win."

"Can you even last LONG?"

They continue this until they get soda and some popcorn, then go around the arcade.

"Alright, where is Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat?" says Cy.

"Hey look Cy, you'll love this."

"What is it... YES!"

Its a Bleach arcade. Cy then begins to play and he's clearly having fun.

"You are such a Bleach fanboy." says Yang.

"I sure am. Let's begin." Cy and Yang play the game. After awhile, Cy won "Yes!" Cy begins to do a pretty goofy victory dance whilst singing Bleach's Number One.

Yang in thought: That dance is goofy as hell, but it's so cute to see him dance like that.

After awhile

Cy and Yang get out of the arcade.

"That was so much fun." says Cy.

"Yeah. Welp, I'm hungry now."

"Me too. Let's eat there."

Cy points at a Japanese restaurant.

"Sure thing." says Yang and they go there. After awhile, Cy and Yang finish eating.

"Great food." says Yang.

"Sure was."

"How can you eat that much though?"

"I can say the same for you."

"True..." Yang gets a text from her dad, saying she has to get back home now "Aw, I have to go now."

"Can I accompany you?"

"Sure thing." Cy and Yang walk together back to Yang's house. Once they reach it.

"Here you are Yang."

"Yeah... wanna do that more often?"

"Sure. What time?"

"How about 8 am tomorrow?"

"Sounds great. Bye."

"Bye." Yang enters her house and Cy leaves.

Present time

Yang sighs as she still looks at the ring.

"YANG! LET'S SPAR!" Nora yells at Yang as Yang snaps back to reality.

"You're on!" Yang responds.

"This will be dangerous." says Jaune.

"Sure thing Jaune... sure thing." says Ruby and agreeing. They are correct in their words as Yang and Nora are almost clearly destroying the ring, due to their incredible strength. After awhile Yang wins.

"Yes!" Yang says in a victory cheer "I win. I win. I win."

"We're even." says Nora.

"You're just jealous."

"Yeah right."

"If you want, since I'm nice and kind, round 2?"

"Sure thing."

"NO GOD! NO GOD PLEASE NO!" Ruby yells.

"Ruby..." says Nora.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Ruby yells.

"Yeah, you two... made enough damage as it is." says Jaune.

"Whops." says Yang.

"Whopsie." says Nora.

"But what about you two? You two should be training." says Yang.

"We don't need training." says Ruby.]

"Yeah." Jaune agrees.

"Alright, enter the ring." says Yang.

"Please don't go 100%."says Ruby.

"I won't have to... maybe 1% effort." says Yang. Ruby and Jaune enter the ring "Are you two ready?" Ruby and Jaune charge to punch Yang. Yang just puts her foot at Jaune's way and he trips and Yang then stops Ruby with a hand. As Ruby tries to punch Yang, Yang is just standing there yawning "Let's end this." Yang steps out of the way and Ruby falls down.

"That's not fair." says Ruby.

"And it isn't with that guy. So we have to train a lot." says Yang.

"Woah, you're pretty series about trying to save Weiss." says Jaune.

"She is my friend, but also I just want to payback that guy for making me look a fool." says Yang.

"Me too!" says Ruby.

"Sadly Ruby and Jaune, you two won't get anywhere with these hand to hand capacities, its more than your... scythe and standard sword. Which, I ask Jaune, why didn't you put in a gun yet?" Yang asks.

"Yeah, it would be a great opportunity to include a gun... but which one?" Jaune thinks.

"Oh, there is a shotgun..." says Ruby about to geek out.

"Ruby not yet, you can explain to him later." says Yang.

"Aw... fine sis." Ruby then pouts.

"Hey guys, I'll be back before lunch." says Blake.

"Okay Blake. See ya." says Ruby and Blake leaves.

Time skip and with Blake

Blake is back to wearing her bow and is walking to what is said to be the best store in Atlas.

"So I thankfully still have my list of weapons that I need, so let me see." Blake looks at the list "According to Winter, the store should have all of this." Blake continues walking and at one point hears grunting and beating noises at a dark alley, she looks and sees a Faunus boy getting beat up by 3 people from Atlas "I should do something about this." Blake walks to them "hey! Leave him alone!"

"Hey, this dirty animal deserves to die, leave whilst you can." says one of the guys.

"Hey look she's sexy." says another.

"Right, let's use her."

"We should." says the first guy. One of them walks to Blake and is about to lick her cheek, but the guy then feels pain and yells. Blake punched him in the nuts.

"Why you bitch!" says one of the guys. Blake does a judo throw at one of them and jabs the next guy.

"Let's get out of here!" says one of the guys and they all ran away.

"That person is an idiot." says another guy and they are gone now.

"Thanks miss." says the faunus.

"Anytime. You should get out of here whilst you can. Mind if I suggest you go to Menagerie? Its all faunus and you will be safe there." and the faunus boy nods. After awhile, Blake sneaks the faunus boy into an airship and says where he should go to get to Menagerie.

Time skip to the store

Blake reaches the store and enters.

"Hello miss. What do you want?" the store guy asks.

"I'm looking for something like these." says Blake and hands the guy the list.

"I see. Let me accompany you." says the guy and he accompanies Blake to the place for the stuff. Someone then enters, he has a brown jacket and you can't see his face.

"Here you are." says the guy and shows Blake the things she wants.

"Thanks." says Blake.

"Anytime." the guy then leaves. Blake is getting the stuff and the brown jacket guy is sometimes seen, seemingly following her like a stalker.

The End

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