Chapter 9

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Yang walks to the toilet! She at one point notices a boy helping up a girl who fell seemed to have fallen! A boy helps her up! Yang then remembers something!


Yang is walking around school, looking at her notes!

"Hey Yang!" it's Cy!

"Oh hey Cy!" Yang responds!

"What ya doin?"

"I'm lookin at my notes! I plan to be 100% ready for all my exams and quizzes!"

"I already study a lot!" they then have an awkward moment!

"So... Cy... Would you like to sit next to me?"

"Huh... You mean... Sure thing! Save me a sit though!" Cy then runs to get his stuff! Yang smiles! And she goes to get them a sit!

After awhile

Yang is waiting for Cy! However, someone sat down at the seat where Yang was saving for Cy!

"So hottie!" it's a guy who likes Yang, but never gets the hint that Yang doesn't like him "wanna go out?"

"Even if you were the last person on the whole planet, I would never date you!"

"Yeah right!" Cy then kicks the guy, however the guy didn't flinch "oh look, it's Cy! What is it?"

 "Leave her alone! She doesn't like you!" says Cy, with him trying to hide the pain he is feeling on his foot!

"Alright, jeez!" The guy leaves and Cy sits down! Cy then massages his foot!

"Feelin pain Cy?"

"Never mind!"

After school

Cy and Yang are walking back to Yang's house! They're just enjoying each other's presence! Yang at one point trips and almost falls but Cy saves her in time! Once Cy helps Yang regain her footing, their faces were almost touching each other, causing both to blush, but they hid it!

"Sorry!" Yang apologizes!

"It's alright!" Cy responds!


Yang got out of a stall! She began to wash her hands! Two women appeared! After awhile, it begins to fill up, until there are 6 women! Yang dries her hands!

"Before this fight starts! Does anyone wanna get out?" Yang asks with a confident smirk!

One of the women got a knife and tries to stab Yang!

Yang blocks it, then disarms the woman, moving on to punch another woman who was about to throw a jab at Yang, followed up by throwing both girls to a wall on Yang's left side!

One of the women gets Yang into a choke hold! Two other women deliver rapid punches to Yang in the face! The punches are extremely fast to be seen properly by Yang and as that and as it goes on, Yang starts to have scars and few cuts, but then there are bleeding cuts and Yang is drooling blood! One of the women that Yang threw to the wall, recovers and does a side kick!

The side kick hit Yang's stomach as Yang spits out blood

Yang then does a powerful head butt to the woman who is performing the choke hold, causing the woman's nose to break and Yang managed to break free of the choke hold!

Yang then barely dodges two punches thrown at the same time by the two women who were punching her! Yang then followed up with a round house kick to both of them!

Yang then does a shoulder charge to the girl that kicked her all the way to a wall! Yang then punched the girl so hard that the wall had a huge crack that covered the whole toilet!

Yang then threw 100 punches, in one second, at the woman! But then the woman moved out of the way of the next punch by Yang! Yang then punches the woman so hard, the woman's head hit the wall of one of the stall and it bent the metal wall!

Yang was then pinned at the wall by the neck by the last woman! Yang is trying to escape! Yang then got an idea and is soon going to die! Someone then hits the woman, causing her to let go of Yang! It's Paige! The woman then slaps Paige hard, causing Paige to fall down, she then escapes, but Paige grabs her foot and causes the woman to trip! Yang gets up and kicks the woman hard, knocking out the woman!

"Paige, are you okay?" Yang asks concerned!

"Yeah! Not much with that slap!" Paige responds!

"Great!" Yang looks at the woman "what do we do with her?"

"I have an idea!"

To Weiss and Riley

Weiss and Riley are finishing everything, they got a bag filled with recordings, video tapes, copies of files of this soldier program!

"Alright! We have to go now!" Riley tells Weiss and she nods! They check outside and there seems to be no one about to pass by, though there are still soldiers on the lower floors! Riley quietly opens the door for him and Weiss to leave! They go to the door they entered to and got out quietly! Though they almost got caught by one of the soldiers, who did have a suspiscion when the door opened, but he shrugged it of! Riley and Weiss are now in the corridor of the Schnee mansion and leaves through the window Riley entered!

"Okay, the general must be here..." Ironwood shows up!

"Get in!" Riley and Weiss enter the car "welcome Miss Schnee! Your friends are worried about you!"

"When will I be seeing them?" Weiss asks concerned!

Back to Yang, Paige and Justin

Yang and Paige are carrying the woman that Paige knocked out! Justin is the one carrying her! Yang and Paige are trying to make it look like she passed out from drinking too much! Once outside they entered Jacques car!

"Weiss!" says Yang in happiness!

"Yang!" Weiss responds and the girls hug each other!

"Weiss, those two are Paige and Justin! Paige and Justin, this is Weiss Schnee, my teammate!"

"Nice to meet you two!" says Weiss!

"Same here!" Paige responds and Justin nods! They all then enter the car! Yang then notices that Blake and Ruby aren't in the car!

"Wait, where are Blake and Ruby?" Yang asks!

"I thought they were with you!" Ironwood responds!

"I thought they went ahead!" Yang responds!

"Maybe they're in HQ!" says Ironwood and Yang agrees! Ironwood drives of "Okay Yang, check who she is!" Riley hands Yang a device! Yang checks the finger print scanner, but no match! Next the eye scanner and nothing as well! Even DNA scans have no results!

"There are no results!" says Yang!

"What?!" Ironwood is surprised! The woman wakes up then kicks Yang in the face! The woman then breaks the car door and jumps out of it!

"Let me go after her!" says Justin and he gets out of the car! He chases the woman to an alley! After awhile, he reaches a dead end, but once he looks up to the roof, the woman is now with the other women that attacked Yang in the toilet! Justin then gets back to the car "I lost her!"

"Damn!" Ironwood reacts!

"Wait sir, me and Weiss found something you would be interested in!" says Riley! This got Ironwood's interest!

"Report it to me in my office! And Yang, you can tell me on what you found out on those soldiers as well!" says Ironwood and everyone nods!

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