Diving Deeper

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The events of the day prior had somewhat left the members of class A. Among them, the only two that could not forget it was Izuku and Ochako as they now had found themselves in probably the most awkward situation of their lives. To them, they didn't do anything too far. But that doesn't mean that what happened isn't exactly 'pure' or messing with their self morals in a way. "You good there stud?" Utsushimi had asked while patting Izuku's back seeing him somewhat dead inside. "Hello? Earth to Mr. Magic man? You cool fam?" Izuku's head slammed onto the desk with Butters hopping up to poke Izuku's face with his paw. "He's fine, he probably wishes he had some gochi the other daMMMPH!" "Shut it cat before I turn you into a mino and put you in Bubbles' bowl." Izuku grabs the cat's mouth while giving an agitated look at his familiar. Butters gets the idea and zips his lip for them to continue to sit in the room waiting for their teacher.

"I wonder who's going to teach us today?" Tsu began asking as Iida kept telling everyone to sit down and asking Izuku to intervene as the class rep. He didn't seem to respond however before glancing at the engine quirk user. "Iida, you're the only one up right now." Silence filled the room as Iida came to this reality. He quickly found his seat before the door opened to reveal their sleepy teacher covered in bandages. "Good morning class."

"ARE YOU OK!?" Everyone was somewhat fearful for the underground hero who didn't seem to show all that much emotion. Then again, they couldn't tell since the bandages covered every part of his face except for his sorta eyes. "It's nice to see you up and about sir, but shouldn't you rest *ribbit*?" "My health is irrelevant. Besides, you all have a more important hurdle coming." Everyone was silent afraid of what it was. "The UA Sports Festival is coming up." As if like lightning, the fear in the room turned into cheering instead. "Enough!" Everyone stopped however when Aizawa shouted.

"The UA Sports Festival is an event that only happens once every year. It's similar to the Olympics that people use to watch when quirks weren't a thing." Utsushimi raised her hand a moment before her teacher looked her way to acknowledge her. "No offense sir, but is this right? I mean we were toats just attacked by villains. Shouldn't we like wait or cancel it?" "As I said before Utsushimi, this is a very anticipated event. People look forward to this every year. Because of this, we can't just cancel it. Also, this is a way for you all to get your names out there. If you do well enough in the Sports Festival and stand out, a pro hero agency could scout you and offer you a spot for learning under them. However, we aren't going to allow just anyone in the event this year and the security will be far more than the years prior. This is to make a way for UA to say we have the situation under control and we won't let some villain chumps shake us as much as they think. Adding to this, all heroic classes are canceled until the end of the Sports Festival. You have two weeks to train, use it wisely." Aizawa walked out of the classroom for the first period to start for the group of students.

Time skip to lunch

Kirishima began to open the doors to the hallway with a giant group of people in front of them. "Well this is quite unnecessary." Izuku pulled Ochako close to him before falling back and teleporting to the other side of the crowd. "Sorry to say hello and run, but me and Ochako have some things that must be done and some forms to fill out, so if you'll excuse us." "Quite the trick there. Guess some of you hero course people do have some fancy things to differentiate you from us." A boy with purple hair and tired eyes walked over to greet the two with Butters hiding behind Izuku.

"This guy reminds me of the hobo." The purpled haired boy looked at the two before speaking. "Must be nice being on the pedestal you're on." "It is. But I'm sure you'll find out one day if you truly wish to be a hero." "Be careful of your words. Keep this in mind, members of different courses can transfer into the hero course if they show enough merit in the Sports Festival. But if they move that person in, someone in the hero course has to be kicked out."

Izuku wasn't afraid of this understanding where he's coming from. "I can see your desire to be in the hero course, but be mindful of who you speak to about these things. You may find yourself in quite the conundrum if you say it to the wrong person." Izuku hands a business card to the man before walking away. "If you ever wish to learn of some special tricks or to know your future, give me a call." They walked in the direction of Nezu's office while everyone looked completely confused as to what just happened. "So where are we going now?" "I need to put in a few forms for my amulet and Butters. I'll also ask about a form for Bubbles and some potions for you." "...Ok." Ochako seemed a little uneasy for Izuku to take notice. "Is everything alright? Did what that guy said bother you?" "N-no. I'll tell you after we exit here." Ochako mentions as they are in front of the principal's office. They began knocking on the door before being allowed in. In front of them was a small rodent creature that smiled happily at them.

"Why hello there Midoriya and Uraraka, what do I owe the visit?" "Hello principal Nezu sir. We were wondering if there is any chance that we could use some special equipment for the Sports Festival." "Ah, I was waiting to discuss this with you two knowing you'd ask this." Nezu motioned to the seats in front of his desk for the duo to sit. "It's quite rare for students of the hero course to put in paperwork for tools or equipment, but not unheard of. Unfortunately, I will require you both to have a limit as opposed to those of different courses due to trying to keep things at a fair level." "Understandable sir. I'd only wish to put in a request for Butters, my amulet that allows me control of the dead, and a few potions. Ochako would have a similar thing except without the amulet." "Actually Izuku, that's something I wanted to discuss with you about." The young witch doctor looked at Ochako before Nezu spoke. "I will allow them as long as you fill out these forms and get them to me by the day before the festival at the latest. In regards to potions, you may use up to six before counting it as more than one tool but they must be nonlethal and reversible if used on people. Is that ok?" "Very much sir. Thank you." The two left grabbing the paperwork to look it over and fill out.

As they left, Izuku brought Ochako to a spot where wandering ears couldn't hear them to talk. "So what exactly did you want to talk about?" She looked away for a second before Izuku grabbed her cheeks to force the gravity quirk user to look at him in the eye. "Ochako sweetie, tell me. If there is any way I can help you, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But I can't read your....actually I can probably read your mind, but I'd rather hear it from your angelic mouth. So please tell me." Ochako took a deep breath before answering. "I wanna learn more. I wanna learn as much as you do about voodoo and the dark arts." Izuku had a lump in his throat hearing this. "You don't want to do that." "Why?" Izuku walked away to enter into a shadow in a corner. "The path I walk forces me to reside in the shadows. I hide within them and gain power from this. That however, comes with a consequence. The world you see and the world I see are two different sides of the same coin. You can still reside in the light, but that is no longer available for me because of how deep I dived into what I shouldn't."

Ochako didn't understand any of this as Izuku pulled his amulet out. "The afterlife is not a toy for you to entertain yourself with. It's dangerous, as are the beings that reside inside it. If you were to learn what I do, you'd need to be very wary of what you do and say. You make one slip up with the large things I know, one error, and you'll find yourself destroyed in heart, body, and mind. That is, if there's anything left to destroy your mind." Ochako began to feel frightened by this act before holding an even more determined face than before. "I still want to learn. I don't care what the cost is, I'll do this. Besides, it'll help me feel a little closer to you." Izuku went a tint of red hearing this. "W-what do you mean?" "You have this aura around you as if you're hiding something. Hiding things from me. I know you don't think it's important, but I feel like I'm not looked at as someone you trust." Izuku froze hearing this before explaining something. "Ochako. As human beings, it's natural to keep some things from the people that are close. We may not like it, but we do it knowing that the alternative is far worse. Just as I don't tell you all my secrets, you'll not tell me all yours. It's a form of respect between two people that I won't force you to tell me what you hide as you won't force me to tell." Ochako held her head down before Izuku let a sigh out. "Ok. I'll teach you how to use the spirits of the afterlife to help you. But understand this. You're human. You have limits. These limits are what define you and me and because of our humanity, these cannot be surpassed. This power does not make you a god. Understand?" Ochako nodded at Izuku who motioned her to follow him.

When they got back to the dorms, the duo went down to the basement with Butters and Bubbles in tow. Izuku pulled a few books he kept from Ochako out to show her what there is. "We'll start off by making a catalyst to have you speak with the dead. Once that happens we'll begin the process of having spirits help you by doing requests they ask of you. The more favorable they are with you, the more willing that they'll be to help you. But understand that you need to be extremely cautious about this." "I understand." Ochako went over to her work area to take out some cleansing salts and a pure amethyst to help them. "Glad you understand this. Alright, now what will your catalyst be?" Izuku pulled a few items out of a bag he had to reveal a cane, a necklace, a ring, and a set of earrings. "How about these?" Ochako grabbed the set of skull earrings for Izuku to nod.

"Alright, let's begin." Izuku and Ochako began creating a potion to control the dead that the young witch doctor made years ago for himself. Some of the items were rather confusing for Ochako seeing how they were rather 'unique' in their own way. "Alright, time for the final part of this. Can you hand me the earrings please?" Ochako handed them to Izuku who placed them in the cauldron.

"One final thing." Izuku handed her a needle. "I need a drop of your blood as a median. If this is for you, the blood must come from you." "Ok." Ochako took the needle before placing her hand atop the bubbling cauldron. As the needle pierced her skin, Ochako felt a bit of a sting before a drop fell into the pot. It started to bubble purple before overflowing a bit. "You may want to step back. This was rather problematic when I first did it." Ochako did as she was asked before waiting a second to hear all the bubbles stop. "....Uhh, did something go wro-*BOOM*!" A massive explosion was made having many of class A run over to the door to attempt to enter the basement. Unfortunately for them, it was locked and they were only met with some smoke coming from the bottom gap between the floor and the door. 'The hell are they doing down there?' Everyone internally thought this as everything was silent after.

"*cough* *cough* What was that?" "The potion is complete. Trust me when I say that would've hurt taking in the face." Izuku shivers a bit remembering the painful blast he got as a child not knowing any better. In the cauldron, the earrings were the only things left for Izuku to grab and pass over to Ochako. "Congratulations, you have a median for talking with the dead." "Cool!" Ochako placed the earrings on before asking a question that had been bugging her. "So I gotta ask. Are angels and devils actually a real thing?" "Sadly. I've met the spirits of angels a few times and....let's just say my confrontations with devils weren't pleasant. Good thing I had Butters when I did." "That thing would've made you a tuna sandwich if I didn't bite the jugular." Butters opens his mouth a bit showing teeth to spook Ochako a bit. 'Did I just open hell for this!?' "Depends on how you look at it." Everyone in the basement stopped to look at Izuku. "She held a face that said 'Did I just open hell' or something. This is why I said this isn't easy and very dangerous. Now, let's find some spirits for you to make deals with." "What's gonna happen with my life now?" "Be lucky you ain't in this bowl lass. I literally had coils when that explosion happened." 'When did my life become a sideshow pun with a talking fish?'

And that finishes this chapter. So Ochako will be jumping deeper into Izuku's world and learning how to use spirits. See how that works out for her in the Sports Festival. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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