Magical Third Event

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Izuku walked out of the lunchroom to the stadium to notice something rather enjoyable. "What the?" Many of the crowd looked and noticed the girls of class A were dressed in some unique clothing with not many being too thrilled.

"LOOKS LIKE CLASS A IS GOING FULL ON FANSERVICE PEOPLE!" "KAMINARI YOU TRICKED US!" Izuku internally laughed at this, noticing that everyone fell victim to the class idiot and perv's antics. Yaoyorozu in particular felt horrible due to the fact she went the extra mile to make the cheerleader outfits for everyone. 'Sorry Yaoyorozu, but this was kinda your fault for falling for something so obviously a rouse made by Kaminari.' Izuku glanced at Ochako who was a little embarrassed showing as much skin as she was. He went beet red seeing his goddess in an outfit as such wishing to engrave the image forever in his head. Before continuing though, Izuku went over to Kaminari to punch him in the face. "OW! WHAT THE HELL MAN!?" "That was for putting Ochako in a cheerleader outfit and tricking the other girls." "Oh come on man, you know you liked it-" Kaminari stopped when Butters lodged his claws in his face. "AHHHHHH! GET THIS CRAZY CAT OFF ME!" 'Saw that one coming.'

After dislodging Butters claws from the idiot's face, the top sixteen stood in the center of the stadium with Midnight on stage. "And now for the final round. We will be having a one on one battle with the matches being done at random!" Before the R rated hero could continue her explanation, a hand was raised to show Ojiro with a bit of dissatisfaction for some reason. "Excuse me, but I think I need to drop out." Everyone was confused as he went into why. "You see, I don't feel right being where I am due to the fact I remember nothing for most of it. It isn't fair to those that worked hard to lose where I didn't and won." "But wouldn't this mean you'll lose the chance of being scouted as easily?" Hagakure was worried for her friend as he felt a fight between what would help him in the long run, and what would be something he'd be unable to live with. "I know and that's why this makes it difficult. I could just accept it and have a good chance of getting more people interested in me, but my pride wouldn't allow it." As he spoke, another person of the finals had second thoughts about being where he was to comment. "I think I should withdraw as well for the same reasons." Midnight looked at both making certain this was what they wanted before giving her verdict.

"Are you two absolutely certain this is what you wish?" Both nodded for her face to turn to a much calmer demeanor. "What a lovely show of chivalry! It really turns me on!" 'Did she just say this turned her on?' Many of the members of UA began to question the reasoning on how Midnight still has her job at this point in time. "Ojiro and Shoda withdraw. This means we'll need two people from the fifth place team to come into the final event." Midnight turned to the group for them to suggest members of the sixth place team do this since they've fought throughout most of the event while they just stuck to the side. This was allowed for two members of class B called Shiozaki and Tetsutetsu to join the group to become the sixteen that they needed once again. They all began to draw lots with the places they obtained in the last event deciding who would draw first. Once this was settled, the matches were listed above for all to see.

Izuku Midoriya vs Hitoshi Shinso

Shoto Todoroki vs Hanta Sero

Ibara Shiozaki vs Denki Kaminari

Mei Hatsume vs Tenya Iida

Mina Ashido vs Yuga Aoyama

Momo Yaoyorozu vs Fumikage Tokoyami

Eijiro Kirishima vs Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

Katsuki Bakugou vs Ochako Uraraka

"Uraraka? Who the hell is that?" Ochako looked at the ash blond amazed and somewhat insulted that she isn't even looked at as someone worth him remembering to make Bubbles say something. "Oi pisspot! What ya doing insulin me mistress like that!? I'll bloody tear ya limb from limb if you don't remember her soon ya ninny!" Bakugou looked behind him for the brunette to shiver and Bubbles flipping Bakugou off with both his fins. "Oh I'm gonna enjoy this." "Bring it on ya premature exploding bitch!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID FISH!" Everyone looked at Bakugou as he was shown fighting with a fish that had virtually no way as they could tell to understand him. "Dude, you're fighting a koi fish. Chill out." "SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR! HE CAN TALK AND JUST IS PLAYING THE PART HE IS!" Everyone looked at Bubbles who pretended to be a mindless fish blowing bubbles in his bowl. The only two that didn't believe Bakugou needed help were Izuku and Ochako at that moment since they knew this was Bubbles' handy work.

The sixteen went their separate ways to prepare for what their matches were with some joining the side games the school offered for a bit of fun, calming their nerves in silence for what had to be done, or making strategies in Izuku's case with Ojiro who explained what the Shinso person could do. Time went by with the field being cleared and a massive amount of cement being poured into the center and molded into an arena complements of Cementos. Once everyone was back in their seats, Mic began to announce the final event for everyone to hear. "ALIGHT FOLKS, TIME FOR THE FINAL EVENT OF THE DAY! IN THIS, PLAYERS WILL FACE ONE ANOTHER TRYING TO THROW THEM OUT OF THE LINE OF BOUNDS, GETTING THEM TO SURRENDER, OR INCAPACITATING THEM!" The crowd cheered for Mic to announce the first round. "ON MY LEFT, HE'S THE VOODOO MASTER OF UA! GIVE IT UP FOR CLASS A'S IZUKU MIDORIYA!" Izuku walked in with a bit of satisfaction before asking Butters to remain outside the field of bounds. "AND ON MY RIGHT, A GUY THAT FOR SOME REASON BEEN INVISIBLE UNTIL RECENTLY! GIVE IT UP FOR CLASS C'S HITOSHI SHINSO!"

The two got into positions with Shinso starting to speak up. "That tail guy was an idiot. Throwing away an opportunity like this for something so stupid as pride, he's such a fool." "BEGIN!" Izuku was enraged with this comment to use his shadow powers to grab Shinso and cover his mouth with a giant hand. "I could care less if you think that something like 'pride' and 'honor' is idiotic. To be fair, I think he was a little foolish as well to throw it away like this. But there's one thing about Ojiro that you must understand. He's a kind man that would never accept something free. Everything he's done up to now and obtained was because he worked for it." Izuku showed his eyes fueled with hatred and anger. "AND I REFUSE TO LET SOME ARROGANT JERK MAKE A MOCKERY OF SOMEONE ELSE'S MORAL CODE!" The hand threw Shinso into a wall, making a loud thud and forcing everyone to wince at the pain he had. "Shinso is out of bounds, Midoriya wins!" Everyone cheered with Shinso getting up agitated at himself.

"Pride and respect don't always go hand and hand with what one could do to better themselves. But if you give up on your self morals to gain what you want, then what makes what you did to get where you are worth it. You'd have lost your self respect for something that is hollow. Choosing to keep his mouth shut would've helped him more, I do agree with what you're saying. But Ojiro would've rather worked to gain what he did instead of being given the freebie." Shinso ignored Izuku as he walked away. "Have some respect and motivation in yourself. It'll go a long way." He didn't seem to accept it as much, but the purple haired boy gave a thumbs up before flipping Izuku off. 'Guess it got to him. Not greatly, but enough to get pissed at me.' Izuku put Butters on his shoulder before walking to the stands to watch the next match right when it started. This ended quickly with Todoroki freezing Sero along with half the arena and Midnight in ice. The crowd tried to comfort the tape user as Todoroki unfroze him. While he did, Izuku noticed a pained look on his face to realize he wasn't happy. 'Did something happen?'

Timeskip to the final match

"ALRIGHT BOYS AND GIRLS, TIME FOR THE FINAL MATCH OF THE FIRST ROUND! ON ONE HALF, WE'VE GOT THE GIRL THAT CAN MAKE ANYTHING FLOAT! CLASS A'S OCHAKO URARAKA! AND ON OUR RIGHT, THE EXPLOSIVE TEEN WHO HAS AN ATTITUDE TO GO WITH IT, CLASS A'S KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" The crowd cheered with Bakugou speaking up. "Let's get this straight round face, I'm not going easy on you. So why don't you pack up your shitty little fish and your lame ass potions and crap to get off this stage. I'm not afraid to hit a woman." "Good, neither am I." The crowd began to hoot at this to make Bakugou somehow more angered than he normally is. "BEGIN!" Ochako ran in with Bubbles popping his head out of the fishbowl to spit oil at the ash blond's face. He dodged and gave a right hook to Ochako nearly scorching her and turning Bubbles into boiled fish.

"I said I'm not afraid to hit a woman, SO DIE!" He let loose another attack to almost hit Ochako again before she jumped back thanks to her shadow making something to jump off of. The female witch doctor apprentice smirked as she brought out a potion from her pocket. She then tossed it at Bakugou for it to entirely miss him and fall right under his feet. "Your aim sucks bitch!" "Who said you were my target, douche?" Bakugou glanced down to see his feet were covered in some kind of pink substance keeping him from moving away. He started to blast it with the fluid only solidifying even more. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT!?" "A special compound that gets stronger the more moisture is taken out. So the more you blast it, the stronger it gets." Bakugou grumbled before smirking. "So what? You might've stopped me from moving, but that means you'll have to knock me out in order to win. Even if you could use that lame ass quirk of yours and your shitty spells or whatever they are, that doesn't help against me." A small vein was shown on Ochako's head.

"So you think I'm weak because I can't beat you in strength alone, huh?" Ochako started to crack her knuckles while holding a sadistic smile. "You don't know anything about me." Ochako used her shadow powers she recently obtained to show to hands coming out of Bakugou's shoulders. They immediately started punching him over and over again in the face with him not wavering. The ash blond tried to blow them away, but the blasts did almost nothing as they merely went through the specters. "They're shadows. Unless you have a shadow to attack it, you won't be able to destroy them." Ochako pulled another potion out of her bag to further embarrass Bakugou with it. "How?! HOW DO YOU HAVE DEKU'S POWERS!!!" "It's simple. I got friends on the other side." "she's got friends on the other side." A chorus of disembodied voices says as She walked up to his face with the arms holding his back. "Now this isn't going to last for long, but it'll be long enough where you'll lose." "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT SHI-" Bakugou immediately smelled the contents to feel his body grow smaller. "WHAT THE HELL IS!" His body began to fall into his clothes with a small bump being inside them.

Ochako pulled the clothes off the bump to show a baby not any older than a year old with ash blond hair and red eyes.

"AWABA!" "Well that worked better than I hoped." Midnight came over to see Bakugou as an infant to question it. "What did you do?" "I just turned him into what his attitude is like. A whiny little baby." Ochako picked Bakugou up to see chubby cheeks on him. "A chubby one to be precise." She started to pinch his cheeks with his mind being the only thing that wasn't reverted back to that of his infancy. 'When I get back to normal, I'm gonna fucking kill you round face!' "Bakugou is no longer able to battle, Uraraka wins!" The crowd cheered as Ochako gave the infant Bakugou to Midnight who began treating him like a baby to add insult to injury in his case. She walked back to the stands to see Izuku right before he had to walk out to get ready for his fight against Todoroki. "Nice trick with the baby spell." "Thanks. He'll be like that for the next few hours." The two looked over to see Bakugou in a harness on Midnight's chest looking like he was ready to blow up any minute. "Oh this is too priceless." Both laughed at this with some of the class snickering at Bakugou's karma catching up to him at this moment. 

And that finishes this chapter. So Ochako was able to beat Bakugou with a spell that turned him into a baby. See how he deals with this when he finally turns back and also how Izuku will face Todoroki next time. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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