Problematic Paring

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 After being hit with the bombshell they were given, class A was explained how they were in a scenario of a first responder to villain attacks. The objective they were given was to either place cuffs on the teacher they were facing as a way to handle the villain themselves, or escape the area they were in in order to get assistance. To make things more fair, the teachers were given special weights on their bodies to move at about half their speed by doubling the weight they were. When all was said and done, the teams were told for Izuku and Bakugou to be extremely displeased with the fact they were paired together to face All Might of all people. The teams were divided and sent to the examination area they were given for Izuku, Bakugou and All Might to hop on a bus and start heading off.

"Bakugou." Izuku mentioned to him while sitting in the seat across from him. "I know we're not on good terms most of the time, but today we both need to set that aside to try and make sure that we pass."

"Up yours. Just stay the fuck out of my way and we'll be fine."

"I doubt that's going to work and we both know it. This test was made to try and put us both in a corner. If it was as easy to pass as you put it out to be, then-"



"STAY OUT OF THIS, YOU STUPID CAT!" Hopping off Izuku, Butters turned into a giant panther and glared Bakugou down.

"Say that again, I dare you!"

"Alright. Please calm down, everyone. We're almost there." All Might tried to deescalate the situation with the bus coming to a slow stop. Everyone had walked off with Izuku, Butters and Bakugou walking into the fake city while All Might stayed at the gate. They had gotten to about the center of the area with the buzzer to start the exam going off. The group started walking with Izuku trying a second time to reason with his former childhood friend.

"Kaachan. We need to address the situation with a little more thought. Right now, we're facing All Might. We can't go in headfirst like you'd normally do. We need a better-"


Now having enough of Bakugou's mouth, Izuku grabbed him by his shirt collar and pushed him into a fake street light. "Listen here, you little shit. I've dealt with your mouth for years where I'm fine accepting the fact that we can't be on equal terms. However, I'm not going to fail an exam that we could win if we think this through reasonably because you wanted to be a hot head and run off to do stuff you obviously can't do on your own! UNDERSTAND WHEN YOU NEED TO GET HELP FROM PEOPLE AND SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE WHEN IT HAPPENS! KNOW YOUR OWN LIMITS! THAT'S ONE OF THE FIRST THINGS YOU SHOULD'VE LEARNED IF OUR TEACHERS GROWING UP IF YOU WEREN'T SO UP YOUR ASS!" Before they could go any farther, a massive shockwave happened for the two to get pushed back and see All Might in a stance to show he was the one responsible.

"Property damage. Who gives a damn about that when you're a villain. If you truly think you are powerful enough to stop me, then come at me heroes and show that you can do."

Upon request, Bakugou stormed at All Might with the pro preparing for it to attack. However, he was held back for some reason by a shadow hand coming up and grabbing his arm. "YOU'RE MINE NOW!"

"Adorable to think that might stop me." The pro was able to rip the grip of the shadows off to continue his punch to Bakugou, but was met with a shadow for some reason with the ash blond next to Izuku.



"I see. I guess I'll have to start with you first." Closing the gap in mere seconds, All Might came face to face with Izuku for him to get a punch and be sent flying. "Now for the one that thinks he can fight on his own." Bakugou was met with a punch to the gut to level him to his knees before being brought up by his hair. "Working together is a natural thing that should happen among pro heroes. If you cannot understand that basic concept, then you will not make it as a hero."

"SON OF A BITCH!" Butters came charging for All Might as a Tiger to be grabbed and lifted up away from him.

"Scrafty one you are, but you're no match for me." The blond pro threw Butters a distance and into Izuku for him to fall back into the wall he came out of. "Now where were we-"

"DIE!" Bakugou let loose a massive blast to All Might's face before getting slammed to the ground to get the wind knocked out of him. Unfortunately, he was about to lose consciousness with failure seeming at hand. Before this could happen though, Izuku came behind All Might to punch him and shatter a vial of something on his side.

"Take that." Izuku grabbed Bakugou and charged for somewhere to hide before the pro recovered and smirked.

"You think that will be enough to defeat me young Midor-" He stopped mid sentence when the pro discovered his body was moving much slower. "So you used some kind of potion to alter my movements. Nicely done on your part."

As All Might tried to recover, Izuku was able to find a place to hide with Butters hopping on his shoulder. "Dammit. I wanted to save that one in case we were only going to need a second of speed to pass." Letting Bakugou down, the young witch doctor noticed the angered look on his face. "Are you willing to listen now? You realize most likely that going at it directly isn't the answer now, so how about we think up a plan."

"....What did you just use on All Might?"

"It's a nerve alteration. Depending on the person, it can work somewhere between five seconds and a minute. The more muscle strength you have, the quicker your body recovers from it though. I didn't have the ingredients to use a stronger one on hand, so that was my best bet if I wanted to use one like that."

"....What else do you have?"

"And we're making progress by working together. Right now, I have a smokescreen, a speed and reaction enhancement like the one I used at the Sports Festival, and a special potion for Butters as an if all else fails measure." Izuku glanced back to see Bakugou irritated to no end. "Look. I get it. It's frustrating when you realize you're weaker than someone else. I dealt with it for years and that's why I looked into this power. I wanted to stop being weak. I was somewhat angry I was born without something you were. All these years, I genuinely envied you Kaachan and still do to a degree."

Understanding where they stood, Bakugou stood up. "I'll draw his attention. When that happens, use my gauntlets to attack." He took off his gauntlets that were prepared for a blast from each before walking out. "If we're being honest right now, I envied how you could do the shit you could for a while now. It pissed me off knowing that I wasn't above you because of it."

Bakugou jumped out of the alley and began making explosions towards where All Might was. Once in front of him, the ash blond gave repeated blasts to try and push his opponent back. "I see that you are trying to stop me. Is this your way of slowing me down for young Midoriya to reach the goal?"

"No. This is our way of working together and making an ambush." Izuku came out of Bakugou's shadow with gauntlets on his wrists pointed at All Might with Butters holding both pins.

"EAT EXPLOSIVES, AMERICAN MAN!" Butters shouted while pulling the pins to send him and Izuku flying the other way while also pushing All Might back.


"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, ASSHOLE!" Bakugou blasted off towards the goal for All Might to recover and run towards him.

"Sorry All Might, but you're gonna be the person I test this on. Eat up, Butters." Izuku passed his small familiar the food pill he had to have him take. Once it was swallowed, Butter's eyes turned bright red with his fur standing up. His body warped and grew even larger, his forelimbs split open forming an additional set of forearms behind his normal front paws. His back formed three large humps at the point behind his shoulder blades before three massive tentacles erupted from his spine. The squid-like tentacles adorned with suction cups and razor sharp claws at the tentacular clubs. His tail lengthened, becoming long, thin and whip-like. His irises split forming another iris and pupil giving the familiar 4 eyes in total. Finally his teeth grew jagged and serrated, filling his maw with saw-like teeth. 

"What the fu-" All Might couldn't even get the word out of his mouth before one of the tentacle clubs slammed into his side sending him through a parked armored van and through the glass window display of a nearby fake clothing store. "What did you just feed him?! He was all cute and cuddly a moment ago." All Might wonders out loud looking out at the mutated familiar now stalking him.

"That was a potion infused Rumble ball, that particular one let's him turn into any mythological feline creature. What you're dealing with right now is a Displacer Beast. You can't hurt him without any magic infused weapons, and..." As Izuku took a pause to allow Butters to do this, the Displacer Beast form familiar teleported in a puff of smoke right towards All Might. "He can teleport."

"RRRROOOOWWWW!!!!" Butters appeared in another puff of black smoke, landing on All Might and pinning him down. The displacer beast snarls at the pro hero before slamming down his tentacle appendages to nearly crush him. Fortunately for All Might, he was able to make enough room to pull away before giving a solid punch on Butter's front right paw. This had little effect for the Displacer Beast to smack the pro into the air and through a building.

"That may have been overkill, but stay right there." The successor warned, approaching a few small drops of blood that had leaked from All Might's arm when Butters hit him with one of the tentacle clubs, however before he could get to it, All Might rushed towards him attempting to attack.

"So it's safe to assume that you are the one pulling the strings then? I guess I'll have no choice but to attack you then!" All Might went for a Texas Smash to Izuku for a similar black smoke to appear before finding his fist impaled into the concrete. "So he can teleport not only himself but you as well?"

"Yep. Familiars' abilities work both ways... Speaking of which," Izuku spoke from above a building while sitting down with Butters behind him in a loft roll position. The successor leaning backwards then belching out a torrent of purple fire from his mouth towards the pro hero below him. "Time to have a little fun. Give him a bit of entertainment while I get some stuff ready, will you?"

"Oh this is gonna be so much fun!!!!"

"GREAT, JUST GREAT, YOU BREATH FIRE NOW!?" All Might bellows patting out the purple flames that had licked his hero suit and hair setting it alight. Butters hopped off the building to begin slowly walking around All Might, trying to find a perfect moment to strike. Knowing his options with the Displacer Beast are limited, the pro pulled his arm back to give a long distance attack to Izuku. This was met by Butters smacking him with his paw and throwing him back and forth between his now six front ones like All Might was a muscular ball of yarn.

"No wonder there's so many toys of you, you're a lot of fun to knock around!" Butters cheers slamming All Might again with one of his prehensile tendrils.


As All Might was busy, Izuku began getting some things ready while humming Jeepers Creepers to himself. In his hand, was a small voodoo doll with a small cotton swab of blood off Butter's claw that belonged to the pro. When it was complete, the witch doctor gave a whistle for Butters to know it was time to stop before teleporting his master down to the ground. "Alright, I think it's only knowledgeable for you to know what this is, right?"

All Might looked at the small doll to respond. "A voodoo doll?"

"Good. Good. Saves me time explaining. Now, surrender." Izuku spoke while holding the voodoo doll in a kneeling position to see All Might's body move slowly to mimic the posture. "Nothing personal All Might, but I came here ready to pass."

As Izuku spoke, Bakugou had reached the end of the city to pass through the goal for the announcer to go off. "Bakugou and Midoriya have passed their final exam."

"Welp, the fool was able to do what had to be done. Then again, I probably could've won at this point if I wasn't partnered with him."

"So umm....How long is Butters like-" As All Might spoke, Butters went over on his back and poofed back into his tiny lovable self looking as if he was high on catnip.

"I...hear colors....and see sounds...."

There was a silence before Izuku mentioned what was going on. "It's still a drug, so it will have some form of backlash. Fortunately for him, this one will make him feel likes he's on catnip."

"Glad to know. Question, if Bubbles would eat the same thing, could he transform into mythical beasts as well?"

"I don't know. Half the shit I think of I make up as I go at this point. Not a bad thing, but just goes to show you how some stuff I do isn't calculated completely." Izuku took the cotton swab of blood off the voodoo doll to allow the pro to get up before walking over and grabbing the stoned familiar who was hardly able to fight back. "Alright. Let's try and get to the exit before the blond idiot blows a fuze." As he said this, Izuku and All Might looked up to see a massive explosion near the start to smirk. "Too late I'm guessing."

And that finishes this chapter. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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