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The day after the battle with Overhaul, Izuku and Ochako decided it would be best to get some new clothes for Eri. Thanks to some assistance from Bubble Girl, the two were able to have the small child get something a little better than just a hospital gown that looked like it hadn't seen a washer in years. The group walked out of the agency wearing relatively normal street clothes as Eri clung to Ochako's side wearing a pink T-shirt and red overalls that had a pink rabbit on the front as a decal.

"Ready to go shopping, Eri?"

The young girl nodded while looking up at Izuku for an answer. "Daddy, what are we getting?"

"Things to help you live like a normal little girl. So a few clothes, some bathroom utensils like a toothbrush and hairbrush, some toys and a few books and things to help you learn."

"But why more clothes? I have some that the blue lady gave me."

"You have a set of clothes. You need more than just one set so people don't think you smell." She didn't understand why she needed more clothes for Izuku to pat her head. "Eri honey, you need more than just a single pair of clothes. You should at the very least have enough to enjoy hot or cold days for over a week for both at the bare minimum and something to sleep in. So today, we're going to get everything you need to start off with. We can always add on what you have as we go forward, but we need what we need to start before anything. Do you understand?"

Eri held her hand to her chin for a moment looking as if she was thinking before answering. "I guess. So all we need are things for me so I can be normal?"

"As normal as being the daughter to two highschoolers with one being a student in the dark arts to the other and the second being a massive pervert." Butters laughed a bit before having a collar placed on him by Ochako. "Hey!"

"Sorry. Rules for pets. You gotta wear a leash."

"Sometimes I think you humans make these just to insult us animals."

"Yeah. yeah. You can complain about this all you want later. Right now, you're wearing the leash so we don't have problems with the cops for you not having it." Izuku picked up Eri with her grabbing Butters to snuggle with the small cat. "Let's get going. We have a lot of stops to do today and we're burning precious daylight."

"Daddy, what does that mean?"

"It's a figure of speech meaning that we're wasting the time we have to do what we need to argue over Butters having to wear a collar."


"You're lucky it would be a pain in the neck to train a new familiar to get to where you are." The group continued down the street towards the bus stop to head on and into town.

Half an hour later

Izuku, Ochako and Eri began walking into the shopping district with it being rather crowded today. "Probably should've chosen to come earlier for most of our shopping." Eri held onto Ochako's leg in fear for the brunette to pick her up and face the small girl to have her eyes go into her shoulders.

"It's ok Eri. Nobody's gonna hurt you. Just calm down and take some deep breaths." She could feel the small child shaking for Izuku to find their first stop.

"C'mon. We'll go in here for a few minutes and let Eri calm down while we pick up some clothes." The three entered into a clothes shop for a lady with blond hair and a rather irritating personality to glare at them. "Hello mam. By any chance, do you know where we can find clothes to fit our lovely little-"

"Pets aren't allowed in the store." She pointed at Butters who sat on Izuku's shoulder looking very angry from the comment. "Either leave the cat outside, or get out. Those are your two options."

"Hey, up yours lady!" Butters shouted for the woman to stare at the cat.

"You can use ventriloquism all you want, that doesn't mean the cat can-"

"He's not using ventriloquism, you dang bitch. I'm telling you to step off myself!" Butters jumped down and stood on his back legs to flip the bird with his right paw in a way Eri couldn't see it. "You wanna go lady, I got eight more lives to spare." The woman immediately fainted seeing Butters speak for the cat to laugh hysterically. "That's what you get you stupid-OW!" Izuku hit the top of the cat's head for his little outburst.

"Why did you have to do that?"

"What? She was being rude! And she had an annoying mouth."

"So you go and start insulting her and making her faint when she thinks you're a normal cat?"

"In a just world, someone as rude as her would be your pet."

"Getting back to why we're in here, me and Eri are gonna go check out what they have for clothes while the two of you focus on helping the woman that's unconscious on the floor." The two girls walked to the other end of the store while Izuku went through his bag to find something to help get the woman back to her senses. "Word of advice Eri, don't do what Butters did and scare people."

"Ok. That woman was very mean to Butters though."

"Still doesn't give someone the reason to scare them half to death. Hmm....Come here for a second." Ochako held up a white shirt with a picture of a panda on it to match Eri's size perfectly. "That should work. What do you think of this one, Eri?"

"I....I like the panda on it."

"Do you wanna get it?" Eri panicked a bit thinking she wasn't supposed to want it before having Ochako pat her head. "It's ok. We're shopping for you, so you should have a say in what you're going to wear."

Eri blushed a bit before nodding to say she wanted to wear the outfit. The two continued their search to find relatively everything they needed for clothing in the store before returning to the front to see Butters being held back from the woman that regained consciousness by the leash as Izuku tried to explain this was not their intention. When the green haired witch doctor noticed Ochako holding a large amount of clothes, he grabbed most of them and placed them on the counter. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but the sooner we buy these the sooner we'll be out of your hair and this thing won't threaten your nightmares."

"AT LEAST CALL ME BY A NAME!" The woman agreed to ring up everything and took off 5% as a reason to make sure they never came back.

"P-please don't come again."

"We won't." Izuku carried the bags while Ochako held Eri in her arms. When they exited, the area was much less crowded for it to be easier on Eri and have her look around with less worry of the people. "So the next stop will be a place that sells bath products. Best to get you some shampoo that helps with rehydrating your hair since it does look to be a bit on the dry side." They entered a bath and bodyworks shop to see a girl with pale skin and grey hair that they knew from class B.

"Well this is a surprise." The girl walked over to the group for Izuku to smile.

"Reiko Yanagi correct?"

"Yes. Thank you for remembering me from the Sports Festival." Yanagi looked over to see Eri and smiled. "Hello. What might your name be?"

Eri hid into Ochako's shoulder in fear for the brunette to pat her back and rub it in a caring fashion. "It's ok sweetie. This is one of our classmates." She turned to Yanagi to apologize. "Sorry. She's really shy around new people. Don't take it the wrong way please."

"Don't worry. What's her name?"

"Why don't you introduce yourself, Eri." Ochako spoke to the young child as she hesitantly looked up to show one of her crimson red eyes.


"Hi. My name is Reiko. I'm part of the hero course like your sister here."

Eri moved her head to look at the poltergeist quirk user strangely. "Sister?"

"Yes. Uraraka's your sister, right? Or is Midoriya your brother?" A strange silence came around the four with Eri pointing at Izuku. "So Midoriya's your brother?"

"No. That's my daddy." A strange silence continued for Yanagi to look at both class A students.

"Can one of you specify for me what's happening here?"

"I guess it is a little strange. To make a long story short, I'm taking care of Eri and Ochako is helping me. Eri was held hostage by a villain and is right now under the protective care of the Nighteye agency who gave me the right to be a foster parent. Since Ochako was interning with me and we're in a relationship, Eri calls us mommy and daddy."

"Ok. That makes a little better sense than you and her sleeping together and getting her pregnant at an age that kinda makes no sense."

"....Yes, it does." The four continued in the store while explaining they were trying to find some things for Eri. Since Yanagi knew a little more about cosmetics as opposed to both Izuku and Ochako, she was able to help find some adequate priced things to help.

"This shampoo helps with split ends and dry scalps. A little pricier than store brand, but not nearly as much as some of the high market stuff." She handed the bottle to Izuku who placed it in the basket he had. In their time, they had also gotten a hairbrush, toothbrush, children's body soap and a body sponge to make their trip nearly finished.

"Thank you for your assistance in finding some things, Yanagi."

"My pleasure. By the way, I wanted to ask you about placing an order."

Eri perked up hearing this. "An order you say? Well what are you looking for?"

"Mommy? What are they talking about?" Eri asked for Butters to chime in.

"Outside of hero work, your daddy makes spells and potions to help people. Some aren't bad, while others are kinda specific. Most of the time, it's girls trying to get guys interested in them or something to help their boyfriend out in b-" Ochako covered Butters' mouth to prevent the cat from continuing.

"You really have a mouth on you for a cat."

"So you're looking for something to help with insomnia? How bad is yours?"

"It's not for me. It's for my boyfriend." Both Izuku and Ochako looked at Yanagi as she explained. "You see, I'm dating the General Studies student Hitoshi Shinso. We actually know each other from before UA. I kinda felt bad when he didn't get into UA and we have well....We've recently tried taking our relationship to the next level."

"Oh. Congratulations then."

"It would be if I wouldn't take all the energy out of Hitoshi where he can't even function the next day."

"Way to go, spooky lady! Get your freak on and-mmph!" Ochako covered the cat's mouth for Butters to get tired of having this happen and bite the brunette's finger.

"Ow! Dang cat."

"Before going any farther, no that is not why I need something for insomnia. Hitoshi has had trouble sleeping for years and his quirk unfortunately has given that drawback of an overactive mind. In total, he sleeps probably about three hours a week sometimes." Ochako, Izuku and Butters winced in pain hearing this. "I just want something to help Hitoshi sleep a little more so when we actually know *ahem* he doesn't become a zombie the next day both in personality and physically."

Izuku mauled this over before asking a few questions. "Has he ever taken any medication to help with this?"

"He has, but it didn't work so well and it kept making him sick taking the dosage that actually made him sleep a normal amount of hours."

"Heavy dosage?"

"Very. He was taking a dosage that was for someone about three times his size."

"Hmmm....I think I have something worthwhile at the dorms. How about when the Internships are done, drop by 1-A's dorms and I'll have something that shouldn't make him as sick to his stomach and help him sleep."

"Thank you. You're a lifesaver. How much will I owe you?"

"We'll discuss the payment after we see the results. I'd rather make sure I'm not giving you shotty product for the price of a good one."

"I appreciate it. Thank you." The group walked out with Eri somewhat able to handle walking around with less people in the area. Izuku and Ochako had one final stop at a shoe store for Eri to have a set of nice shoes to wear and some slippers while indoors with Yanagi joining since she didn't have anything better to do. Once they paid, the group walked out and headed towards the bus station. "Well, I'll see you all back at school."

"Thank you for spending time with us. I promise I'll have something for your boyfriend when we get back."

"I appreciate it." Yanagi left with her turning back to see Eri wave goodbye to her. 'Nice kid. I wonder if she'll like spooky things as she gets older.'

And that finishes this chapter. See how Eri handles her new life next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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