The Power of Magic

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"You think you can take us on? Nomu was made to kill All Might, what hope do you have?" "Them's fighting words bitch!" Butters shouted this with Izuku glancing over at the trio. "Get Mr. Aizawa out of here, I can handle these jokes of villains." "We're jokes, huh? LET'S SEE HOW LONG YOU SAY THAT WHEN YOU'RE ON THE GROUND BEATEN BLOODY! NOMU, KILL THE BOY!" The blue haired man shouted at the beast known as Nomu for it to charge. "Heh, so basic." Izuku remained where he was with his shadow moving forward to grab the Nomu's feet to make it fall to the ground. "What's the matter, trip over your own two feet?" Izuku smirked at them with Shigaraki losing his sense of composure. "Move now." Tsu and Camie ran over to their teacher with Ochako staying where she was. "Get out of here now while you have the chance." "I'm not letting you face whatever that thing is alone." "*sigh* Alright, but be careful."

Ochako glanced over to the beast seeing some abnormal thing connected to it's back going upwards. When she looked above the Nomu, she saw what looked like a man mummified chained to the monstrosity, scaring her a bit. "What is this thing?" "Dunno. All I know is it's something regarding the dead." Izuku picked his cane up to walk over near the beast. He swung at it in the face making the cheek burn. The monster screamed in pain with everyone surprised this happened. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO NOMU!?" "When you work with the dead, you look for ways to damage the chains for the brought back soul without any issues needed. The metal of this cane is made of a pure silver that has been blessed with some incantations that disrupt the connection between a soul and it's possessed vessel." "Amazing." "That's bloody brilliant!?" "So what's your name, friend?" "Why do you care?" "Everyone has a story. I also like to know who I'm going to take down today."

The man began smirking before answering. "Tomura Shigaraki. But that won't matter in a few moments. You'll die anyway." The Nomu began to attack Izuku again with oil being spat at it making the beast slide around. "Nicely done Bubbles." Izuku looked over to the koi fish as he held a smirk. "Ya got a light lass?" Bubbles looked up at Ochako who brought out a gas lighter. The fish attacked with oil again for Ochako to light it on fire, burning the beast with the oil that was already on it catching. "That wasn't so hard." "OI PISS POT! WHERE'S YA ULTIMATE WEAPON NOW!?" Bubbles shouted at Shigaraki in confidence before seeing the beast come at him and Ochako. As it came to them, Izuku went in front holding his right arm to brace the punch. The act made it cave in shattering the bones like they were nothing. "AHH!" He was pushed into Ochako with them falling into the water near the flood zone. "Where's that smart attitude now? Nomu, end them."

The two saw the Nomu run over to them with Izuku unable to move his right arm. He held his cane up prepared to fight for the beast to come at them. "MASTER!" Butters came in front and transformed into his largest form he could become. A saber tooth tiger. As he transformed, the enlarged teeth sank into the Nomu's arm, ripping the limb off with one bite. "The only person around here that can piss off my master is ME!"

(Imagine the furs all black)

Butters kept his onslaught going with yanking the best apart limb from limb. Unfortunately, it kept healing itself for the enlarged cat to keep ripping already torn limbs off. In his blind fury, Butters didn't see the Nomu grab it's fang to stop him while holding him up by gripping his stomach prepared to yank it out from the cat's mouth. "Butters!" Izuku ran over in pain with his cane in his left hand jumping up to the monster's head. "NOBODY BEATS ON MY FAMILIAR BUT ME!" Izuku slammed the bottom of his cane in the Nomu's brain while using 5% OFA to force it deep inside. The monster screamed in pain as it tried effortlessly to pull the cane out of it's head. In the act, Butters was dropped for him to rip the arms off with the beast finally falling over and stop moving with Izuku's purification of the body completed.

'Ok, that's pretty awesome." Ochako watched from the side as the soul that was chained to the Nomu was released and ascended into the sky. She didn't understand it completely, but believed the soul went to heaven. Izuku found his way up while Butters pulled his cane out of the beast's head to give back. "You're next Shigaraki." The hand villain started scratching his neck violently after witnessing what he just did. "Nnngh! You cheated. YOU CHEATED! YOU CHEATER!" He came at Izuku in blind rage without noticing Bubbles and Ochako getting back up with the fish shooting a slick bit of oil where he was running. This made the villain slide upwards falling on his back. In the act, Izuku was able to steal a piece of his hair to place on a voodoo doll he made quickly with his shadow. "Leave now, or else." "I'M NOT RUNNING FROM A FEW BRATS!" Shigaraki came at Izuku with him holding the doll in a position with it's arms reached out.

"What the?" "Tsk, tsk, tsk. You should've ran when you had the chance. Now you're my puppet." Izuku's shadow began twisting the arms to make Shigaraki move in a similar fashion. "AAAAHHHH!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? YOU'RE GONNA TWIST MY ARMS OFF!" "If you can't touch something, then that quirk won't work." In fear of his leader, the warpgate villain flew over to Shigaraki with hopes to pull him out of there. "We must fall back Shigaraki." "Kurogiri! Stop him!" The mist man known as Kurogiri teleported them away with Izuku stopping what he did. "Good riddance." He stated this before falling over in pain from his arm. "IZUKU!" Ochako ran to him with Butters kneeling down hoping to help. "Get him on me, he needs medical help!" Ochako did as the giant cat said while holding Izuku on the large familiar herself. The doors shot open with All Might appearing first with many of the teachers. "Get out of the way! I'm taking Izuku to the nurses office!" This was shouted by the brunette as she raced on top of Butters who was in his enlarged form to the school hoping to help her teacher/lover. 'Just hang in there Izuku, I'll get you fixed up good as new.'

Few hours later

Izuku began to wake up with the smell of disinfectants entering his nostrils. "Urgh, what happened?" "IZUKU!" Ochako immediately hugged the greenette with him wincing in pain at the fact his arm was bumped into. "Ow!" "Sorry!" Ochako sat back down in her chair as Izuku propped himself up to speak with her. "What happened after I passed out?" "The pros came and made sure all of our class was safe. They also arrested all the villains except that Shigaraki and Kurogiri guy. Thanks to Butters, we were able to take you to the infirmary rather quickly. Though we did get a lot of fearful looks while storming into the school with him in the shape of a black fur saber tooth tiger. I honestly think I saw one kid pee himself when he saw Butters." "Ain't that the truth."

Butters jumped on Izuk's bed with some bandages on his stomach before sitting in Izuku's lap. "How ya feeling bud?" "My guts hurt cause that stupid thing wanted to touch where it shouldn't, and my one tooth nearly came out from the grab. He did crack it though." "Ouch. We'll get that fixed up later." "No need sonny. I was able to do that as well as heal some internal damage to your not so little friend." An elderly woman came into the room wearing a doctor's coat to sit in a chair. "Your arm did have some damage done to it thanks to the impact. You're lucky there isn't serious damage." She handed a few candies to Izuku and Ochako before handing a few cat treats to Butters. "Thank you mam." "Not a problem." As they sat there, Izuku began to remember what happened to his teacher. "Is Mr. Aizawa going to be alright?" "He suffered some damage to his skull and a few problems with his arm, but he should make a recovery. Unfortunately, he may have some trouble with his quirk for some time." Izuku let out a sigh before having his shadow grab his cane.

"I appreciate everything you've done till now mam, but I must be on my way home." Izuku started to stand while heading to the exit. "You really shouldn't be walking about sonny. You had a lot of stamina drained from you to heal enough of your arm." Izuku struggled with his cane for Ochako to go under his arm to act as some support and someone to help hold his weight. "I'll make sure he gets home safely, Recovery Girl." "Why thank you dear." They started walking away but were in ear range to hear one final comment. "Ah, the joys of being young and in love." Both went a little red before walking out of the nurses office to head home. "By the way, we don't have classes for two days. They said it was to help UA handle the whole 'we were attacked' thing with the press." "I can understand that." Izuku glanced over to smile at Bubbles and Ochako. "I guess I owe you two a thank you for the help.I might not be here if you didn't stop that Shigaraki guy." "Aww, it was no biggie. I was just repaying the favor." "Buy me a few of em nice cigars and we're even." "Deal."

They continued walking to the station where the group of four were able to relax with hardly anyone on the train. Ochako watched as the sun sunk beneath the city line with a smile. "It's beautiful." "It really is." Izuku held his arm around the brunette as she nuzzled her head in the nape of his neck. "Didn't know you were this bold?" This comment made Ochako blush madly. "I-it's not like that. I-I just-" Izuku held his head on top of her's with a smile plastered on. "I don't find it bad. To be honest, I'm really happy you're this comfortable around me. Growing up, people kinda didn't feel so calm around me to the point they'd do what they would have to if they had business with me and leave. It's not a significant thing you may be doing, but I appreciate the fact you're this comfy around me." Ochako started to yawn a bit while agreeing. "What can I say, you're a nice guy Izuku. Nicer than anyone can tell." She started to doze off with Izuku smiling at her innocent looking face. 'She's so cute when she's tired.' He gave her a small peck on the lips before laying back himself. "Butters, wake me up when we're near our stop." "right." The cat laid with his ears perked up hearing all the stops before he'd have to wake Izuku and Ochako from their nap.

At the Midoriya residence

When the four got to Izuku's home, they knocked on the door for Inko to come out and nearly go insane seeing Izuku walking home the way he was. "IZUKU MY BABY! WHAT HAPPENED!?" "I look a lot worse than I am mom. Some guy thought it would be a good idea to mess with UA. Thanks to the four of us, that's not an issue anymore." His mother immediately helped Izuku to his room with Ochako assisting. He quickly found himself about to fall asleep again to yawn and say goodnight to Ochako while apologizing he couldn't see her out. She understood remembering what he did for her today before Inko and her leave Izuku to sleep. When they got to the kitchen, Inko stopped the brunette to speak with her. "Uraraka sweetie, what happened to Izuku today?" She gave a sigh before answering the worried mother.

"A group of villains attacked today. Izuku knew of this somehow with it thanks to him we're even alive right now." Inko was amazed before asking about his injury. "What happened to his arm?" "Me and Bubbles were trying to back him up and this giant undead monster thing came at us. If Izuku didn't take the blunt of the hit, I might've gotten a punch through my stomach." "And I'd be sushi." Bubbles added his part for the concerned mom to smile a bit. "At least I know Izuku is trying his best. But please, try and help him not do reckless stuff like this. It's hard on me when he does and I see the after effects." "I promise I will. It hurt me when I saw him like this as well." "What about me? I nearly had my guts ripped out and almost lost my favorite tooth, don't I get some love?" "Sorry Butters. I forgot to mention how it was thanks to you that we were able to stop that Nomu or whatever they called it today. Thank you." "Oh my, thank you for protecting Izuku Butters." Inko stated this as the cat held a confident smirk before getting water sprayed at him by Bubbles. The two smiled at this before Inko got up to start making a little tea and a small thing to place in the fridge if Izuku got hungry during the night. "Would you like anything to drink Uraraka?" "No I'm fine. I should actually head out so my parents won't worry."

Ochako started to get up before picking Butters up into her arms to give the cat a well deserved belly rub. "Thank you for everything today Butters. You really helped us." "Ohh yeahhhh, right there. That feels amazing." "I'll make sure to stop by tomorrow to give you a nice thank you gift while checking in on Izuku." Butters looked at Ochako with a smirk. "I see why Izuku likes you so much. To be honest, I'm actually liking you more and more by the day." Ochako laughed at this while leaving with a hug being given to Inko before she did. As she left, Inko gave a small saucer of warm milk to the cat in his small bowl. "I think you deserve this after the abuse you had." "Why thank you Inko. You always know how to make me happy." Butters went right into his treat while purring for Inko to watch and smile at the little cat's excitement. This continued for an hour or so before Inko retired to her room. Around this time, Ochako made it home to go directly to bed after telling her parents she was helping someone to their home for them to be rather happy she was this kind hearted. As she laid in her bed, she thought about the visions she had in the moonlight reading to finally put the pieces together. "That jerk, he knew this was gonna happen to some extent! *sigh* I'm way too tired to be mad." She starts to fall asleep knowing she's going to lace into Izuku tomorrow when she sees him.

And that finishes this chapter. So to explain something about Butters, he can transform into any member of the cat family extinct or not so long as Izuk's strength is equivalent to that. The saber tooth tiger is one of the largest members of the cat family(Not saying the largest ever since that goes as far as I can tell to the American Lion), so it's safe to say Izuku is really strong if Butters can transform into it. Anyway, that's all I wanted to touch on. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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