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Which book would ya want ta read? Well vote for one of dees here! XP

Title- Special


Jesse has been alone most of his life thats all he has ever known because he is a bit diffrent. but thats about to change when he needs to save the world with some strangers from an unknown force who seeks vengence and wants Jesse to discover his true power and join this unknown force.
(This will most likely change one day)

Universe- Minecraft Story Mode (MCSM)


•It's a MCSM fanfic

•9 Chapters already completed plus a Prolouge

•Each Chapter has about 1000+ words each

•Super detailed and stuff


•I have a writers block on it

•Not really interested in that fandom right now which will slow down publishing Chapters past chapter 9

Title- The Rouge Robot


She had been part of a secret Skyway Patrol test to see if they could create a powerful, inteligent robot capible of winning any war that might come at them. The test was successful but the robot had strange tendencies to go off program.

When the team attempted to shut her down she resisted and escaped the facility. Now the Skyway Patrol had to catch a powerful, inteligent robot. While the robot traveled around the world in search of crime to stop.

What will she do to evade capture?
(Might change this, but most likely not)

Universe- My Life As A Teenage Robot (MLAATR)


•Has 3 Chapters

•I'm currently obsesed with it, so chapters will be published faster

•You will be able to give me ideas on what could happen next and I would give you cretate

•Has about 1000 words each chapter (sometimes less though)

•It's very detailed (at least i think XD)

•Will probably need another book to finish it XD


•Only has 3 chapters completed

•Full story-line not created yet

Only bits and pieces of the story are deffinetly done and set, some come not until a long time

Title- FX-9 F: Flame X: Xyresic 9


A Collab with ShadowFeather15 :3


"Don't let him get away!"

"Get back here FX-9!"


"Ahh! What happened to your face!!?"

"I don't wanna talk about it..."

"Are you some kind of... Robot?"


"I'm just going to go..."


"No one likes a weird looking Robot or any kind of Robot for that matter... Ugh! Those stupid scientist!"

"Who would even like me? Would anyone even be my friend?"


"I don't think your weird looking"

"Your just saying that.."

"No I'm serious, It's actually pretty cool"

"R-Really!? You think a robot like me is cool?"


"Oh look what the cat draged in!"

"More like the Robo-Cat!"

"Can you stop?"

"What? is it hurting your feelings? Oh! Wait Robots don't have feelings!"

"You'll regret that!"

"Aww what you gonna do about it hmm?.... oh...... RUN!!!"



-Story-line by ShadowFeather
-Cover editing by me
-Writing the story by both of us
-description by me
-Idea by ShadowFeather
-Story Title by me
-Main Character is mine all other characters belong to ShadowFeather or your OC's that you let us use if we need them
-Art in cover not by me or ShadowFeather


•Can be dark

Universe- Me and ShadowFeather15's own made up universe


•It's a collab story

•Me an Shadow have tons of ideas for this story

•Shadow might make a animation series on her youtube channel based on this story

•You could have your own characters featured in the book


•Uh nothing is actually written yet

Uh idk what else to put here lol

Now to show you how detailed these storys can be by giving you a sneek peek-


•As I was backing up I tripped and fell and my sword flew out of my hand. My back hit the hard ground knocking the wind out of me. Jay stood over me, his diamond sword reflecting the sinking sun's rays. Jay grined evily, rasing his sword to give the final blow.

•I equiped my stone sword and went into a defencive potition. Hewie barked at the Zombies as they got closer. The smell of rotten flesh made me gag and I new they were a few feet away, so I signaled for Hewie to attack. He gave out a bark like some kind of battle cry and I heard his footsteps and his claws scrapping on the stone floor. I heard a thump noise and Hewie's growls then a 'poof' sound and new my trusty commpanion took out one of the flesh eaters.

The Rouge Robot-

•A low humming sound was heard from the machine, Nora stepped back away from the table, the robots eyes blinked open for the first time, it layed there for a moment almost completly still exept for the constant movement from it's black eyes. It's metalic fingers moved slowly, finally figuring out how to move it's body, it sat up slowly. It's eyes darted around taking in the sight of the room, it saw the door for the first time and its own legs the robot moved its leg a bit, the movement interested the robot, but what really interested the machine was the other beings in the room.

•There was a camp close by to where the plains landed. The Skyway Patrol solders started to exit out of the jets and to the camp. "Don't get yourself killed, alright guys?" Jay told his two best friends, XJ-9 and Shadow. "I can't technically die, but I could be shut down or blown to pieces so that I couldn't be repared" XJ-9 stated, Jay rolled his eyes "Okay smarty pants don't explode" Jay joked as he started the jet and took off. "Lets get to the camp and wait for orders" Shadow said after Jay's jet took off, XJ-9 nodded and walked to the camp with her friend.

FX-9 F: Flame X: Xyresic 9-

I ran as fast as I could out of the building, good thing I had gotten out of there before they could do anything else to me. My metal claws scraped against the stone ground as I ran into the city.

•This video is where we got the idea for the story



The Rouge Robot:

FX-9 F: Flame X: Xyresic 9:

So vote for one of deez and I hope you enjoy da storys!

Note- All books will be published eventually also note that the voting ends at the end of Febuary so that gives you about one month to vote have fun!

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