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Taeyong slapped him once again.

"Don't you even dare calling me that."

Jaehyun fell speechless. He looked down as he continued to hear the boy cried. Taeyong pushed and punched, with weak fists, the man continuously. The man lets him. He doesn't even know what to say.

He can't make any excuses. They were caught. He knew he'll get caught. He just doesn't know why he continued.

"You promised! You promised me, I'm the only one! Why am I fucking sharing with someone else? Why am I sharing with a fucking slut?" Taeyong cried and continued pushing Jaehyun.

Eunhee furrowed her eyebrows and quickly ran up to Taeyong, "Hey, you're hurting hi--"

Taeyong slapped her even harder than he slapped Jaehyun. He clenched his jaw and wanted to kill the woman. His eyebrow raised. She even wore a red fitted dress, barely covering her body. His blood boiled as he remembered what he saw inside the car.

"And you? Don't even try showing yourself to me again. You don't know what I am capable of," Taeyong muttered.

Eunhee looked at Jaehyun and the man just nodded. The woman swallowed before she ran away from the couple. Taeyong looked at Jaehyun who still has his head down. The boy couldn't stop tearing up and seriously, it hurts Jaehyun to see him like that.

"I-I would never ever...think about you doing this to me. Where did I go wrong? When did I..." Taeyong cleared his throat, it was getting hard to talk because of him crying, "I knew about this last month...But I denied it just because I trusted you. I trusted you...I-I didn't want to accept the f-fact that you cheated on me...Do you even know how much it hurts, Jaehyun?"

"Taeyong...I didn't mean to hurt you--"

"Then, why? W-Why did you choose to cheat on me?" Taeyong asked.

Jaehyun didn't reply. He doesn't know what to say. He knew he broke Taeyong. Taeyong sighed and sniffled.

"I-Is it still about our family? Jaehyun...I'm not ready to have a baby! What part of that did you not understand?" Taeyong uttered, "So, that's why, you chose to cheat on me? Did you even want to impregnate that woman? Then, what? You'll divorce with me and be with her instead? Is that what you want?"

"Tell me...was everything an act?" Taeyong asked, staring straight at the man, "The dinner dates? The first kisses? Our 5 years of dating? The promises? The marriage? Me...Loving me? Was everything an act for you?"

Jaehyun slowly held Taeyong's hand and caressed the slim fingers. He rubbed his thumb over Taeyong's wedding ring. He didn't even expect a tear would escape from his eye.

The man shook his head and looked at Taeyong, "O-Of course not...I love you, Taeyong. I really do. E-Everything was true...Believe me--"

"I think...I'll have to live with Johnny for now--"

"Taeyong, please," Jaehyun pleaded, "I have no excuse a-and I don't blame you hating me... but I can't afford losing you."

Jaehyun kissed the boy's palm and didn't ever want to let go. Taeyong didn't want to as well but he slowly pulled his hand away from Jaehyun's.

"You already did."

Taeyong removed his wedding ring and put it on Jaehyun's hand.

The boy walked away and the man could only watch him. Jaehyun didn't want to stop him. He'll give Taeyong some space and hopefully, he'll be able to bring Taeyong back to him. Right now, his wedding ring would be the only thing he'll be holding as a sign of hope.


Ten saw his friend coming into his house. The boy looked devastated. His eyes were puffy and tired from crying. Ten immediately stood from the sofa and ran to hug his friend. Taeyong, expectedly, tightly hugged back.

Taeyong gripped onto the boy's shirt and cried on the shoulder.

"I-I don't know if I did the r-right thing...I love him, I really do, Ten..." Taeyong cried.

Ten rubbed his friend's back, "Of course, Tae. For now, give yourself some rest, alright? I'll give you the guest room and borrow you some clothing, okay? I'll let John get your things tomorrow. Okay, bub?"

Taeyong nodded as a response.

Johnny came into their house with River in his arms. He leaned to give Ten a peck on the lips.

"I'll bring him to his room," Johnny said.

Ten grabbed River while he passed Taeyong to his fiancee. The boy just watched them walk up the stairs. Ten suddenly got worried for Taeyong.

"Why is Uncle Yongie crying, mama?" River asked.

Ten smiled, "Nothing, baby. Let's go and eat? I'm sure you're hungry."

"Maybe Uncle Yongie is hungry too?"

"We'll leave him alone for a while, Riv."

A/N: last dance by one ok rock

stan them, cuz yuta stans them

also, y'all want them to divorce... *coughs

i'll have y'all suffer

Love lots ♥

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