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It wasn't new that he cried himself to sleep again. He was already late and hunger woke him up this morning. He couldn't even stand up just because of how heavy he was feeling. He couldn't even remember how cold it was without Jaehyun beside him.

His heart was aching.

As a habit, he usually fidgets with his ring around his finger whenever he's thinking but he forgot, he gave it back.


Taeyong looked by the door and saw Ten with a breakfast table. Ten smiled as walked towards the boy with River by his leg, holding his mother's pants.

"We brought food," Ten said.

River ran towards his uncle which Taeyong sat up to carry the boy and let him seat on his lap.

"Thanks," Taeyong briefly smiled as Ten laid the table down on the bed.

"Johnny's out to get your clothes. I also asked him to tell...Jaehyun that you'll be having a week leave."

The boy furrowed his eyebrows, "H-He...has a meeting today. I need to be there--"

"I'm sure you can't face him yet. For now, you have to rest," Ten uttered.

Taeyong had no choice but to nod. He doesn't even know what he'll do when they meet again. He also doesn't look okay. He looked so messed up. He doesn't know when will he stop crying, when will he ever forget about everything.

"Oh, you're awake."

Johnny came into the room and put the luggage near the cabinet. He greeted his fiancee and as well as his son.

"Daddy, play!" River held up a toy car for Johnny to look at.

"I'll play with you when you get home from school, okay, kiddo?" Johnny said.

Ten stood and grabbed River from Taeyong, "I'll take him to bath then I'll walk him to school. You take care of him, alright?"

"Of course."

The boy with his child walked out of the room and closed the door behind them. Johnny looked back at Taeyong who looked away and continued to eat his breakfast. The man looked at his brother's ring finger.

"Why did you give it back?" Johnny asked.

"The what?" Taeyong asked back.

"The ring."

The boy stopped, "I thought I should just give it back. He broke his promises and my trust."

"Does that mean you're separating with him?"

Taeyong slowly shrugged, "I don't know..."

Johnny sighed, "He is waiting for you. I could tell he regretted everything. I'm not on his side, I'm neither on anyone's side. I'm out of your story."

The boy didn't reply anything. He just continued to eat and tried his hardest not to breakdown.

"You're not ready, and I know that. Just so you know, I am here as your brother. I'll support and protect you no matter what. Okay?"

Taeyong hugged Johnny and quietly cried on the man's shoulder.

"Where's your ring?"

Jaehyun looked at his hand, "I think I lost it."

Mark furrowed his eyebrows, "What? You're not the kind of guy to lose something important."

The man laid his utensils down as he felt he's done with his meal. Mark is their college friend and currently, Jaehyun's company partner. They also met just because Mark's boyfriend, Donghyuck, is Taeyong's cousin.

"Did something happen?" Mark asked.

Jaehyun leaned back against the chair and drank his red wine. He sighed and asked for the waiter for another refill of the wine.

"I don't like to talk about it," Jaehyun answered.

The man shrugged, "Whatever it is, I hope you'll get through it."

The man swirled the wine as he furrowed his eyebrows. He leaned against the table and looked at Mark.

"If someone done something unforgivable to you... would you still forgive them?"

Mark chuckled and wiped his mouth with a napkin. He grabbed his wine glass and took a small sip, "I don't know. What kind of unforgivable mess is it, smarty pants?"

"For example, Hyuck cheated on you."

The man stopped and looked straight into Jaehyun's eyes. Jaehyun raised an eyebrow at him.

"Would you forgive him?" Jaehyun asked.

Mark shrugged, "It depends. I wouldn't forgive him right away but if he makes an effort, then I could somehow forgive him."

"You'll still forgive him after what happened that possible could ruin you?"

"I don't have any reasons not to forgive him. He did an effort and I saw how sorry he was, I'll forgive him. Forgiving is acceptance, alright?"

The man looked down and leaned back on the chair again. Mark thought Jaehyun seemed to be going through a difficult time right now. As much as he wanted to stay to comfort him, he received a message from Donghyuck.

"Sorry, Jae. I need to go. Donghyuck will have some kind of tantrums if I don't get home--"

Mark accepted the call as he immediately stood up.

"See you, Jaehyun--Y-Yeah! Yeah! I'm on my way, love..."

Jaehyun was left on the table. He stayed at the restaurant until he emptied the bottle of wine.

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